3.5e Fiend Feats

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Fiend Feats are a concept introduced in the Tome of Fiends. They are feats made for customizing fiends, and can be taken by any evil outsider, Tiefling from the Keran Setting or creature that has the Product of Infernal Dalliance feat.

Fiend Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Breath Weapon Character level 6. You have a magical breath weapon.
Carrier Must have one level of a Fiend class. You are a carrier of a dangerous disease, though you are immune to its effects.
Constricting Fiend Character level 6. Your legs merge into a long tail, and you gain the ability to squeeze the life from your foes.
Devour the Soul Must have one level of a Fiend class As a fiend, you gain nourishment from devouring souls.
Elemental Aura Character level 7, must have a subtype granting immunity to a form of elemental damage. Your close relationship with primal elemental forces has manifested in a damaging aura.
Essence Gourmand Must have one level of a Fiend class Even among soul-eating fiends, you are a accomplished eater.
Evil Eye Character Level 3 "Go ahead. Try it. I dare you."
Extra Arms Character level 6 (per extra pair) You have more arms than normal.
Fiendish Invisibility Character level 6 You cannot be seen
From the Abyss Evil Outsider You're familiar with the lower planes, very familiar.
Harmless Form Character level 4 You can assume the likeness of a mortal.
Huge Size Character level 10 Your size increases to Huge.
Large Size Character level 5 Your size increases to Large.
Pincers Two of your hands are converted into pincers.
Poison Sacs Must have one level of a Fiend class One of your natural weapons is envenomed.
Slime Trail Character level 2. Your body secretes a slick mucus that dries quickly in contact with air, but you've learned to use this to your advantage.
Spines of Fury Character level 3. Spines cover your body, and you may fire these spine at your enemies.
Sting of the Scorpion None You have a stinger that carries lethal poison.
Stoning Gaze Character level 9. You turn people you view into stone.
Supernatural Virulence Must have a poisonous natural weapon. Your poison is as much magical as it is biological.
Wings of Evil Character level 5. You have sinister bat-like wings growing from your back.