Rope Blade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Any sword), Rare

This weapon is a brown blade with a burlap hilt, yet it is very sturdy. Both the blade and hilt have a tight spiral all the way up the sword, from the base to the tip.

Climbing Rope. On one side of the blade is the dwarvish word for climb. When you speak the word in dwarvish, the blade unravels into a 60 ft. length of rope that launches itself up to the top of a wall or cliff all on its own. It will anchor to the wall or cliff with a connection that can hold up to 3,000 pounds. Any more than that and it will get pulled out of the wall and change back into a sword. At any time, you can speak the word again and the rope with put itself into your hand and change back into the blade it started as.

Ensnaring Rope. On the other side of the blade is the dwarvish word for trap. When you speak the word in dwarvish and point the blade at a creature, the blade unravels into a length of rope enough to ensnare the creature. The creature can make a Strength saving throw equal to a DC 8 + your proficiency bonus (only if you're proficient in the type of sword it started as) + your Charisma modifier. If it succeeds, the rope lets go of the creature and changes back into a blade. If it fails, it becomes grappled by the blade and can retry the saving throw as many times as it takes to be released. You cannot use the climbing ability if a creature is ensnared by the blade and this blade can only ensnare creatures your size or smaller.

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