Chimera Tank (5e Equipment)

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Chimera Tank

Cost: 200,000 caps
Weight: 75 tons
Speed: Top speed 330 ft. (33 mph).; acceleration 110 ft. (11 mph) per round.
Carrying Capacity: 15 tons

Due to dwindling resources, the Chinese government converted a majority of their mining vehicles into heavily armored tanks. It can travel 3,000 miles on a full battery. 1 small energy cells charges the vehicle’s battery 0.5%, 1 electron charge pack charges 0.75%, 1 microfusion cell charges 1%, 1 plasma cell charges 1.5%, 1 alien power module charges 50%, 1 fusion core charges 100%.

Size: Huge
AC: 22 All
Hit Points: 350 (damage threshold 15)
Crew and Passengers: 1 driver; 1 gunner; 4 passengers.
Main Cannon: Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 1,000/3,000 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (6d6) energy damage. Each shot reduced its battery by 0.5%. A gunner can make 4 attacks as an action.

A chimera firing its cannon, Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage.

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