Werehound (5e Creature)

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Hit Points

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Senses passive Perception X

Feature Name. Feature description


Action Name. Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: X (1dX + X) damtype damage.


The can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Werehounds are like werewolves in every way only their viciousness can be overcome with a strong mind which is not completely overcome by their dog or dog humanoid forms. They are created by the bite, scratch or blood of other werehounds. They are normally born as werehounds but the humanoid who was turned could also breed with others who were turned or otherwise however turned werehounds aren’t as powerful as born werehounds. If a turned werehound mates with a born werehound, their offspring is just as powerful as other born werehounds.

Werehounds can pass on morphing abilities to other animals from their bites if somehow the animal doesn’t die from the attack. If the werehound chooses not to attack to kill and just bites then the animal doesn’t have to worry about dying. Only when the wound is severe in the attack survival is necessary to gain morphing abilities. After surviving the attack the animal has to ingest the blood of another being to gain its new form which becomes its permanent wereform. Example: a werehound bites a panther which escapes death somehow, the wounded panther bites a human, the Human’s blood makes the panther into a pantherwere and as a side effect the morphing enzyme in th panther’s saliva turns the Human into a werepanther. Neither the werepanther or pantherwere only can create others of their kind and they can crossbreed with each other however they cannot pass on morphing abilities to other animals like how they were created. That example works for any animal bitten by werehounds and survive.

Werehounds are all over the world and any dog breed could be one including wolves and foxes. The bad thing is that they were widely hunted by werewolves for sport. The werehounds that are wolf breeds aren’t as vicious as werewolves and they have a clearer head even while in their animal forms.

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