Divine Teapot (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Very rare

This teapot once belonged to a gathering of high clerics. Over time, its proximity to such powerful divine magics imbued it with strange powers, and the tea brewed in this teapot began displaying strange effects.

Divine Brew. When a creature drinks tea brewed in this teapot, they become the subject of a random magical effect; roll on the Divine Effect table to determine what happens. Non-instantaneous effects last for 8 hours or until dispelled. For the purpose of dispelling, these magical effects are considered 9th-level spells. If the effect grants the drinker a spell, or causes a spell to be cast, the ability modifier for these spells is Wisdom.

Divine Effect table. When rolling on the Divine Effect table, roll a d8 to determine the divine domain, then flip a coin (or a roll a die) to determine whether the effect is good or bad. On a heads (or an even number) the effect is good; on a tails (or an odd number) the effect is bad.

d8 Domain Effect
1 Death Good effect. The Raven Queen, goddess of the dead, feels that it's not yet your time; you roll death saving throws with advantage.

Bad effect. You have a near-death experience. Feeling that you should have died, the Raven Queen subtly draws you closer to death's door. You roll death saving throws with disadvantage.

2 Knowledge Good effect. The goddess Ioun enhances your comprehension. You gain the ability to read, write and speak all languages, including Druidic and Thieves' Cant. In addition, you have advantage on Intelligence checks made to decipher codes.

Bad effect. You are influenced by Vecna, god of evil secrets; whenever you attempt to speak, make a Charisma saving throw. On a 20 or higher, you are able to speak normally for a few seconds. On a 15-19, you can speak, but other creatures are distrustful of you. On a 14 or lower, you can only speak lies.

3 Life Good effect. The god Helm grants you a protective boon. You gain the ability to cast Cure Wounds and may cast it at will. In addition, when you roll a 1 on a healing die or hit die, you may reroll it and take the new result, even if the new result is a 1.

Bad effect. You lose all your hit die, as Helm has granted your health to one he deems more deserving. You do not regain these hit dice after 8 hours—you must regain them as you would if you spent these hit dice normally, such as through a long rest.

4 Light Good effect. Pelor's light flows through you, striking fear into the undead. You gain the ability to Turn Undead and Destroy Undead (PHB p.59). For the purposes of these features, your cleric level is considered to be your total level. You may use this feature twice, regaining both uses at the end of a short rest.

Bad effect. The power of Pelor, god of the sun, seeps into your body. Your body is under the effects of the Light cantrip, and attack rolls made against you are at advantage, unless the attacker is sensitive to bright light.

5 Nature Good effect. Silvanus, god of wild nature, grants you the forms of beasts. You gain the Wild Shape feature (PHB p. 66) and may use it twice. For the purposes of this feature, your druid level is considered to be equal to your total level. You regain all uses at the end of a short rest.

Bad effect. You gain the attention of Malar, god of the hunt. He sends a being of the DM's choice to hunt you. If you survive for 8 hours, it deems you a worthy adversary and concedes defeat, vanishing.

6 Tempest Good effect. For better or worse, Talos, god of storms, smiles on you. Each time you deal weapon damage, or hit a single target with a spell, you deal an additional 18 (4d8) lightning damage, and each time a creature hits you with a melee attack or even touches you, they take 9 (2d8) lightning damage.

Bad effect. Something about you angers Talos. The skies above you become tempestuous; each time you enter an area exposed to the sky or start your turn there, roll a d20. On a 1, you are targeted by a 9th-level Lightning Bolt originating from the storm.

7 Trickery Good effect. You are granted the quick feet and silver tongue of Mask, god of thieves. You become proficient with thieves' tools, and gain advantage on all, Charisma (Deception), Dexterity (Stealth), Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) and Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) ability checks,.

Bad effect. Mask, deciding to play a little mischief, sends a creature of the DM's choice to steal something of yours. The creature returns from whence it came after 8 hours, and if it is still in possession of your stolen item, that item vanishes too, ending up in the possession of Mask themself.

8 War Good effect. Tempus, god of war, grants you martial prowess. You gain proficiency with simple and martial weapons. Also, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and when you roll a 1 or a 2 on a damage die, you may reroll that die and take the new result, even if the new result is a 1 or a 2.

Bad effect. Bored, Tempus decides to make you his new plaything, filling your mind with thoughts of violence. If you fail an attack roll, ability check or saving throw by 5 or more, you are consumed with a violent fury, attacking nearby creatures and objects that have stoked your wrath. Even when not in this blind rage, you are looking for a fight, and have disadvantage on any ability check made to deescalate a tense situation.

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