Dragonborn (3.5e Race)

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Born to fight, dragonborn are a race of wandering mercenaries, soldiers, and adventurers. Long ago, their empire contended for worldwide dominion, but now only a few rootless clans of these honorable warriors remain to pass on their legends of ancient glory.


To a dragonborn, honor is more important than life itself. First and foremost, honor is tied to battlefield conduct. Adversaries should be treated with courtesy and respect, even if they are bitter enemies. Caution and discretion are key to a warrior’s survival, but fear is a disease and cowardice is a moral failing. The drive to behave honorably extends into the rest of a dragonborn’s life: Breaking an oath is the height of dishonor, and attention to honesty extends to every word. A commitment made must be carried out. Ultimately, a dragonborn takes responsibility for his or her actions and their consequences. this depends on their alignment as well a dragonborn whose alignment is a good or lawful base honor is everything. on the flip side if their alignment is a chaotic or evil base they don't truly care and will do anything they want to their opponents at any time

Physical Description

Dragonborn resemble humanoid dragons. They’re covered in scaly hide, but they don’t have tails or wings (but if you want to live your tail-swishing fantasies, ask your DM if you can have a tail.). They are tall and strongly built, often standing close to 6 feet in height and weighing 150 pounds or more -- females being of basically the same height and weight as males. Their hands and feet are strong, talon like claws with four fingers and a thumb on each hand. A dragonborn’s head can feature a blunt snout, a strong brow, and distinctive frills at the cheek and ear. Behind the brow, a crest of hornlike scales of various lengths resembles thick, ropy hair. Their eyes are shades of red or gold.

A typical dragonborn’s scales can be scarlet, gold, rust, ocher, bronze, or brown. Rarely do an individual’s scales match the hue of a chromatic or metallic dragon, and scale color gives no indication of the type of breath weapon a dragonborn uses. Some Dragonborn whose scales do match the colorations of a metallic dragon are sometimes mistaken for Draconians in societies where evil is more prominent. Most dragonborn have very fine scales over most of their body, giving their skin a leathery texture, with regions of larger scales on the forearms, lower legs and feet, shoulders,and thighs.

Young dragonborn grow faster than human children do. They walk hours after hatching, reach the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3 and reach adulthood by 15. They normally live about as long as 80 years.


Dragonborn don't favor races based on history, despite their deep immersion in conquests and stories of the past. Commonly, their relation-based decisions are dependant on the attitude of the person that they associate with. An honorable person would make good friends with a dragonborn, while a dishonest person would most likely become an enemy. Dragonborn also have respect for those who adventure, be it as a spellcaster or swordsman.


Tradition, the strongest of glues, holds Dragonborn societies together. Each group of Dragonborn may have its own traditions, as well as outlooks on life, but nearly all follow the ideologies of lawful society. Evil and good don't matter much to Dragonborn, however, and Lawful Good clans have been documented associating with Lawful Evil ones.


Dragonborn lands are found everywhere, but not anywhere. Dragonborn can make a home out of ruins, plains, or mountains, but they tend to form clans and stick to them. Expansion does happen, but it's usually because a Dragonborn town is overpopulated or the clan needs to make a show of their control over their lands.


Dragonborn commonly revere the Dragon gods, Bahamut and Tiamat. Others may worship Boccob, the god of magic, and travelers could also pay tribute to Fharlangan, the god of roads. Sometimes Dragonborn don't even follow a religion, though they commonly cooperate with the traditions of their clan.


Dragonborn speak Draconic, the language of magic that also serves as the basis for Auran and Ignan. Dragonborn adventurers are also drawn to the languages of powerful beings, namely celestials and devils. Another language is Giant(speak to orcs and Giants).


  • Male Names: Arjhan, Balasar, Bharash, Donaar, Ghesh, Heskan, Kriv, Medrash, Nadarr, Patrin, Rhogar, Shamash, Shedinn, Torinn, Bathamut, Jaun, Koros
  • Female Names: Akra, Biri, Daar, Harann, Kava, Korinn, Mishann, Nala, Perra, Raiann, Sora, Surina, Thava

Racial Traits

  • +4 strength, +2 constitution, +2 charisma. Built for combat, these warriors are hardy combatants, but not as agile as other races. However, Dragonborn are also respectful and relatively easy to get along with when they're not raging or debating about their history.
  • Humanoid (Reptilian)
  • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Dragonborn have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Dragonborn base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: A Dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He or she retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Darkvision
  • Frightful presence as supernatural ability. The save DC is 10+1/2HD+ the dragon s CHA. mod.
  • Natural armor +2
  • Immunity to Sleep and Paralysis +Breath of Choice
  • +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Knowledge (History) checks: Dragonborn are skilled at making themselves fearsome, and are also deeply rooted in the glorious stories of days long past.
  • Dragonborn Fury (Ex): When a Dragonborn takes damage that would make them bloodied (50% or less hit points), they enter a rage that gives them a temporary +2 insight bonus to Strength until they are no longer bloodied or have not fought for at least 1 hour. Dragonborn cannot use skills or abilities that require patience or concentration (such as moving silently or casting a spell) while in this fury.
  • Dragon Breath (Su): When creating a Dragonborn, choose 1 energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) and 1 type of breath weapon (15 ft. cone or 30 ft. Line ) as your breath weapon. These selections cannot be changed after they have been chosen. Once per encounter, as a standard action, a Dragonborn can use their breath weapon to deal 1d8 damage to all within the area of the breath (Reflex save for half: DC 10+1/2 Dragonborn HD+Constitution modifier). At 5th level the damage increases to 2d8, and increases by 1d8 every five levels thereafter.
  • Draconic Awakening (Ex): at level 20 your dragon blood has matured, allowing you to assume the form of your ancestors. once per day for one encounter (or 10 minutes outside of combat) you can assume the form of an Adult Dragon, giving you all the benefits that come with it. However, such a form takes a heavy toll on your body, causing you to lose 2000 exp each time you assume this form until level 30 where you have completely matured and can assume the form whenever you please for free
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Goblin, Ignan, Orc.
  • Favored Class: Sorcerer or Warrior.
  • Level Adjustment: +2

Vital Statistics

Table: Dragonborn Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
15 years +1d8 +1d10 +1d12
Table: Dragonborn Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
120 years 170 years 220 years +20d20 years
  1. At middle age, −1 Con; +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Dragonborn Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6' 0" +3d4 150 lb. × (4d4) lb.
Female 5' 9" +3d4 140 lb. × (4d4) lb.

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