Eye of the Storm (5e Spell)

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Eye of the Storm
9th-level evocation
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: Self (500 Foot Radius)
Components: V,S,M (A diamond encased in glass worth at least 5,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 3 Rounds

You stand in the center of a blizzard of your own making, wreaking havoc among your foes.

You summon a blizzard in a 500 foot radius around yourself. You may choose any sections in that area to not be affected by the blizzard (You can use this to not affect friendly creatures). Each creature in the blizzard must make a constitution save. Creatures that are flying have disadvantage on this save. Any creature that fails the save is knocked prone, takes 10d10 cold damage, and is incapacitated for the duration of the spell. Any creature that passes the save is not knocked prone, takes 5d10 cold damage, and its movement speed is reduced to 5.

At the beginning of the second round of the blizzard, all creatures must make another constitution throw, with flying creatures suffering disadvantage. Any creature that fails this second constitution save in addition to the first one takes 10d10 cold damage, becomes unconscious, and you can move it in any direction up to 50 feet. Any creature that fails this constitution save, after passing the first constitution save, suffers the same effects as though it had just failed the first saving throw. Any creature that succeeds in addition to succeeding the first save takes 5d10 more cold damage.

At the beginning of the third round of the blizzard, all creatures must make a third saving throw, and flying creatures have disadvantage on it. Any creature that fails after having failed the first two constitution saves takes 10d10 cold damage, then, if it is still alive, it becomes petrified, turning into an ice statue that cannot melt. Any creature fails after having failed one save and succeeded one save suffers the same effects as if had just failed the second save after failing the first save. Any creature that fails after succeeding the first two saves suffers the same effects as if it had just failed the first save.

During the round after the blizzard ends, creatures regain their original movement speed, although all areas affected by the blizzard become difficult terrain for 1d4 days due to massive amounts of snow on the ground. The following turn, all unconscious creatures will become conscious.

All creatures affected by the blizzard but having succeeded in passing all the constitution saves will have vulnerability to fire damage for 1d4 hours, those who were affected by the blizzard but having failed one of the saving throws will have vulnerability to fire for 1d6 hours, and those who were affected by the blizzard and failed 2 saving throws will have vulnerability to fire for 2d4 hours.

When you use this spell, after taking the action to initiate it, you may not take any other actions whatsoever during the three turns the blizzard is in existence.

Any boulders in the area of the blizzard with dimensions 5x5x5 through 30x30x30 feet are moved a number of feet determined by this equation, -5x+160, where x is the average between the boulder's height length and width (rounded down), directly away from you. Any creature hit by one of these boulders takes x/3 (rounded down) d6 damage (Again, x is the average between the boulder's height length and width [rounded down]). Any trees that are in the area of the blizzard that have a length and width of less than 10x10 feet are also knocked down directly away from you. Any creature hit by a falling tree takes 2y d6 damage, where y is the average length and width of the tree. Roll a d6 with the appropriate modifiers on the following table to determine any structural damage to any buildings that are in the area of effect of the blizzard.

Building Made of Wood: +2

Defensive Structure (Keep, Castle, etc.): -2

Hit by Boulder or Tree: +1 Each

1-:Relatively Unscathed; Very Minor Damage

2 :Slightly Damaged; Doors/Windows Blown In

3 :1/2 Unlikely to Collapse (roll d100 - 1/2 Crumbles on 70-100)

4 :1/2 Likely to Collapse (roll d100 - 1/2 Crumbles on 40-100)

5 :All Likely to Collapse (roll d100 - All Crumbles on 40-100)

6+:Completely Destroyed; Only Some Debris Left

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