3.5e NPCs CR 16

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NPCs CR 16

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Name Race Levels Description
Kauld Mordakai Human Warrior Monk 8 / Battle Brother 8 Battle Brother of the Eight fold path
Lily Frost necropolitan bard 2/cleric 10/dirgesinger 4 Priestess of the Evening Glory in Epitaph.
Sai'quel Human Shadowcaster 16 A sample member of the ruling caste of Dreden marsh.
Sorenth "Happy" Gorender human vampire Rogue 8, Guild Thief 5 Minor Leader of the Black Mask of Westgate (Forgotten Realms), The Count of Coins
Spartus Hoplite
Tjaerou human sun school monk 5/cleric 9/thief-acrobat 2 Abbot of the Pelor monastery in Cairn.
Tural Remiel Aasimar Sorcerer 12, Mystic of the Mirror 3. Upon the ridge stands a lone figure, his long, white travelling cloak whipping around him in the wind.
Voice of Corruption Halfling Villainous Spellcaster 16 This evil priestess seeks to destroy the world.

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