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Mutant or Non-Human:Adopting a fictional work such as the X-Men or mutants in general is a complex task. Because mutants exist in a binary world, human or mutant, there is no consideration for the fantasy setting of elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. When you decide which mutant your going to play, ask your DM if it is okay to look like an elf or an orc. You don't have to use the traits for those races.

Mutants are humanoids that possess traits unlike their kin. These traits are manifested in thousands of different ways and at times, ranging from a singular trait or multiples. The traits can entirely replace a creatures "normal" traits or be additional.

Physical Description

Mutants usually appear just as their peers. Minor changes would include a dwarfs skin changing or an inability to grow a beard. The eyes of others may become cloudy due to over experimentation with darkvision. Of course, these are the exception and a lot of times a humanoid x can blend in with society. As is the case of the wolverines.


Most mutants are skeptical of others since they've betrayed and experimented on. That's not to say they avoid culture and cities altogether. A deadpool would find great joy taken the money from others in a drinking game. A sabretooth or wolverine may profit from being vigilantes tracking down criminals. This doesn't change their outlook that all humanoids are out for themselves and to be careful who you trust.


Sometimes a mutant will try to live amongst others and coexist. The horrors from their experience may force them to have nightmares and lash out at their bedmates though. Eventually, for others' safety, a mutant finds solitude the best. A mutant may work with others for a common goal but once that is accomplished they tend to resort to their previous lives.

Mutant Names

Mutant names vary no differently than that of other races. Wherever they grew up they adopt names from that culture. Others around them do give them an alias though. An alias usually has something to do with their race or their nature such as Storm, Beast, Magneto, or Juggernaut.

Mutant Traits


Ability Score Increase. Choose two different ability scores to increase by 1.
Cellular Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against enchantment and illusions spells.
Cellular Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and poison damage.
Cellular Immunity. You are immune to diseases.
Fast Healing. While below half your maximum hit point total, you gain hit points at the start of your turn equal to your Constitution modifier. If you reach zero hit points and become unconscious, you must finish a long rest to use this trait again.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Speed. Your movement speed is 30 feet and you have a climb speed equal to your movement speed.
Teleporting. You may cast misty step as the spell. Every time you cast this beyond the first time, you suffer two levels of exhaustion. Levels of exhaustion gained this way can only be removed by natural healing.
At level 5, you may teleport up to double the distance of the spell or carry someone with you. If you use this trait in either way, you and any creature that travels with you automatically suffer three levels of exhaustion.
Night Crawling. Your indigo hued skin helps you hide in the right situations. While in less than dim light, you have advantage on Stealth checks.
Prehensile Tail. You have a tail capable of performing minor tasks. You cannot wield weapons with your tail, but you can use it to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on your person as a bonus action.


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Fleet of Foot. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet.
Animal Instincts. You have proficiency in the Perception skill and you have advantage on Perception skill checks when tracking a creature by scent.
Feline Reflexes. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws to avoid traps.
Pounce. You have advantage on Athletics skill checks to jump. In addition, you do not require a running start and the distance you can jump is double.
Fast Healing. While below half your maximum hit point total, you gain hit points at the start of your turn equal to your Constitution modifier. If you reach zero hit points and become unconscious, you must finish a long rest to use this trait again.
Claws. Your finger nails can extend to become deadly claws. Your claws deal 1d4 damage.

Variant Rule:Fast Healing
Fast healing is a big advantage for players and can really mess up a DM's encounter. If you notice or think you'll have issues with the way the rule is written, you can have fast healing work only if the character didn't take damage on their previous turn. Therefore, until the characters stop taking damage by finding shelter, ending the encounter, or fleeing the scene entirely, they aren't going to heal themselves.

Racial Feat: Fast Metabolism
prerequisite: Sabretooth race
A player may choose this feat instead of an ability score increase.
Either you've untapped your natural healings potential or someone has done it for you.

  • Your Strength score increases by 1.
  • Your natural healing improves. You are immune to poison, poison damage, and diseases.
  • Your healing grants increased stamina. Whenever you gain a level of exhaustion, treat it as one less.


part humanoid, part webslinging spider
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Dexterity scores increase by 1.
Age. varies
Alignment. any
Size. medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climb speed of 30 feet.
Spidey Sense. You sense when danger is near. You cannot be surprised.
Web Slinger. You are able to shoot web at your enemies or use it like a rope. When you use the Attack action, you may shoot web at a target within 30 feet instead. If it hits, the target is consider restrained. A creature restrained by the webs can use its action to make a Strength check against a DC (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained.
You may also use your web as a rope. If you wrap someone with your web, the DC to escape is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. You can also use your web to swing between buildings. Treat your web like a rope with a grappling hook on the end. You have advantage on attack rolls to hit the buildings when swinging between them.
You may use this trait a number of times equal to twice your hit dice. You regain all uses when you complete a short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 1.
Fleet of Foot. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Keen Smell. You have advantage on Perception skill checks relying on smell.
Fast Healing. While below half your maximum hit point total, you gain hit points at the start of your turn equal to your Constitution modifier. If you reach zero hit points and become unconscious, you must finish a long rest to use this trait again.
Claws. You have retractable bone claws that extend from your knuckles. Your claws deal 1d4 damage.

Racial Feat: Adamantine Bones
prerequisite: Wolverine race
A player may choose this feat instead of an ability score increase.
Through experimentation, divine intervention, or a failed spell attempt your bones have been infused with one of the strongest metal allows. You are healthier and deadlier than before.

  • Your Constitution score inscreases by 1.
  • Your claws now deal 1d6 damage and are treated as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
  • You have resistance to non-magical bludgeoning damage.

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