3.5e NPCs CR 21

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NPCs CR 21

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Name Race Levels Description
Aleister Green dragon None A devious mastermind, as old as the world and with a lust for power.
Ashram Singh rakshasa aristocrat 2/sorcerer 6 Rakshasa bent on ruling all of Ourobouros.
Avanaco Akondo Human Animal Summoner 18 A summoner who would gladly give his life for his animals
James McKnight Human (Spartan-IV Mk.II) Dedicated Hero (3), Engineer (10) 3.5e/D20M variant, James is also known as Brain, he is a member of a team of spartans who adventured to a planet in which magic exists.
Khaled Hellfire half-fiend high elf fighter 6/sorcerer 6/eldritch knight 6 Commanding officer in the Dervaland Frontier Garrison.
Valentine Sunshadow Halfling Rogue 11/Assassin 10 A mysterious person who works form the shadows. A powerful figure who leads the best of thieves and assassins. A simple halfling who just loves killing and looting.
Yozan Half-Orc Monk 16/Rogue 4 A monk with a bad attitude.

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