More Realistic Ability Score Use (5e Variant Rule)

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More Realistic Ability Score Use

When making an attack with a melee weapon the character is proficient with that lacks the Two-Handed property the attack roll utilizes the character’s Dexterity modifier. Strength can instead be applied instead if the character isn’t proficient with said weapon or the player chooses to do so. Damage rolls regardless of the modifier used for the attack roll will add the player’s Strength modifier. (The reason for this change implies legitimate martial in combat and looks to dispel the myth of well-trained medieval warriors as being “crude” or “unrefined”. It allows for more realistic interpretations of martial finesse but allows for “brute force” as well if the player wishes to do so. Additionally, no matter how well you place a hit, Strength is usually the driving factor in how much damage can be done with said attack.) *Exceptions to this rule include Daggers and Whips which can use Dexterity for both rolls due to the dagger’s shorter blade being easier to manage and stab proportionately deep with and the whip utilizing more physics rather than brute force necessarily.* (The Rogue’s Sneak Attack feature instead can be applied to most Rogue weapons which include Simple weapons --excluding the Greatclub-- hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortswords.)

When making a ranged attack with a bow, the attack roll utilizes the character’s Strength modifier. Damage rolls when using a bow use the player’s Dexterity modifier. (The reason for this is to reflect the strength actually needed to draw the bow back whilst aiming. The damage reflects how precisely you hit the target, hence the Dexterity modifier.) When making a ranged attack with a crossbow, the attack roll and damage roll utilize the character’s Dexterity modifiers. (With a crossbow, you need not exert strength after spanning the string and can move much more freely than a bow hence the Dexterity modifier being used for both rolls.) Attack rolls with thrown weapons utilize the character’s Strength modifier. Damage rolls utilize the character’s Dexterity modifier. (This change is used to reflect the need for a decent amount of force behind thrown weapons to do substantial damage but also the proper aim to hit where you need to.)

Initiative checks instead use the character’s Wisdom modifier. (This represents the general awareness and quick thinking needed to initiate combat and focus on what’s going on in that moment.) *Class features such as the Ranger’s Dread Ambusher that allow a character to add their Wisdom modifier to their initiative check instead allow the character to add their Dexterity modifier to their initiative check.*

When making a Concentration saving throw, the character uses their spellcasting modifier rather than their Constitution modifier. (It makes a little more sense to keep up your mental focus rather than a physical attribute when making saves for your spell effects.)

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