Traits (Fallout Supplement)

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Traits, like Feats, have a positive effect, but they also have a negative one to balance it. Characters can have one, two, or zero Traits. Humans have the option of choosing a third Trait.

Beta Software I hope you're not afraid of bugs: You gain two additional Action Points at every level, but cannot get critical hits (natural 20s still hit automatically) and your movement speed is halved. (Robot only.)

Bruiser The bigger they are, the slower they fall: +2 Melee/Unarmed Damage, -2 Initiative.

Built to Destroy The flamer that burns twice as bright burns half as long: Critical Hit chance is increased by 1 (20 becomes 19-20, 19-20 becomes 18-20, and so on), but the chance of a weapon breaking also increases by 1 (1-2 instead of 1).

Chem Reliant I can stop anytime I want!: The DC to resist addiction is increased by 5, but the satisfaction period is doubled. (Robots and Ghouls can't take this trait.)

Chem Resistant Say nope to dope: The DC to resist addiction is decreased by 5, but the satisfaction period is halved. (Robots and Ghouls can't take this trait.)

Claustrophobia The walls are closing on me!: You gain +1 to all ability scores while outdoors, but suffer -1 to all ability scores while indoors.

Domesticated No pooping on the carpet!: You have a +2 bonus to Intelligence, but you don't add your Strength bonus to unarmed or attacks damage. (Humans, Ghouls and Super Mutants cannot take this trait.)

Early Bird ...gets the worm: +2 to all skills in the morning (6:00 AM-11:59 AM), -2 to all skills at night (8:00 PM-5:59 AM). (Robots can't take this trait.)

EMP Shielding Electro-Mechanical Protectron?: The robot has DR 2 vs energy-based attacks (meaning electricity, lasers, etc), but your Dexterity suffers a -2 penalty. (Robots only.)

Fanatic Me? Wrong!?!?: You gain a +2 species bonus to Wisdom, but incur a -2 penalty to Charisma.

Fast Metabolism Rads aren't radical: Your healing rate increases by 1, but Fort saves against poison and radiation receive a -2. (Ghouls, , Super Mutants and Robots can't take this trait.)

Fast Shot Aim isn't in my vocabulary: +2 to attacks with shotguns, assault rifles, flamers, slings, and other ranged weapons as the GM deems appropriate, -2 to attacks with pistols, sniper rifles, bows, thrown weapons, and other ranged weapons the GM deems appropriate. (Human, Ghoul and Super Mutant only.)

Fear the Reaper We can be like they are: You gain the Human "Adaptable" racial trait, but every time you level up, you must make a successful level check or die. (Ghoul only)

Feral Kid You're a real wild child: Your range with thrown weapons (such as knives, grenades, etc.) is doubled and your speed is increased by 10 feet, but you can't put skill points into Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information or Knowledge (any). (Human only.)

Finesse Your attacks show a lot of finesse: -2 to damage to all attacks, +2 to attack rolls for purposes of determining critical hit results.

Four Eyes Won't stop you from being bullied: -2 to the Spot and Search skills when attempting to qualify for feats, but wearing glasses (pre-war artifacts rarely found cheap/intact) gives you a +2 bonus to Spot and Search checks (therefore countering the effects of the -2 along with giving a normal bonus when not choosing feats).

Gifted Yeah, you're gifted alright: You gain a +1 bonus to all ability scores, but you gain 1/2 the amount of skill points you are supposed to at level one and every level thereafter (to a minimum of 1).

Glowing One Walking night-light: The Ghoul emits a constant light 40 feet in all directions and is healed by Moderate Radiation or higher(at 2 HP per round per radiation level), but suffers a -1 to Defense and emits constant Mild Radiation. (Ghoul only.)

Good Natured Now sir, what is a gun?: Trade the Simple Weapons Feat for any non-combat feat you qualify for.

Ham Fisted Who wants a knuckle sandwich?: +2 to Unarmed attacks, but -1 to Computer Use, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, Repair, Sleight of Hand and Treat Injury skill checks. (Super Mutant only)

Heavy Handed You swing harder, not better: +2 to damage Melee/Unarmed attacks, -2 to attack rolls for purposes of determining critical hit results.

Hoarder It'll come in handy some day: Your carrying weight is increased by 25 pounds, but suffer a -1 to all abilities when carrying less than a light load.

Hot Blooded When the blood get pumping...: When your health drops below 50%, you do +2 more damage, but you also suffer -1 to your Dexterity and Wisdom ability scores.

Jinxed JINX!: The chance for you, your party, and anyone you else in combat with or against you to roll a critical miss is increased by 1 (1-2 instead of 1).

Kamikaze Attack car-full-ee?: You gain a bonus +4 to Initiative rolls, but no Dexterity bonus to Defense.

Logan's Loophole You're going to stay young forever: Chems last twice as long and you can never become addicted to them, but you can't level up in any one class past level 5. (Robots can't take this trait)

Loose Cannon You attack faster, not farther: +2 to Initiative, but your range for ranged weapons (guns, knives, grenades, ect.) is halved.

Marked Man You've made some powerful enemies, and now there's a price on your head. Your character constantly has a chance to be attacked by mercenaries and bounty hunters in random encounters.

Night Person Yeah, I'm not a morning person: +2 to all skills when the sun goes down (6:01 PM-6:00 AM), -2 to all skills when the sun is up (6:01 AM-6:00 PM). (Robots can't take this trait)

One-Hander So I'm not ambidextrous?: +2 to attacks with 1-handed weapons, -2 to attacks with 2-handed weapons.

One In a Million When lightning strikes, it strikes hard!: +2 to attacks to confirm critical hits, +1 chance for weapon to break(1-2 instead of 1).

Red Scare Spaz....with eyesight!: +1 to the Spot, Search, and Sense Motive skills, but a -2 to attacks.

Sex Appeal You've got the "right" stuff: +2 to all Charisma based skill checks when talking to (N)PCs of the same race attracted to your sex, -2 to all Charisma based skill checks when talking to (N)PCs of the same race not attracted to your sex.

Skilled Skill monkeys are cool: You gain double the amount of skill points whenever you level up, but you gain a feat at one level higher than you usually do.

Small Frame What's up short stuff?: +2 Dexterity but you are considered size lower for carry weight.(Super Mutants can't take this trait)

Targeting Computer EXTERMINATE! +2 to attacks, but -2 to Initiative.(Robot only)

Tech Wizard Neeeeerd: +1 Computer Use, Knowledge(Technology), Repair, Craft(Electronic and Mechanical), but -1 to Spot, Sense Motive, Search, and Listen.

Tight Nuts Hehehe: +2 DR vs all attacks, but DCs to repair are increased by 5.(Robot only)

Trigger Discipline Aiming is cooler: -2 to attacks with shotguns, assault rifles, flamers, slings, and other ranged weapons as the GM deems appropriate, +2 to attacks with pistols, sniper rifles, bows, thrown weapons, and other ranged weapons the GM deems appropriate.(Deathclaws and Dogs can't take this trait)

Vat Skin What happens in the vat really should stay in the vat: +5 to Defense, but -3 to all Charisma-based checks and anyone within 10 feet of you suffers a -2 penalty to all skill checks.

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