Deific Armor (5e Equipment)

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Deific Armor

Plate Armor – Legendary

Requires An Evil or Good Alignment

This armor is one given by the gods and as such it is extraordinarily powerful however it is also exceedingly rare to obtain. One must only obtain this armor after doing something that pleases their god to the extreme or if they are a chosen of their god or something else seemingly as impossible. Stats (Base form, Helmet off) +3 Armor Resistant to Radiant, Necrotic and Poison (Inhaled not from attack ) Damage. Advantage on Persuation Checks if Good Aligned god, or Intimidation Evil Aligned god.

(Battle form, Helmet Engaged) +1 AC Flaming Halo Turns into Wings giving fly Speed of 40 feet Amor Limits Move Speed to 20 Feet Armor Amplifies Damage + d6 damage of Radiant Per Weapon Hit if Good Aligned God + d6 damage of Necrotic Per Weapon Hit if Evil Aligned God Gain Resistant to Psychic Damage and Immunity to Any effects that Affect the Wearers Mind

Appearance: Good Aligned God- The armor is a bright opal white that has fiery golden trim that dances on the armor. The pauldrons, Tabard and capes are adorned in Blessings from the god that glow a golden yellow and hover slightly above the armor. The Capes draped off of the back of the pauldrons and the collar of the armor and the half tabard are all blood red. Behind the head hovered a burning white and yellow halo that gives off 15 feet of light but no heat. The helmet is stored in the collar behind the head above where the cape is and when activates slides over top of the head and locks into the collar of the armor.

Evil Aligned God- The armor is a dark black like the midnight sky that has fiery orange trim that dances on the armor. The pauldrons, Tabard and capes are adorned in Blessings from the god that glow a golden orange and hover slightly above the armor. The Capes draped off of the back of the pauldrons and the collar of the armor and the half tabard are all blood red. Behind the head hovered a burning orange and white halo that gives off 15 feet of light but no heat. The helmet is stored in the collar behind the head above where the cape is and when activates slides over top of the head and locks into the collar of the armor.

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