3.5e Grim Feats

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The table below lists feats that require grim class features. Grim feats modify and enhance grim class features and abilities.

Grim Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Death's Anchor Touch Rending Nullification Touch Banish creatures to the afterlife and prevent them from leaving.
Extended Transformation Grim Transformation Class Feature Transformation lasts for 5 additional rounds.
Extra Transformation Grim Transformation Class Feature You can Transform 2 more times per day.
Final Rites Death's Contract Prevent souls from returning to life.
Manifest Gate Ethereal Gate Class Feature You manifest your Ethereal Gate Class Feature into the Material Plane.
Manifest Rending Touch Rending Touch, Epic You harness the full power of your Rending Touch when not Transformed.
Rending Touch Elemental Focus Rending Touch Transforms his Rending Touch energy into elemental energy on command.
Rending Touch Elemental Focus, Improved Rending Touch Focus Transforms his Rending Touch energy into elemental energy on command.
Rending Touch Energy Focus Rending Touch Polarizes his Rending Touch energy into negative energy or positive energy on command.
Rending Touch Energy Focus, Improved Rending Touch Focus Polarizes his Rending Touch into negative energy or positive energy when not Transformed.
Rending Touch Focus Rending Touch +1d6 damage bonus on Rending Touch.