Abomination (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Abominations are known for their insatiable hunger for living flesh.


It was like the evil of human nature in its entirety had manifested itself in physical form. Perhaps it and I were not that different...
—Unknown Monster Hunter, Unknown

Abominations have been present throughout history, some making themselves well known such as the Frankenstein monster, whilst many have tried to emulate their hideous appearance. It takes a truly twisted and deformed mind to create such a being, though it takes much more vision to become one as opposed to giving life to one. In the beginning stages of one's progression to become a true abomination against nature, the creature must first find their true inner hunger, the primal urge to feed until they cannot feed any longer, to sate their desire upon any being, living or deceased, moving or not. In their development, the creature will usually drape themselves in the skins and flesh of their defeated opponents once they have devoured and butchered all compatible parts of their prey, stitching twitching limbs onto their own body, replacing old, disused organs with those more superior, arms, legs, everything except the mind, which retains their never-ending hunger to improve themselves, to find faster and more efficient ways to feed. In the later stages, the changes are truly horrifying, disease and poisonous liquids ripple under bloated, discolored skin, reeking of the most foul scent to ever be excreted by any member of that race, to smell like the dead walking - only worse. The tragic ending of an abomination is usually due to multiple organ failure, coated with so much meat they simply cannot find the means to strip themselves of it and reach the necrotised layers below, often black and festering. However they can survive through staggering amounts of punishment, disease and poisons rarely affecting them directly, having to work through layers of already diseased flesh in order to reach the most vulnerable inner organs, using less harmful bacteria to combat further infection in a perverted sense of the word 'symbiotic'. The secret to success as an Abomination is to find a system to constant removal of carrion in direct contact with the vital organs

Most abominations are truly insane, butchering, feeding, and roaming as they search for another means to sate their hunger, no thought apart from that of their next mouthful of the living. However, there are those who retain a twisted sense of reality, able to understand and even control their appetite in order to harness the true potential of the abomination, hiding under a mask of unnatural youth they instead do not add and remove bits and pieces of their former bodies, instead replenishing large parts of their personage and making the seams between foreign flesh and their own disappear, as if they were originally one piece, body snatchers in their most deadly form, completely conscious of their actions.

If an individual continues down this blasphemous path, it becomes more and more difficult to know what the abomination used to be. It will eventually lose its humanoid shape, and become something truly monstrous.

Becoming an Abomination

Characters pursue the abomination prestige class to become a monster that can disable even the most powerful opponents in combat. Most characters will enter this class from the barbarian class, but fighters, rangers, and rogues are not uncommon. The most important ability for an abomination to have is constitution as it determines how well its anatomy functions with most of its extraordinary actions. The second most important would be strength for increased damage. Willpower may be useful to resist spell effects and intelligence could be used to augment the creature's physical destruction with spells from another class.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any evil.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks.
Feats: Willing DeformityBoVD
Special: The creature taking this Prestige Class must have a Constitution score.
Table: The Abomination

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Flesh Barrier
AC Bonus
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Cannibalize, Unsightly, Must Feed!, Mutilation +1
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Fortification 25%, Master of the Flesh, Monstrous Strength +1
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Graft Weapon, Mutilation +1
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Improved Grab, So Hungry... +2
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Fortification 50%, Mutilation +2
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Meat Hook, Contagion +2
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 Regeneration, Mutilation +3
8th +8 +6 +2 +6 Fortification 75%, Massive Bulk +3
9th +9 +6 +3 +6 Engulf, Mutilation +3
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Fortification 100%, Living Dead +4

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
The abomination’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the abomination.

Cannibalize (Ex): At 1st level, an abomination has the ability to consume fresh corpses and repair their own deformed bodies with surgical supplementation. The abomination can spend a standard action to devour a body that has been dead for no longer than one day. After consuming part of the corpse, he heals 2 Hit Points per racial Hit Die of the deceased creature (2 hitpoints if the creature has no racial HD). If the amount healed would raise him above his maximum hitpoints, he gains he remainder as temporary hitpoints, to a maximum of twice his abomination class level. A corpse can only be cannibalized once and only consumes part of the corpse.

