5e Artifacts (Darenfell Supplement)
Artefacts and Their Origins[edit]
Darenfell is filled with many powerful and unique artefacts and magic items. Their origins vary from item to item, for instance, some may be crafted in the fires of a volcanic forge, and others may have been forged and imbued in the blast of lightning, and there are others still, whose origins are unknown.
Hanzo's Chain[edit]
A chained spearhead that ignites into flames when used in combat.
Damage: d6 piercing; 4 Fire
Stat Req.: Dex. 13
Hanzo's Flaming Fury[edit]
A +4 longsword resembling a Katana, it ignites into flames when used in combat.
Damage: 1d8 Slashing; 4 Fire
Stat Req.: Dex. 14; Str. 12
Perseus Blade of Shadows[edit]
A +3 longsword which seems to manifest shadows around itself.
Ability: On your turn, as an action, you may teleport to one enemy within 30 ft. of you and attack them. You may use this feature a number equal to your Constitution modifier, if used beyond this number, you will gain 1 level of exhaustion for each use. You regain uses of this feature after a short or long rest.
Damage: 1d8 Slashing; 4 Necrotic
Stat Req.: Dex. 14; Str. 15
Thornspires Wrath[edit]
A +4 Longsword, which has barbs running along the length of the blade, it is meant to utterly destroy the enemy.
Ability: On your turn, as an action, you may strike one enemy within melee range for 2d8 damage, and 1d6 bleeding damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier +2 (minimum 2), uses beyond this will deal 2d6 damage to yourself. You regain uses of this feature after a short or long rest.
Damage: 1d8 Slashing; 1d4 Bleeding
Stat Req.: Dex. 15; Str. 15
A +2 Greatsword of ancient Origin, forged by the great Giants for a human warrior meant to end the Great War which shattered the world. May he who holds this blade see truth wherever he seeks it
Seeker of Truth: When you reduce a living creatures hitpoints to 0 or less with this weapon, you may consume it's soul, killing it instantly. Truthseeker may hold a number of souls equal to 4 plus your Wisdom modifier.
Any time you strike something with this sword, you may consume a soul to add 1d4 to your damage roll.
When someone lies to you, the souls within the blade grow restless and begin to whisper, all within an 8 foot radius must succeed a DC 12 Wisdom check, or be afflicted with short term madness.
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