Mighty Bow (5e Equipment)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Better than any SRD weapon. Longer reload doesn't keep a player from just switching to another weapon, effectively granting free extra damage. Many features are nonsense as well.

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Mighty Bow

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Mighty Bow 180gp 2d6+Str 8lb Ammunition (range 60/80), Martial, Special, Two Handed, Crit 19-20, Masterwork

A mighty Bow is made to be much thicker and sturdier than a standard longbow, able to shoot larger arrows at a much higher velocity, albeit at a shorter range. Mighty Bows are considered +1 Masterwork Weapons

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Using a Mighty Bow.

  1. Requires a round to reload, or a DC 15 STR check to reload as a bonus action, due to the dense wooden shaft needing effort to flex.