Must Feed! (Ex): At 1st level, the abomination gains an incredible hunger for living flesh. To feed his hunger he bites off pieces of his prey and revels in the prey's pain and suffering. The abomination gains a bite attack if he does not already have one, that deals 1d6 damage + his Strength modifier (for medium abominations). See Table: Weapon Damage by Size for larger or smaller abominations.

Unsightly (Ex): An abomination did not simply get named as such as some sort of joke, they are physically repulsive and continue to degrade drastically as they continue down the path of self-mutilation. Starting at 1st level, the abomination takes a -2 penalty on all charisma-based checks (except Use Magic Device and Intimidate) and gains a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks against living creatures for every Mutilation he gains.

Flesh Barrier (Ex): By draping his body in the carrion of his fallen enemies, the abomination lumbers around coated in a layer of the dead which may shield him from the full impact of physical harm. Starting at 1st level the abomination gains a +1 bonus to armor class. This bonus increases every three levels thereafter (+2 at 4th, +3 at 7th, +4 at 10th).

Mutilation: At 1st level and every other level thereafter, the abomination chooses one of the following mutilations to add to his body:

Bloated Body (Ex): The body of the abomination swells from either infection or the sheer mass of flesh he acquired from cannibalizing corpses. The abomination's size increases by one size category. This mutilation can be selected a second time at the 7th level.

Gaping Maw (Ex): The abomination's mouth opens wide and unhinging his jaw, he latches onto his prey and consumes it whole. Its insatiable hunger allows it to use Swallow Whole as a free action after a successful grapple. The abomination may now also devour a creature equal to his own size category when he decides to use the Swallow Whole ability. His stomach capacity doubles (which allows one creature of his own size category). The acid damage dealt to creatures inside his stomach is also increased to 1d6 per two abomination class levels. This mutilation may only be selected once the abomination gains the Swallow Whole feature.

Reprehensible Stench (Ex): The abomination releases a foul-scented cloud of decaying matter, potentially sickening those in an area around him. As a standard action, the abomination can project a poison cloud in a foot radius (10 feet + 1/2 HD + 2xCon modifier) that remains centered on him for 10 minutes/5 HD.

Any living, breathing creature inside the poison cloud must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) or become sickened. If a creature fails its first saving throw and is still inside the poison cloud during the next round, the creature must make another Fortitude saving throw or become nauseated as well. Each round the creature may make Fortitude saving throws to remove the sickened and nauseated conditions. When a creature makes a single successful saving throw against an abomination's reprehensible stench, it cannot be affected by the same abomination's reprehensible stench for 24 hours.

Shed Flesh (Ex): Once per day, an abomination may peel off the diseased excess layers of skin, rotting flesh, and cadaver in an explosive manner, coating the surrounding area in fetid waste and at the same time relieving him of unwanted weight, disease and infection. As a standard action, the abomination can shed excess flesh in order to remove any current temporary ability score loss and energy drains such as ability drain, ability burn, and negative levels. If he activates this ability during a grapple, he may immediately make a grapple check with a bonus equal to his abomination class level to escape the grapple. Any creatures within 10 feet of an abomination using this ability must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Abomination's Constitution modifier) or become shaken for one round.

Gruesome Appendage (Ex): The abomination, through a rather grotesque and barbaric process, removed an arm extension from a living creature and sewed the appendage onto his own body. The abomination gains a fully functional extra arm. It can be placed wherever the abomination decides to place it (this has no mechanical game effect). This mutilation can be taken a second, third, and fourth time starting at the 5th, 9th, and 13th levels.

An attached appendage has a hardness of the abomination's natural armor and hitpoints of 2x the abomination's constitution modifier.

Fortification (Ex): As the layers of flesh and cadaver builds up upon the abomination's own body, it becomes increasingly hard to strike at the vital areas, covered by multiple layers of varying origin. At 2nd level, the abomination gains a 25% chance to avoid the extra damage granted by an attacker's sneak attack or critical hit like the light fortification armor ability. This chance increases to 50% at 5th level, 75% at 8th level, and 100% at 10th level.

