Flurry Bow (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Shortbow), rare

Beautifully crafted Elven Shortbow inlaid with obsidian and bone.

+1 to attack and damage roll.

Due to its superior construction and intricate riser crafted with double rests, this bow fires two arrows at once at blinding speed. It deals 1d6 plus an additional 1d4 piercing damage for the second arrow. Once per turn, you can choose to do a split-shot and direct the second arrow at another creature or object, as long as it's within 10 feet of the original target, dealing 1d6 piercing damage to the original target and 1d4 piercing damage to the second. Another attack roll is not required for the second arrow in the split-shot, as long as the first hits. Its added strength increases the range slightly over a typical shortbow as well (120/450)

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