Beast Claw (5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 19:13, 1 December 2019 by Buengerman (talk | contribs) (added rarity, may need some changes in the wording, but this a really awesome weapon I'd love to see out of the reviewing section and it was simple fix!)
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Weapon (Claw), very rare

Beastly weapon wielded by Irreverent Izzy. Crafted by chiseling the long bones of an undead darkbeast and fastening them to the weapon. The bones are still alive, and when unleashed, grant its wielder a spurt of beastly power. As flesh is flayed and blood is sprayed, the beast within awakens, and in time, the wielder of this weapon surges with both strength and feverish reverie.

Trick. This weapon can be transformed as an action.

Transform. This weapon, in its transformed state, turns your other arm into a wolfish claw, rendering it unusable except to attack. You may attack with this arm as a bonus action. This claw also deals additional 1d4 slashing damage.

Beastly Embrace(Special Property). This weapon forces lycanthropic traits onto the wielder. In its transformed state, they gain 5 feet of movement speed and the Pounce monstrous trait.

Pounce. If the user moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the user can make one attack against it as a bonus action.

beast_claw.jpg hqdefault.jpg
The beast claw in it's innate form (left) and the beast claw in its transformed state (right).

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