3.5e Weapon Feats

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Weapon Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Armed Deflect Arrows Weapon Focus, Dex 13 You can deflect arrows, including crossbow bolts, spears and other shot or thrown weapons with your chosen weapon.
Axe Frenzy Weapon Focus (any One Axe Weapon) You can strike exceptionally fast with axes.
Axe Hurling Weapon Focus (any One Axe Weapon) You can throw any axe.
Bloodletting Weapon Focus Your strikes can cause someone to bleed to death.
Bonded Weapon Base attack bonus +8, Improved Critical (with Weapon), Proficient With Weapon, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Weapon Specialization (with Weapon) You have used a single weapon so much that you have formed an almost spiritual bond with that specific weapon.
Combat Opportunist Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Sneak Attack +1d6 You have trained extensively in attacking openings in your opponent’s defenses with a particular weapon. Choose one weapon such as short sword. With that weapon, your attacks of opportunity can be devastating.
Crossbow Dead-Eye Weapon Focus (any crossbow), Weapon Specialization (any crossbow), BAB +6 or better You can target vitals and make a devastating, single attacks with a crossbow.
Dagger Dash Simple Weapon Proficiency (dagger), Weapon Focus (dagger), flurry of blows class feature You pursue a martial path that uses the dagger.
Defense Specialization Weapon Focus (with melee weapon), Weapon Specialization (with melee weapon), Fighter level 12th You have mastered using your chosen weapon for defense.
Energy Strike Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, BAB +6 or better
Fast Reload Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow), Weapon Focus (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow) You may reload a repeating crossbow as a move action.
Favored Weapon Base Attack Bonus +4, Weapon Focus, Masterwork (or Better) Weapon Character expertly wields his favorite weapon.
Greater Critical Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +16 Choose one type of weapon.
Improved Fast Reload Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow), Weapon Focus (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow), Weapon Specialization (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow) Load a reload repeating crossbow as a free action and no attack of opportunity.
Improved Weapon Finesse Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (any finessed weapon), base attack bonus +4 You've become more reliant on agility rather than strength when it comes to damage.
Master Disarm Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Weapon Focus (any), Fighter level 4. You are an expert at disarming your opponent.
Monk Weapon Mastery Proficient With chosen weapon, Weapon Focus (with weapon), base attack bonus +6 Through dedication, training and hard work, a monk can master any weapon.
Pull Blow Int 13, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Heal 1 rank, Base attack bonus +3 You can choose to leave your victims alive when they might otherwise die
Savage Critical Str 13, Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Base attack bonus +5 Your critical hits are more powerful.
Spiked Chain Focus Drow, Proficiency with Spiked Chain, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +1 You are trained by the master drow cave-stalkers in the arts of spiked chain fighting.
Still Weapon Technique Improved Unarmed Strike, Dexterity 14 A way to expand your options as a bare fist fighter.
Suppressing Weapon Focus Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1. Turn the special abilities of your weapon on and off.
Unerring Weapon Int 12, Weapon Focus with weapon, Weapon Specialization with weapon, base attack bonus 12+ You possess masterful control over your weapon and perform precise strikes with it.
Weapon Focus, Variant Proficiency with selected weapon, BAB +1. A variant of the weapon focus feat that our group uses a lot.
Weapon Manipulation Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, BAB +4.
Weapon Reliability Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus, Base attack bonus +10 Your skill with your chosen weapon means that you don’t miss the easy ones.
Whip Focus Weapon Proficiency: Whip, Dex 16 You are very skilled with the technical aspects of using a whip
Wrap Shot Weapon Focus (any One Flexible Weapon) You have learned to swing your flexible weapon around obstructions.


Chosen Weapon Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Alternate Strikes Base attack bonus +6 You may alternate attacks between two weapons.
Epic Two-Weapon Defense Dex 21, Greater Two-Weapon Defense*, Improved Two-Weapon Defense*, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +21 When fighting with two weapons, your defenses are extremely strong.
Improved Monkey Grip Str 15, Base Attack Bonus: +6,Two-Weapon Fighting You can wield larger weapons than creatures of your size, even in your off hand.
Improved Power Double Weapon Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +6 You can inflict terrible blows with a double weapon.
Main Gauche Two-Weapon Fighting Defend with an off-hand weapon
Power Double Weapon Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +3 You have learned to maximize the strength of your blows when wielding a double weapon.
Twin Weapon Fighting Two-Weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +6 You can wield a matching pair of weapons, one in each hand, with extraordinary ability.
Two-Weapon Focus Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (with the selected weapon), Dexterity 18, Base Attack Bonus +11 Two-weapon fighting is easier for you when fighting with two matching weapons.
Two-Weapon Harmony Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +9 Your mastery of this style allows you to act with both weapons in harmony.
Weapon and Shield Offensive Harmony Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +5 You have mastered the art of using your shield as a weapon, to complement your blade.
Weapon Brace Base attack bonus +2 By bracing your weapons together, you can resist a Sundering attack more effectively.


Unarmed Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Altered Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed Strike You can inflict different types of damage with your unarmed strikes.
Improved Deflect Arrows Dex 13, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike You can deflect arrows several times in a round.
Improved Martial Arts Wis 10, BAB +3, Improved Unarmed Strike You deal more damage while unarmed
Ki of the Masters Wis 13, Str 11, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +3 You have learned to channel your Ki into devastating unarmed attacks.
Master Grapple Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, base attack bonus 4+ You are an expert at grappling and can even turn your opponent's failed attempts against him.
One-Two Punch Improved Unarmed Strike, BAB 4+. You add an extra unarmed attack when your opponent least expects it.
Open Hand, Focused Mind Str 13 With your psionic ability you are a deadly opponent in unarmed combat.
Pin Weapon Base attack bonus +3 This feat allows you to 'lock blades' with an opponent, reducing their ability to react
Psionic Strike Str 13, Psionic Fist, Reserve power points 1 With your psionic ability you are a deadly opponent in unarmed combat.
Toss Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple You may throw an opponent when grappling.
Unbalancing Fist Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +4 You can throw your enemy off balance with a single precise blow to a nerve center.
Yang Combat Focus Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike Your Combat Focus training enhanced your offensive Ki powers.
Yin Combat Focus Wis 13, Combat Focus, Wisdom bonus to AC Your Combat Focus training enhanced your defensive Ki powers.


Natural Weapon Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Ki Claw Flurry of Blows, natural weapon You can channel ki into your natural weapons.
Way of the Gargoyle Combat Reflexes You have mastered the art of combat in alternate forms.