The Blade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (katana), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of a lawful alignment)

While you were taking the carousing downtime activity option, I studied the blade. While you were rolling dice in an attempt to seduce a made up character in a GameStop, I mastered the blade. While you wasted your days taking low-level quests in pursuit of experience points to further level your munchkin characters, I cultivated the blade. And now that the Dungeon Master has miscalculated the strength of this encounter and that goblin has rolled its 3rd critical success, you have the audacity to come to me for help? -The first wielder of The Blade

A light, curved, single-edged blade with a square gold inlay guard and long grip to accommodate two-handed use. Written in an ancient text, in a language forgotten to time are the words inscribed on to the hilt, "お前はもう死んでいる"

Magic Weapon

Unless attuned to, The Blade is considered a normal katana.

The Blade is a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. As a bonus action, you can speak the inscription on the blade, "omae wa mou shindeiru". When spoken you may teleport behind a creature you can sense within 120 feet and immediately make an attack action as a bonus action. You may only use The Blade this way against that creature once before you must complete a long rest to do it again to the same creature. This katana also functions as a sword of wounding, a vorpal sword and strikes made with this weapon deal an additional die's worth of damage.

Otherwordly Sense

You cannot be surprised and you have blindsight within a 120-foot radius while you have at least one hand on The Blade. You must declare you do this(out of character).

April Fools!
This content is not designed for use in regular games, and may affect overall balance and gameplay. Take caution when using this material.

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