Why? (Rabetea Supplement)

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It was February 14, 2023 when our regular GM cancelled the gaming session for the evening due to Valentine's Day. Out of a group of eight, only three of us weren't in significant relations. I offered to run something.

I brought out three gaming systems and let them pick which one we would generate characters for. I had a copy of Central Casting: Heroes for Tomorrow (R) Task Force Games. I told them that their character backgrounds would help create the world. So, between CCHfT and d20 Apocalypse, we came up with "Rabetea". It's starting out in SW North Dakota. Of course, we're also using D20 Modern and D20 Future for rules and additional references.

We're still creating, or at least I am. I thought this would be a good place to store information that would make it easier for distributing information to potential players.

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