Draconic Fury (5e Equipment)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: How are properties are used? In addition, what exactly environmental damage is needs to be explained(weather normally doesn't do damage, extreme weather gives exhaustion, do traps, lair actions of legendary creatures, and other ect things count as well?) because what exactly this covers is unclear.

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: The dragon(born) blood regaining charges ability should probably absorb x amount of blood (ounces, quarts, gallons, etc.) for 1 charge, instead of merely soaking in it. Although carrying dragonblood is unlikely, and too expensive for early game, a dragonborn user could mitigate this fairly easily.

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Weapon (Quarterstaff), Legendary

The First Archmage of the Arcadian mage guild, hunted dragons for there magical properties. He trapped there souls, building there rage in a glass ball, which he used to make this staff. The staff is made of a dragon bones, with the glass ball on top seemingly grabbed on to by the talons of the beast. The hilt of it wrapped in a soft yet durable cloth made of refined dragon scales, dragon blood, and paper made from the bark of sage wood trees.

Dragon Color. The glass ball on top of the staff will change color based on the elements they come in contact with, representing the dragon associated with that color. Acid (black), lightning (blue), fire (red), poison (Green), ice (white). The glass becomes clear each day at dawn.

Ability Charges. This weapon has 20 charges. It regains 1d20 expended charges daily at dawn. If dragon or dragonborn blood is poured on it or if the staff is soaked in dragon blood, it will restore one charge every six seconds with the dragon blood.

Breath Weapon. This consumes 2 charges. You can breath the element of the element of the dragon associated with the color of the glass sphere in a 30 foot line (Dexterity saving throw). The save DC is 16 and on a fail the target take 4d6 damage, and on a pass they take half.

Flight. This consumes 3 charges. Spectral Dragon wings appear on your back. You gain a flight speed of 35 feet for up to 10 minutes. The wings may be dismissed at any time with a bonus action.

Elemental Confort. This consumes 1 charge. In areas relating to the dragon with the color of the glass sphere, rough terrain is ignored and environmental damage(weather and damage dealt from terrain) is halved for one hour.

Elemental Protection. This consumes 5 charges. You gain resistance to the element associated with the dragon associated with the glass sphere for 10 minutes.

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