Paralyzing Palm (Fallout Supplement)

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With Paralyzing Palm, you will sometime perform a special strike that stuns your opponent. Note in order to perform Paralyzing Palm, you must be using bare hands or an Unarmed class weapon. the chance to stun is 30%
Prerequisite: Strength 14, Dexterity 14, B.A.B. +6, Combat Martial Arts
Benefit: If your normal unarmed attack hits there is a %30 chance that you will stun your opponent. If the effect triggers your opponent must make a Fort save DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + Str or Dex modifier which ever is higher. If the opponent fails this saving throw they are stunned for 1 round. The opponent can only be stunned once per round but the chance can happen as many times as you have attacks untill the opponent is stunned.

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