3.5e Martial Style Feats
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Martial Style Feats[edit]
The table below lists feats that require monk class features such as Flurry of Blows, Wisdom bonus to AC or Diamond Soul.
Name | Prerequisites | Summary |
Altered Unarmed Strike | Improved Unarmed Strike | You can inflict different types of damage with your unarmed strikes. |
Armed Flurry Of Blows | Monk level 3rd | You can attack with a flurry of blows with any weapon that you are proficient in. |
Armored Flurry of Blows | Flurry of Blows, Armor Proficiency (Light), Dex 14 | You have trained with a heavy weighted vest in order to be proficient with your martial ability despite wearing light armor. |
Armored Monk | Flurry of Blows, Armor Proficiency (Light) | You have been initiated into the ancient prancing crab style, which trains acrobatic maneuvers while armored. |
Breaking Blow | Base attack bonus +5, Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist | You are capable of inflicting powerful attacks with your bare hands. |
Channel Ki Strike | Ki strike | You can channel Ki into weapons to pierce a monsters defenses. |
Claw Punch | Improved Unarmed Strike, natural claw attack or Ki Claw | Fights like monk, claws like bear. |
Dagger Dash | Simple Weapon Proficiency (dagger), Weapon Focus (dagger), flurry of blows class feature | You pursue a martial path that uses the dagger. |
SRD:Deflect Arrows | ||
Distance Ki Strike | Ki Strike (lawful) class ability, Stunning Fist | You are able to focus your ki in order to strike an opponent at a distance. |
Divine Sorcerer | Sorcerer | <!-A short summary of the feat-> gains turning, loses familiar |
Fists of Adamantine | Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +4 | You can make devastating unarmed strikes. |
Fists of Steel | Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +3 | You can imbue your unarmed strikes with even more force. |
Flurry of Throws | Flurry of Blows | With amazing quickness Ember launched a half dozen darts at her opponent. |
Ghost Touch | Wis 13, Ki Strike class ability | By channeling your ki you can effectively strike incorporeal opponents. |
Greater Monkey Beats the Gong | Combat Reflexes | Allows you to make more attacks of opportunity if all your Flurry of Blows and Monkey Beats the Gong strikes hit. |
SRD:Greater Psionic Fist | ||
Healing Ki Touch | Monk level 9 | You can heal others just like you can heal yourself. |
Hemorrhaging Blows | Exploding Palm Style Rank 30, Sickening Blows, Base Attack Bonus +13 | Your foes suffer massive internal damage from your unarmed palm strikes and may start bleeding internally. |
Improved Abundant Step | Abundant Step class ability, BAB +12 | You have mastered your Abundant Step ability. You may use it three times per day and your caster level for this effect improves. |
Improved Deflect Arrows | Dex 13, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike | You can deflect arrows several times in a round. |
SRD:Improved Grapple | ||
SRD:Improved Ki Strike | ||
Improved Martial Arts | Wis 10, BAB +3, Improved Unarmed Strike | You deal more damage while unarmed |
Improved Monk AC Bonus | Monk level 1 | Your sixth sense is more developed than normal, allowing you a better chance to dodge blows in combat. |
SRD:Improved Stunning Fist | ||
SRD:Improved Unarmed Strike | ||
SRD:Infinite Deflection | ||
SRD:Keen Strike | ||
Ki Claw | Flurry of Blows, natural weapon | You can channel ki into your natural weapons. |
Ki Flow Healing | Stunning Fist, Heal 8 ranks | You can heal wounds using Ki. |
Ki Flow Medicine | Stunning Fist, Heal 4 ranks | You can heal certain conditions using Ki. |
Ki of the Masters | Wis 13, Str 11, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +3 | You have learned to channel your Ki into devastating unarmed attacks. |
Ki Sense | Wis 13, Monk base AC bonus 1 | Your self-awareness and mastery of ki allow you to intuitively sense the presence of danger. |
SRD:Legendary Wrestler | ||
Monk Weapon Mastery | Proficient With chosen weapon, Weapon Focus (with weapon), base attack bonus +6 | Through dedication, training and hard work, a monk can master any weapon. |
Monkey Beats the Gong | Flurry of Blows, Dex 13+ | Allows you to make an attack of opportunity if at least two of your Flurry of Blows strikes hit. |
Ordinary Crafter | Crafting rank 5+ | <!-A short summary of the feat-> can make non-magic items |
Penetrating Ki Strike | Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Ki Strike class ability, Base attack bonus +9 | You can use your mastery of ki to make an unarmed strike as if delivering a touch attack. |
Pin Weapon | Base attack bonus +3 | This feat allows you to 'lock blades' with an opponent, reducing their ability to react |
SRD:Psionic Fist (Feat) | ||
Ranged Attack of Opportunity | Base Attack Bonus +8, Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot. | You can take advantage of a foe who drops his guard near you. |
Reach Your Potential | spellcaster 5th level+, spellcasting stat 20+ | <!-A short summary of the feat-> caster levels are equal to HD |
Rededication | You’ve wandered away from your true vocation long enough, now its time to return. | |
SRD:Reflect Arrows | ||
SRD:Return Shot | ||
SRD:Righteous Strike | ||
SRD:Shattering Strike | ||
Sickening Blows | Exploding Palm Style Rank 15, Base Attack Bonus +9 | Your foes suffer internal damage from your unarmed palm strikes. |
SRD:Snatch Arrows | ||
Song of Flurry | Bardic music ability, Flurry of Blows | Your flurry is guided by your music. |
SRD:Stunning Fist | ||
Taiji Mastery | Wis 13, Combat Focus PHB II, Yin Combat Focus, Yang Combat Focus | You have mastered the Taiji circle, making your Ki stronger when your Combat Focus is active. |
SRD:Unavoidable Strike | ||
Unbalancing Fist | Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +4 | You can throw your enemy off balance with a single precise blow to a nerve center. |
SRD:Vorpal Strike | ||
Yang Combat Focus | Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike | Your Combat Focus training enhanced your offensive Ki powers. |
Yin Combat Focus | Wis 13, Combat Focus, Wisdom bonus to AC | Your Combat Focus training enhanced your defensive Ki powers. |
Yin Yang Style | Flurry of Blows | You can rush out in a mighty flurry or hold back to concentrate all energy on a powerful punch. |