Word of Nurturing (Pathfinder Spell)

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Word of Nurturing

School Lexicon of the Evolving Mind; Level truenamer 1
Casting Time 1 standard action

Range 60 ft.
Target creature
Duration 1 Round (Normal) or 1 Round (Reverse)
Saving Throw None; Spell Resistance
Normal: Target creature heals 1d8 at first level of truenamer and every three levels of truenamer. 1d8 at level 1, 2d8 at level 3, 3d8 at level 6 and so on and so forth. This effect can also heal undead creatures such as vampires and ghouls. This effect cannot heal reanimated corpses or spirits of any kind.

Reverse: Target creature takes damage for 1d6 at every odd level of truenamer. 1d6 at level 1, 2d6 at level 3, 3d6 at level 5,and so on and so forth. This effect can inflict damage to undead creatures such as vampires and ghouls. This effect cannot damage reanimated corpses or spirits of any kind.

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