Master of the Flesh (Ex): At 2nd level, the abomination allows the diseases and toxins that are present in the flesh he wears to battle against foreign infections. He gains immunity to disease and poison of both a mundane and magical nature.

Monstrous Strength (Ex): At 2nd level, an abomination releases the previously held back strength of their feeble original flesh and gains a +1 to strength.

Graft Weapon (Ex): At 3rd level, the abomination can mold it's flesh around a weapon. The weapon becomes part of the selected limb and is treated as a natural weapon. It takes 1d4 hours for the graft to finish. Two handed weapons may only be grafted if they are one size category smaller than the abomination.

Improved Grab (Ex): At 4th level an abomination gains the Improved Grab feature with his bite attacks.

So Hungry... (Ex): At 4th level an abomination can attempt to completely consume the creature he is biting, forcing it down his gullet and digesting it whilst it still lives. He may now Swallow Whole his opponents. After being swallowed, the creature is dealt his bite damage (as Bludgeoning) plus an additional 2d4 acid damage from his corrosive stomach acid. To escape his stomach, the creature must use a light piercing or slashing weapon to deal (Abomination's class level + 2 x Constitution modifier) damage to his throat or stomach lining, which has an AC equal to 10 + the abomination's Constitution modifier + 1/2 the abomination's natural armor bonus. His stomach has room for one creature that is one size category smaller than him, two creatures that are two size categories smaller, four creatures that are three size categories smaller, etc. Any creature that is killed inside his stomach immediately counts as being Cannibalized.

Meat Hook (Ex): At 6th level an abomination can explosively fire a barbed hook that is strung along a 30 feet length of intestines. As a standard action, the abomination makes a ranged touch attack against a target within 30 feet which requires a reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) to avoid. If he hits, the target takes 1d4 damage per abomination level and must make an opposed strength check against the abomination. The opponent can make another reflex save to attack the meat hook even after successfully evading the hook, potentially severing it, but automatically fails the strength check. If the target fails the strength check, it is moved adjacent to the abomination and the abomination can make a free trip attempt against the target.

The intestines attached to the meat hook have a hardness of 1/3 the abomination's class level and hitpoints of 1/2 the abomination's class level. It takes the abomination 1 hour and a fresh corpse to rebuild its meat hook. The meat hook may be concealed inside the abomination's stomach as a full-round action which does not provoke an attack of opportunity, the abomination gains a +10 to his sleight of hand check.

Contagion (Ex): At 6th level an abomination's flesh becomes a festering incubator of various diseases. Any slash or pierce attack dealt to the abomination while in an adjacent square causes infected pus to spew outwards. The assailant must make a reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) or be sprayed with a random disease listed under Contagion.

Regeneration (Ex): At 7th level, the abomination's flesh appears to be constantly changing. Every round, the abomination heals a number of hit points equal to its constitution modifier. It can also grab severed limbs and reattach them to its body as a standard action.

When a limb is lost, or if a new type of limb is desired, the abomination may rest for a full day and alter its shape as desired. The new shape must stay within the abomination's current size and cannot have more limbs than it currently has. To begin this, the abomination must have its stomach at full capacity.

Being damaged by acid or fire delays regeneration by one round. Cold damage reduces regeneration by half by one round. An abomination with negative hit points equal to its Constitution score stops regenerating and dies. Abominations cannot regenerate if they have not eaten in the last hour.

Abominations with a negative constitution modifier will have their bodies decompose and fall apart until they die.

Massive Bulk (Ex): At 8th level, the abomination can use its mountainous bulk to absorb attacks. Against any spell or ability that requires a Reflex saving throw, he can make a Fortitude saving throw instead.

Engulf (Ex): At 9th level, the abomination's flesh becomes impatient and gluttonous. As a standard action, anything that the abomination moves across must make a reflex save (10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) or become pinned. An attack of opportunity can be made, but only by abandoning the reflex save. The number of enemies an abomination can engulf at once follows the same rules as Swallow Whole.

