Wolfenfeniria (Iolis Setting)

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Map of Wolfenfeniria


Wolfenfeniria is the Northern most nation of Iolis. Populated by hardy races, they are constantly waging war with the residents of The White, primarily, the Snow Orc tribes, and the Snow Gnolls. It has harsh winters with a lot of snow, and mild summers.


Wolfenfeniria is often refereed to as the Free States. There are Nine Clans of Fenirborn, and eight jarldoms. The major clans are the Cawl, who are swordsmen; Rec, the inventors; Slab, the miners; HaGos, the marksmen; Niche, the sailors and traders; Hose, horsemen; Luns, healers and illusionists; Mags, battlemages and warlocks and the Dire clan of bards, rogues and wanderers. The Dires have no jarldom, but tend to have one of their own as the High Jarl in charge of all of the other Jarls. The current High King is High King Snow. The commons langueges are Canic, Yurmanyk and Common.


Each clan in Wolfnfeniria has certain classes that are natives to the region. The following lists are the clans and the classes associated with them.


The Recs have the most industrialized jarldom of Wolfenfeniria. They are also the farthest advanced, and have the most factories. The capitol city of Rec is Grohan and has the Ice Place, the shrine dedicated to Fenir; the Twilight Sepulchre, the home of the Ghost Legion and the shine to Grohan and Zev, the Champions who battled against the Demon Lords in the 2nd and 3rd moon. They opposed the HaGos in the Winter Rebellion.

All classes from Rec gain a +1 bonus to Dungeoneering Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Artificer(Tinkerer)
  • Artificer(Battlesmith)
  • Warlord (Inspiring)
  • Ghost Warrior (Wrathful)

The HaGos have the highest oil and quicksilver reserves. They are the second richest nation, and has the most exports of all of the Jarldoms. The capitol city of HaGo is Icegard. The HaGos led the Winter Rebellion against the Recs after the 2nd Kaldor war and lost to the Dire-Kaldor alliance.

All classes from HaGo gain a +1 bonus to Perception Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Ranger (Hunter)
  • Ranger (Archer)
  • Seeker(Vengeful)
  • Ghost Warrior (Silent)

The Cawl are the direct vassals of the Recs, with the First Claw serving as the Rec Jarl's personal squire. All Cawl believe in honor and refuse to betray their lords. The capitol city of Cawl is Erlhagen, and has the Grove of the Erlking. The Cawls are the least developed out of all the nations and refuse to use guns or machines in their military and daily lives. The Cawl has the most crossings into the Faelands.

All classes from Cawl gain a +1 bonus to Endurance Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Ranger (Scout)
  • Ranger (Two-Blade)
  • Warden (Life)
  • Ghost Warrior (Grim)

The Niche have the most ports of all of the jarldoms. In the Winter Rebellion they sided with the Rec. They control all of the countries exports and imports through the White. The capitol of Niche is Bazel the tower port that has the largest Zeppelin terminal of all the jarldoms. They are most responsible for the development of the Wolfenfeniris airforce, and no-fire guns.

All classes from Niche gain a +1 bonus to Acrobatics Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Barbarian (Thunderborn)
  • Rogue (Aerialist)
  • Rogue (Thief)
  • Barbarian (Whirling)

The Luns are the most accomplished illusionists and seers of the jarldoms. They remained neutral along with the Mags in the Winter Rebellion. They make the most foci of all of the jarldoms and export magical items out to the rest of Iolis. Their capitol is Moonburg, and is responsible for enchanting all of the Wolfenfeniris weapons for the military.

All classes from Lun gain a +1 bonus to Heal Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Druid (Sentinel)
  • Wizard/Mage (Illusion)
  • Shaman (World Spirit)
  • Wizard/Witch (Full Moon Coven)

The Mags are the most accomplished battle mages and healers of all of the jarldoms. The remained neutral along with the Luns in the Winter Rebellion. They are responsible for refining the magical components of the machines of Rec and the Zeppelins of the Niche. Their capitol is Holbreck, and trains the battle mages for the Wolfenfeniris Military. There are also many crossings into the Shadowgloom in the Mag lands.

All classes from Mag gain a +1 bonus to Arcana Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Wizard/Mage (Nethermancy)
  • Wizard/Witch (Dark Moon Coven)
  • Warlock/Binder (Gloom Pact)
  • Warlock/Hexblade (Gloom Pact)

The Slab have the most raw materials out of all the jarldoms. The Slab produce the steel for the Rec machines and mine cobalt for the Zeppelin engines of the Niche. The Slabs have the most miners and the largest population out of all jarldoms. The capitol is the ancient city of Marthal, full of Dwarven mines and machines. They sided with the HaGos during the Winter Rebellion.

All classes from Slab gain a +1 bonus to Athletics Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Warden (Wild)
  • Barbarian (Beserker)
  • Barbarian (Thaneborn)
  • Fighter (Slayer)

The Hose is located in the Ysangard mountains and is famous for their Fighting Wolves and Vargs. These wolf-like animals are the main stay for the Wolfeniris cavalry. The Hose also train Dragons to be used as light air support and to fight against mages where fire magic would damage the Zeppelins. The capitol of Hose is Ysan. The Hose sided with the HaGos in the Witer Rebellion, but in one of the battles, the General of the Northern Hose forces betrayed the Hose army and joined forces with the Niche.

All classes from Hose gain a +1 bonus to Nature Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Ranger (Beastmaster)
  • Paladin/Blackguard (Domination)
  • Paladin/Blackguard (Fury)
  • Druid (Predator)

The Dires are the nomadic tribe of wolves who keep the stories of their world alive. Each member of the Dire clan has the musical capabilities of bards, but lack the ability to channel the arcane magics to belong to the class. The Dires have a home city of Feniris that is located on the Niche border of the White. Once every 10 years, the Dires hold the Crucible, a gathering where all the members of the Dire clan gather in one place.

All classes from the Dire clan gain a +1 bonus to History Checks. The classes from this clan are...

  • Bard(Skald)
  • Ghost Warrior (Ancient)
  • Warden (Storm)
  • Assassin(Executioner)


Wolfenfeniria is home to the Temples of the Wild New God's such as Fenir, the Erlking, and the Lady of Sorrow. While the majority of the population worships these gods, smaller shrines are built to other gods.


The races in Wolfenfeniria are mainly Fenirborn, Warforged and Wolfborn. These races live to respect nature and don't fight with each other often. The Rec clan is responsible for the creation of Wolfen Warforged. The Warforged live in Rec, Niche and HaGos while the Wolfborn live in Slab, Hose and Cawl. Fenirborn live in all of the jarldoms.

Background Bonus[edit]

If your character is from Wolfenfeniria, you can read and speak Yurmanyk, and gain a +2 to endurance and athletics.*

  • *DM's have the option to change the skill bonuses or remove them if they wish

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