Wild Cats (4e Creature)

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Wild Cats[edit]

Wild Cats are large predatory animals found in various regions throughout the world. While in many ways resembling common housecats, these big creatures are not normally friendly to other animals of any type; seeing them as a food source. These large cats use stealth to approach their prey and then attempt to bring them down as quick as possible, going for what appears to be the least defended, or weakest, of a group. Failure to do so within a few attacks causes them to retreat to a safe distance, only to stalk the weakened foe until a new attack opportunity arises.


Cheetahs are swift feline predators of the plains. A cheetah is 3 to 5 feet long and weighs 110 to 130 pounds.

Level 3 Elite Skirmisher
Medium Natural Beast
XP 300
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +9, low-light vision
HP 94; Bloodied 47
AC 19; Fortitude 20, Reflex 21, Will 18
Saving Throws +2
Speed 10
Action Points 1
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +8 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage, and cheetah may attempt to Grab target (until escapes). Attempting to Bite again releases the Grab.
Melee.png Drag Down ♦ at-will
Effect: +6 vs. Fort; 5 damage, and the cheetah knocks a Grabbed target prone.
Melee.png Claws ♦ at-will
Effect: +8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage.
Sprint ♦ encounter
Effect: The cheetah must Charge its target, if either its Claws or Bite attack attack hits, the target must make a Save roll. Failure means the target is knocked Prone.
Coalition Attack
Effect: All allies of the cheetah that are attacking the same target gain Combat Advantage.
Skills Acrobatics +10, athletics +8, endurance +8, perception, stealth +10
Feats Alertness, fast runner
Str 16 (+4) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 15 (+3) Int 2 (-3) Cha 6 (-1)
Alignment Unaligned Languages

Cheetah Tactics[edit]

Cheetahs make sudden sprints to bring down prey.

Encounter Groups[edit]

Male cheetahs are very sociable and will group together for life, usually with their brothers in the same litter; although if a cub is the only male in the litter then two or three lone males may group up, or a lone male may join an existing group. Females always hunt alone, although cubs will accompany their mothers to learn to hunt once they reach the age of five to six weeks.


These jungle cats are about 4 feet long and weigh about 120 pounds. By altering appearance and locale these statistics can be used to describe Jaguars, Panthers, or Cougars as well.

Level 3 Solo Lurker
Medium Natural Beast
XP 750
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +9, low-light vision
HP 188; Bloodied 94
AC 19; Fortitude 20, Reflex 21, Will 18
Saving Throws +5
Speed 8
Action Points 2
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +8 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage, and leopard may attempt to Grab target (until escapes). Attempting to Bite again releases the Grab.
Melee.png Claws ♦ at-will
Effect: +8 vs. AC; 2d6+3 damage.
Melee.png Claw Rake ♦ at-will
Effect: Leopards inflict an additional 1d6+3 damage with their hind claws to Grabbed targets, every round they hit with their Claws attack.
Pounce ♦ encounter
Effect: A leopard can leap onto its target from an adjacent square. The leopard gains Combat Advantage for that round, and can cause Claw Rake damage even if target is not Grabbed.
Skills Acrobatics +10, athletics +8, endurance +8, perception, stealth +10
Feats Alertness
Str 16 (+4) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 15 (+3) Int 2 (-3) Cha 6 (-1)
Alignment Unaligned Languages

Leopard Tactics[edit]

Leopards usually hunt at night, and always attempt to Pounce (from a tree, or ledge) on a target when they first attack.

Encounter Groups[edit]

Like most cats, the leopard is a solitary animal. Only mothers and kittens live in groups, with adults meeting only to mate. It is secretive and crepuscular, being most active around dawn and dusk.


These large cats are 5 to 8 feet long and weigh 330 to 550 pounds. Females are slightly smaller but use the same statistics.

Level 5 Elite Soldier
Large Natural Beast
XP 400
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +10, low-light vision
HP 126; Bloodied 63
AC 19; Fortitude 20, Reflex 21, Will 18
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8
Action Points 1
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +12 vs. AC; 2d8+4 damage, and lion may attempt to Grab target (until escapes). Attempting to Bite again releases the Grab.
Melee.png Claws ♦ at-will
Effect: +12 vs. AC; 1d10+4 damage.
Melee.png Claw Rake ♦ at-will
Effect: Lions inflict an additional 1d6+4 damage with their hind claws to Grabbed targets, every round they hit with their Claws attack.
Charging Pounce ♦ encounter
Effect: If a lion Charges its target the lion can cause Claw Rake damage even if target is not Grabbed. If the target is Grabbed during this attack it is knocked Prone.
Pride Attack
Effect: All allies of the lion that are attacking the same target gain Combat Advantage.
Skills Acrobatics +10, athletics +12, endurance +9, perception, stealth +10
Feats Alertness, fast runner
Str 21 (+7) Dex 17 (+5) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 15 (+4) Int 2 (-2) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment Unaligned Languages

Lion Tactics[edit]

Lions are powerful animals who usually hunt in coordinated groups and stalk their chosen prey.

Encounter Groups[edit]

Lions are predatory carnivores living in groups, called prides. The pride usually consists of approximately five or six related females, their cubs of both sexes, and one or two males known as a coalition who mate with the adult females (although extremely large prides, consisting of up to 30 individuals, have been observed). The coalition of males associated with a pride are usually two, but may increase to four and decrease again over time. Male cubs are excluded from their maternal pride when they reach maturity.


These great cats stand more then 3 feet tall at the shoulder and are about 9 feet long. They weigh from 400 to 600 pounds.

Level 6 Solo Brute
Large Natural Beast
XP 1250
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +11, low-light vision
HP 292; Bloodied 146
AC 20; Fortitude 26, Reflex 22, Will 21
Saving Throws +5
Speed 8
Action Points 2
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +9 vs. AC; 3d8+4 damage, and tiger may attempt to Grab target (until escapes). Attempting to Bite again releases the Grab.
Melee.png Claws ♦ at-will
Effect: +9 vs. AC; 3d6+4 damage.
Melee.png Claw Rake ♦ at-will
Effect: Tigers inflict an additional 1d10+4 damage, with their hind claws to Grabbed targets every round they hit with their Claws attack.
Charging Pounce ♦ encounter
Effect: If a tiger Charges its target the tiger can cause Claw Rake damage even if target is not Grabbed. If the target is Grabbed during this attack it is knocked Prone.
Pounce ♦ encounter
Effect: A tiger can leap onto it's target from an adjacent square, the tiger gains Combat Advantage for that round, and can cause Claw Rake damage even if target is not Grabbed. If the target is Grabbed during this attack it is also knocked Prone.
Skills Acrobatics +10, athletics +14, endurance +11, perception, stealth +10
Feats Alertness
Str 23 (+9) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 12 (+4)
Con 17 (+6) Int 2 (+1) Cha 6 (+1)
Alignment Unaligned Languages

Tiger Tactics[edit]

Tigers usually hunt at night. They generally hunt alone and ambush their prey as most other cats do, overpowering them from any angle, using their body size and strength to knock large prey off balance.

Encounter Groups[edit]

Tigers are solitary animals, and are fiercely territorial.

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