Once engulfed, an enemy is pinned, tightly bound, and can take few actions. A pinned enemy cannot move and is denied its Dexterity bonus. A pinned character also takes an additional –4 penalty to his Armor Class. A pinned creature is limited in the actions that it can take. A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component. A pinned character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level) or lose the spell. Pinned is a more severe version of grappled, and their effects do not stack.

Engulfed enemies have two rounds to escape the abomination before they are immediately swallowed as a free action. During those two rounds, enemies take 1d6 + 1/2 HD + Strength modifier in bludgeoning damage per round.

Living Dead (Ex): At 10th level, the abomination has become a monstrous fusion of undeath and organic flesh. He is treated as Undead for spells and effects while maintaining a constitution score, with a turn resistance of half his abomination class level. Spells and effects dependent on living or undead traits are half effective, including healing and damage. He gains the following traits:

Table: The Epic Abomination
Level Special Flesh Barrier
AC Bonus
11th Hyper Evolution, Mutilation +4
12th Terrible Vitriolic Acid +4
13th Forced Anatomy, Mutilation, Bonus Feat +5
14th Fuse Flesh +5
15th Immovability, Mutilation +5
16th Fission, Bonus Feat +6
17th Full Assimilation, Mutilation +6
18th Horrendous Form +6
19th Suspend Life, Bonus Feat +7
20th Biological Immortality +7

Epic Class Features

All of the following are class features of the epic abomination. An epic abomination has become an abhorrent biological weapon that threatens any plane in which it exists.

Hyper Evolution (Ex): At 11th level, the abomination can modify its body once every 1d4 hours as a standard action to automatically adapt to hostile environments. It can adapt to underwater, extremely hot, extremely cold, or airless environments, allowing it to survive as if it were a creature native to that environment. it can breathe and move (though penalties to movement and attacks, if any for a particular environment, remain), and it takes no damage simply from being in that environment. It need not specify what environment it is adapting to when it manifests this ability; simply activate it, and its body will instantly adapt to any hostile environment as needed throughout the duration. Adapting a second time replaces the previous adaptation.

It can somewhat adapt to extreme environmental features such as acid, lava, fire, and electricity. Any environmental feature that normally directly deals 1 or more dice of damage per round deals it only half the usual amount of damage.

The abomination can also adapt to any form of energy or physical damage to gain damage reduction or energy resistance to a single damage type equal to its constitution modifier.

Terrible Vitriolic Acid (Ex): At 12th level, the abomination may spew vitriolic acid once every 1d6 hours in a cone of 25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels. Unless a reflex save (10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) is made, 11d6 points of acidic damage is dealt upon the attacker.

Forced Anatomy (Ex): At 13th level, the abomination can force its bones and flesh to cooperate in an unintended fashion as a free action, allowing for an extra movement at the cost of 30 HP minus its Constitution modifier in damage.

Fuse Flesh (Ex): At 14th level, the abomination can detach its adaptive flesh and smother and enemy with it at the cost of 30 minus Constitution modifier in damage.

The touched subject’s flesh begins to ripple, grow together, and fuse into a nearly seamless whole. The subject is forced into a fetal position (if humanoid), with only the vaguest outline of its folded arms and legs visible below the all-encompassing wave of flesh. The subject retains the ability to breathe, eat, and excrete, but may lose the use of its senses (see below). Unless it loses the use of its senses (see below), the creature can still perform purely mental actions, such as manifesting powers.

If the target fails its Fortitude save (10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) to avoid the ability's effect, the subject must immediately attempt a second Fortitude save. If this second save is failed, the creature’s eyes and ears fuse over, effectively blinding and deafening it. Moreover, it loses its extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities, as well as its ability to manifest powers (if any), and is generally in sorry shape.

To tear away this layer, damage (Abomination's class level + 2 x Constitution modifier) must be done to the flesh, which has an AC equal to 10 + the abomination's Constitution modifier + 1/2 the abomination's natural armor bonus.

Immovability (Ex): At 15th level, the abomination can anchor its flesh into whatever solid surface it stands upon. The abomination becomes almost impossible to move. Any creature attempting to physically move the abomination must succeed on an opposed Strength check, and it gains a +20 bonus on the check. The abomination can’t voluntarily move to a new location unless it stops anchoring, which ends the ability.

