Hormagaunt (5e Creature)
Medium monstrosity (tyranid), unaligned Armor Class 16 (natural armour)
Saving Throws Dex +6 Sure-Footed The hormagaunt has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone. Bounding leap The hormagaunt does not provoke attacks of opportunity when exiting or moving through melee range. Inscrutible. The tyranid is immune to any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as any divination spell that it refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain the warrior's intentions or sincerity have disadvantage. ACTIONSMultiattack The hormagaunt attacks twice with its scything talons. Scything talons Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
The hormagaunt is the tip of the hive minds spear, being deployed in endless seething shreiking waves to drag down any resistance with the sheer weight of their numbers. Hormagaunts will attack the closest living non-tyranid organism when not controlled by the hive mind. |
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