Large Weapon Master (5e Feat)

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Large Weapon Master

Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 15 or higher, must be Medium size
Your skills in combat have allowed you to use weapons not made for creatures your size.

When you take this feat, choose one melee weapon. You must be proficient with this weapon, and it cannot have the reach or heavy properties. You can wield a Large version of this weapon without disadvantage. You cannot use the thrown or finesse property of a large weapon, but all other properties (versatile, and two-handed) apply as with a regular weapon. You cannot dual wield while using a Large weapon.

Attacking with a Large weapon requires additional strength beyond a normal weapon. On a turn where you attack with a Large weapon, you cannot use a bonus action to Hide, Disengage, or Dash. You may still use all attacks you get from a normal attack action, as well as any granted by feats and features, such as Hordebreaker.

When using a Large weapon, you deal 1 additional damage die of the weapon's usual type. For example, a Large handaxe would deal 2d6 instead of 1d6.

A Medium sized creature makes its attacks with Large weapons at disadvantage, and a Small creature may not use these Large weapons.

You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a different weapon each time. You may also take the same weapon a second time to regain use of your bonus action.

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