The abomination cannot apply its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class; however, its anchored body gains damage reduction 15/–.

The abomination cannot make a full round attack or action while in this state.

Fission (Ex): At 16th level, the abomination can split into two copies of itself at the cost of half of its hit points. The duplicate thinks and acts exactly as the abomination does and follows its orders, although it will not do anything that it wouldn’t do itself. The duplicate has all of the abomination's abilities excluding anything psionic or magical (Unless grafted to its body, the duplicate does NOT possess all of the abomination's mundane equipment, clothing, armor, and implements, as well as mundane versions of any psionic or magical equipment it has.). The duplicate is treated as the abomination with two negative levels for the purpose of determining the powers to which the duplicate has access (while the duration of this ability lasts, those negative levels cannot be removed by any means). The duplicate has all other physical traits the abomination had at the time it manifests this ability. Powers, spells, or other effects affecting it when the abomination manifest this ability do not transfer to the duplicate.

The duplicate can stay alive without its creator for up to the abomination's level in rounds. The duplicate also does NOT have the regeneration ability. The abomination may fuse with the duplicate as a full round action and gain any hit points the duplicate had. Temporary hit points may be gained up to twice the abomination's level.

Full Assimilation (Ex): At 17th level, the very cellular structure of the abomination has modified itself to devour foreign tissue. Once per 1d6 hours, the abomination's body may open up and absorb anything in front of the abomination within reach unless a reflex save (10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) is made in which case they are knocked prone. The abomination cannot absorb more than it can Swallow Whole.

Once absorbed, if living, the flesh of the enemy begins to fuse with the flesh of the abomination, taking 10d6 points of damage per round while absorbed unless a fortitude save (10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) is made in which case the damage is halved. The enemy also takes 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage per round unless a strength check (10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution modifier) is made to hold back the crushing flesh. If the enemy is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, it is completely assimilated into the abomination's form and killed. To escape, the creature must use a light piercing or slashing weapon to deal (Abomination's class level + 2 x Constitution modifier) damage to the abomination's flesh, which has an AC equal to 10 + the abomination's Constitution modifier + 1/2 the abomination's natural armor bonus. If the enemy does not escape within two rounds, it is passed into the stomach.

When encountering enemies a size category larger than the abomination, the abomination may use its assimilation move on a limb of the enemy. If the enemy fails the fortitude save, it loses the use of its limb. If the enemy fails both the fortitude save and strength check, the abomination tears the limb from the enemy and fully assimilates it.

If the absorbed enemy is not living, it instead takes 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage per round if the strength check fails while absorbed and cannot be assimilated.

When assimilated, the abomination's flesh steals favorable genetic traits from the absorbed creature for application to its own body. A creature that is completely assimilated grants the abomination a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt up to twice the abomination's level and a +4 bonus to each of the abomination's ability scores for 1 hour. If multiple enemies are assimilated at once, an extra +1 to all ability scores per extra enemy is applied. If the assimilated creature knows psionic powers, you gain knowledge of one of its powers for 1 hour.

Horrendous Form (Ex): At 18th level, The abomination may go through a full day metamorphosis. Its body becomes a terrifying visage of deadly hunger and becomes one with it. It is transformed into a nightmarish version of itself, complete with an ooze-sleek skin coating, lashing tentacles, and a fright-inducing countenance.

The abomination gains the frightful presence extraordinary ability, which takes effect automatically when it charges a foe. Opponents within 30 feet of you that have fewer Hit Dice or levels than you and that witness your charge become shaken for 5d6 rounds if they fail a Will save (DC 16 + Con modifier). An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the abomination's frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Its horrific form grants the abomination a natural armor bonus of +5, damage reduction 5/–, and a +4 bonus to its Strength score. In addition, it gains +10 feet to its land speed as well as a +10 bonus on Climb and Jump checks.

