Turtonator (5e Race)

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Let's turn up the heat a bit...

Physical Description

By Siplick

Turtonator is a bipedal, turtle-like pokémon with a spiny shell. Its scaly skin is a muted green color and only visible on its limbs, tail, head, and neck. On top of its head is an additional shell with many points around the brim, splaying out in a star-like pattern. This extra shell has a black center, yellow in the middle, and a red outer rim, all part of the shells layers. As new layers grow, they are vibrant. As they get older, they recede from the edges and darken. Its eyes have black markings around the bottom, and it has a tubular, yellow snout with a single, large nostril. Turtonator has a wide mouth, where the lower lip is marked with a jagged yellow line extending from its nose. On each side of turtonator's long neck are two short, triangular projections. Its front legs have mitten-like hands, while its hind feet have claw-like red growths around them. Its tail is completely covered by red plating, which has fin-like projections. The shell that encases its body has a red, smooth underside with a star-shaped, yellow-rimmed hole in the center. The back of the shell has a yellow center with several, brownish-black spikes. Four large spines with red bases form a star-shape in the center with four smaller spikes around them. Some specimens have been found to be darker in color then normal.


These pokemon were found on the inactive volcano of the Alola region's Ula'Ula island. People were fascinated with these heat-loving creatures which could withstand boiling temperatures as they sifted through simmering lava vents for food. In ancient times in the region, the natives would feed turtonators. They then would follow the pokemon around and look for its dung, which is an explosive substance. The Alola region supposedly got their fireworks from this material. There was also a popular legend on the island of how a masterful general was able to utilize turtonators to win a great war, by burying them in sand. Their unique shells were capable of trapping even the smallest vibrations and incubating it to make an explosion due to their unstable chemical composition. That is the turtonators signature shell trap. Due to their power and defensive adroitness, they would recover easily from the blast and mend their shells.

However, in present day, they are a species under protective status. Their shells were attractive, and many would steal young turtonators from their nests to either keep as pets or to raise for meat and their shell. Scientists also paid high prices for turtonator shells they thought were legal, when in fact they were from the bush market. Poachers went for the larger prizes, not only killing them for the carapace, but also capturing them to use in illegal fights. Their weak point on their chest did not make survival any easier. As such, turtonators dwindled until they are now only found among the few volcanic spots of the region's island chain. They no longer amble about as they used to, and have adopted a much more aggressive stance towards outsiders.


Turtonators roam about in volcanoes. There are only so many areas of volcanic activity, so many turtonators will gather in one crater, despite having no connection with one another. When breeding season comes, they do make communal nests for their eggs though. A turtonator camouflages itself among the jagged rocks and pumice, snapping up small prey that passes by. When prey are hard to come by, they feed on sulphur and other poisonous volcanic minerals around the lava basins. They are immune to these poisons, which they also even breathe back out through their tube snouts. It is believed this diet of explosive and fiery minerals and chemicals is what makes their shell explosive. They also don't have to wait for an enemy to hit them, as their hard, club-like tails are also the perfect flint to strike their fires. Turtonators can flick their tails to ignite an explosion from their backs when they are stepped on. The explosion is typically releases from the hole in their chest, which is also a dire weak point for them. When it is damp, they usually cannot ignite and so retreat to the safety of caves or deeper in volcanoes where the heat evaporates all the rain. On such rainy days, they are seen clustering together to emit more heat.

Turtonator Names

Turtonators, though flightless, are actually a type of dragon. Their names derive from Draconic words, though a few special ones also use Ignan of the Primordial dialect. Turtonators often choose names with reference to explosions and natures of fire, as it is their affinity. Smaller, wimp turtonators will often be nicknamed something after an extinguished or weak flame.

Turtonator Traits

Very durable dragon turtles
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Turtonators have been known to live for up to 300 years.
Alignment. These pokemon usually tend to be neutral, minding their own business.
Size. You are just above 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Shell Armor. Your shell if a great asset to your defenses. When unarmored, your Armor Class is equal to 12 + your Constitution modifier. You may use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Volcanic Lungs. You spend a lot of time breathing in fumes that would otherwise be poisonous to others. You are immune to being poisoned by means of inhalation, like the stinking cloud spell.
Shell Trap. Attacks make for an explosive fuse on those who strike you. When you are successfully hit by an attack at melee range, you may use your reaction to have your tail fuse light your shell and blast away. Creatures within 10 feet of you take fire damage equal to your Constitution modifier and must make a Dexterity save of DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, they are pushed back 5 feet from you. You must finish a long rest to use this trait again.
Smokescreen. You can blow out a cloud of obscuring smoke from your snout. As an action, you snort out a thick, black blanket of volcanic fumes, covering an area of a 15-foot cone, originating from yourself. The area is considered heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. You must finish a long rest before using this trait again.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Ignan and Draconic

Random Height and Weight

6′ 7'' +1d8 467 lb. × (1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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