Phoenix Telethia (5e Creature)

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Phoenix Telethia

Medium aberration, unaligned (if it was transformed from a high entia character can be their alignment)

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 16 (D8)
Speed 30ft(The Phoenix Telethia can fly within a movement speed of 30ft)

16 (+3) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)

Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Damage Resistances psionic and lightning
Condition Immunities Charmed and fear
Senses blindsight 30 feet
Challenge 7 (15 XP)

Flight. .


Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +strength to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (1d8 + 7) slashing damage.

Soul Read psionic spell:, reach 40 ft., the user. When cast this spell creates a field of psionic energy around the user similar to mage armor that within a 40 feet radius gives disadvantage to opponents on attacks with weapons and the user advantage against spells cast from within the radius if you are within the radius at the start of your turn you must make either an intelligence or wisdom save of CR 16 on a success you become immune to the effects for that turn.

Telethia Tail Melee weapon attack:+ strength to hit, reach 7 ft., one target Hit: 15×2(1d8+7 per hit) bludgeoning damage. If both hits are successful the target must make a successful dexterity save of the Telethia's cr or be knocked prone

Breath Weapons(recharge 4-5) the Phoenix telethia can use one of the following breath weapons

Telethia Arrow VI The Telethia targets one creature within 60 feet of it releasing two blasts of non-elemental ether from its mouth at the target for 25(4d8+3) force damage per hit to which the target must make a dexterity saving throw on a success they take half damage from the first hit and then half again if they succeed on the second.

Shockwave The Telethia releases a cone of electrified Ether 30 feet in length and 50 feet in width from its mouth, those within the area of the attack must make a DC 16 dexterity save on a fail taking 45 (2d20+5) lighting damage and half as much on a save, on a failed dexterity save the struck targets must then make a constitution save on a fail becoming paralyzed.

A Phoenix Telethia from Xenoblade chronicles, image from the xenoblade fandom page:

An insect-like beast that serves the soul of the Bionis known as Zanza. As a Phoenix Telethia it is one of the lesser forms of Telethia known to serve the higher form known as the Gigas Telethia bringing ether and mana to keep the higher from sustained, a Phoenix Telethia, as well as most forms, have have a slight form of mind-reading they may use known as Soul Read, allowing them to evade and counter other beings before they make their move.

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