A nest of violently flailing black tentacles sprouts from the abomination's hair and back. It can make up to four additional attacks with these tentacles in addition to its regular melee attacks in each round that it takes a full attack action. It can make tentacle attacks within the space it normally threatens. If it makes its tentacle attacks in addition to its regular melee attacks, each tentacle attacks at its highest base attack bonus with a –5 penalty. If it forgoes all its other attacks, making only tentacle attacks, it makes its tentacle attacks at its highest base attack bonus with no penalty. These tentacles deal 1d8 points of damage plus one-half the abomination's Strength bonus on each successful strike.

Suspend Life (Ex): At 19th level, the abomination may slow its metabolism down to a near complete stop. The abomination is placed into a trance so deep that it is almost in suspended animation. Even powers that detect life or thought are incapable of determining that it is alive.

While suspended, the abomination is aware of its surroundings. It feels the passage of one day for every year that actually passes. Though on a slower schedule, the abomination will grow hungry after a “day” without food (though a year passes in actuality) and will begin to suffer the effects of thirst and starvation as appropriate.

If the abomination takes any damage, it comes out of the trance 4 rounds later. The trance can be ended at any time by the abomination.

Biological Immortality (Ex): At 20th level, the abomination becomes virtually immortal. Its cells never degrade over time and gain a terrible ability. Whenever the abomination is killed, the closest remnant cell of its body begins dividing once again. Whether this cell be on a leaf in a forest, the linen of a farmer, or perhaps within the gullet of a cow, the abomination will fully regrow itself in 5d4 days to continue its everlasting path of destruction.

Nothing short of totally destroying the abomination followed with a carefully worded wish will end its rampage.

Epic Bonus Feats: The epic abomination gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic abomination bonus feats) every three levels after 20th.

Epic Abomination Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Energy Resistance, Epic Endurance, Epic Leadership, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Legendary Wrestler, Overwhelming Critical, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Spellcasting Harrier, Two-Weapon Rend, Uncanny Accuracy.

Campaign Information

Playing an Abomination

Combat: Abominations can be used to lock down and disable enemies. They have several options including their reprehensible stench, swallow whole, and meat hook to disable enemies.

Advancement: Abominations do best with melee-based prestige classes such as Frenzied BerserkerCW.

Resources: Abominations have no friendly organizations. Sometimes they have the support of a master, but that is the most help they will ever get.

Abominations in the World

Flesh tastes twice as good when the heart is still actively pumping the blood.

Abominations have no proper place in the world that they could ever call home. It is hard to justify accepting a creature that will eat members of any intelligent race including its own. Some people will be able to direct an abomination's hunger toward a particular goal. When that goal is complete though, it usually becomes wise for those people to keep their distance from the creature. Some abominations are able to find groups of murderous creatures that will accept them, but few stay for very long.

NPC Reactions: Most NPCs will run away. Abominations like to eat people, so this course of action is pretty logical. Some NPCs take it upon themselves to hunt down abominations; most end up becoming dessert.

World Reactions: Once an abomination becomes epic level, its existence is known across its home plane. At this point, legendary monster hunters may attempt to slay the beast for fame, sorcerers may attempt to bargain with or control the beast for power, or entire armies may be amassed to defend the kingdoms. Some say an epic level abomination is capable of even eviscerating and devouring a Tarrasque with ease.

Abomination Lore

Characters with ranks in knowledge (religion) can research abominations to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

knowledge (religion)
DC Result
11 Abominations are cannibalistic creatures that have an unending appetite and cover themselves with the flesh of creatures.
16 Some abominations can eat creatures whole.
21 Abominations fight with extraordinary biological abilities that normally would require a spell to mimic.
26 A result of 26 or higher can bring out information about specific abominations, lore about them, their location, and recent activities.

Abominations in the Game

Abominations can be the type of creature that rampages across the countryside leaving devoured bodies in its wake. They also can be a secretive serial killer in a big city. Sometimes they are just the pet of some greater evil lord.

Adaptation: An abomination can be a lurking evil within any peaceful society. They might be a minion of an evil leader as well.

Sample Encounter: Pudge, a human Abomination was thrown out of his barbarian tribe for his cannibalistic tenancies. He now is on his way home to turn his tribe into a new layer of flesh for his body and a large meal.

Pudge (DnD NPC)

EL whatever: 11

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