Relentless Combatant (5e Feat)

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Relentless Combatant

You fight as a crashing wave inevitable, relentless, and implacable.

  • When you miss an attack roll against a target, you gain a +1 cumulative bonus to attack rolls you make against that target until you hit within the next minute, or you attack another target. The maximum bonus to attack rolls you can receive from this feature is +3.
  • Every successful consecutive attack roll you make against a target adds a cumulative +1 to your damage rolls. This bonus damage only applies to damage rolls from attacks you make against that target and is lost when you miss your target or you attack another target. The maximum bonus damage you can have from this feature is +5.
  • You can use your use bonus action to heighten your reflexes. When you do, you can make up to two opportunity attacks without using your reaction until the start of your next turn and you cannot use your normal reaction to make opportunity attacks. You can only make one attack against a creature for each triggering instance and these opportunity attacks cannot be used in the same turn that you have used your reaction.

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