Windcleaver (3.5e Equipment)

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Martial Two-Handed
Range Increment:
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * 2 * 1
Diminutive * 1d3 * 2
Tiny * 1d4 * 5
Small 10,000gp 1d6+1 1 millagram 10
Medium 10,000gp 1d10+1 10lbs 20
Large 2d6+2 20lbs 40
Huge * 1d20+3 * 80
Gargantuan * 3d10+4 * 160
Colossal * 5d20+5 * 320
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

the windcleaver is a blade made by the yiga clan weilded by blademasters it is a blade that can be bought or can be found on blademasters but as soon the blademaster "poofs away" so does the weapon also the windcleaver can cut the air with a one round charge with half damage its crit is 18-20 x2

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