Syllable of Affliction (5e Syllable)

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Syllable of Affliction

Magic Type Truename Syllable
Speak Whenever you are able to speak
Range 60 feet
Duration Equal to your Charisma bonus

You learn the second syllable in the Word of Unmaking. To speak syllables, you make an Arcana check against the enemy's spell save DC. If you are successful, you have correctly pronounced the syllable. The Law of Resistance applies to each syllable. As with utterances, syllables need not be heard by the target to be effective.

When properly spoken
You choose to remove one of the target's senses:
Sight: The target is blinded.
Hearing: The target is deafened.
Smell: The target loses the ability to smell and automatically fails any ability check that requires scent.
Touch: The target loses their sense of touch and has disadvantage on any ability check that requires touch.

With a few words of Truespeech, your target finds themselves lacking sense. Using the lost sense proves impossible.

Saving Throw
Constitution save vs the Arcana roll used to speak the syllable.

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