Wendigo, Curse (5e Creature)

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Wendigo Curse[edit]

Large undead (cursed spirit), chaotic evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 250 (20d10 + 140)
Speed 65 ft.

22 (+6) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)

Saving Throws Str +11, Con +12, Cha +10
Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +12, Stealth +13
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant, fire
Damage Resistances nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Damage Immunities cold, poison
Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 18
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)

Cursed Energy. The curse has 75 cursed energy that it can use to fuel it's abilities. All of it's cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.

Improved Cursed Energy Recovery. The curse regains 3 cursed energy at the beginning of each of it's turns.

Famous Name.. Whenever the Wendigo rolls initiative, it may force every hostile creature that can see it to make a Wisdom saving throw(DC 19). On a failure, they are frightened for one minute. They can reroll this saving throw in the beggining of their turns to end the condition early. On a success, they are immune to this feature for 24 hours.

'Cold Aura' While it's alive, the Wendigo generates an aura of bitter cold that fills the area within 10 feet of it. At the start of the Wendigo's turn, all nonmagical flames in the aura are extinguished. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the Wendigo takes 6 (2d6) cold damage.

Mimicry. The wendigo can mimic any sounds it has heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 19 Wisdom (Insight) check.

'Stalk' The Wendigo can take the Hide Action as a bonus action on each of its turns.

Ambush. The wendigo has advantage on attack rolls against a creature who has not taken a turn yet.

Sadism. Whenever the Wendigo deals damage to someone who is frightened of it, half of the total damage will be converted in temporary hit points to itself. These temporary hit points cannot go above its cr.


Multiattack. The Wendigo makes two attacks, one with its claws and one with its bite

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d12 + 6) slashing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or have its movement reduced by 10ft.

Wendigo's Curse (3 Cursed Energy).The wendigo targets one creature that it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or become cursed with the Wendigo's fever. The curse lasts until it is removed by reverse cursed technique or greater restoration spell, or until the Wendigo is permanently destroyed.

Wendigo's Fever: This curse causes the infected creature to suffer from an unending hunger and weakness. The creature must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw at the end of each long rest or gain one level of Exhaustion and not gain any benefits of that long rest, as it tosses and turns with ravenous nightmares. If the creature dies of Exhaustion or any other cause while infected, it rises as a new Wendigo 1d4 days later, unless the body is targeted by reverse cursed technique or any form of healing that can prevent the turning into an curse spirit.


Advanced Regeneration. The curse can spend any amount of Cursed Energy, regaining hit points equal to 10 times the amount spent.


Advanced Regeneration. As a Reaction to suffering damage, the curse uses it's Advanced Regeneration.

A Wendigo, stalking through the forest at night]

Wendigo (/ˈwɛndɪɡoʊ/) is a mythological creature or evil spirit originating from Algonquian folklore. The concept of the wendigo has been widely used in literature and other works of art, such as social commentary and horror fiction.

The wendigo is often said to be a malevolent spirit, sometimes depicted as a creature with human-like characteristics, which possesses human beings. It is said to cause its victims a feeling of insatiable hunger, the desire to eat other humans, and the propensity to commit murder. In some representations, the wendigo is described as a giant humanoid with a heart of ice, whose approach is signaled by a foul stench or sudden unseasonable chill.

Not Canon. The Wendigo Curse is not an official cursed spirit demonstrated in the Jujutsu Kaisen franchise, it was completely made up by the people working behind this supplement. It is intended to populate campaigns in an absence of enough official material, and as such was properly balanced for any DM to use in their Jujutsu Campaign.

Cursed Technique: Wendigo’s Curse

The Wendigo has the wendigo’s curse cursed technique. The following is part of the Wendigo’s cursed technique:


Cold Aura


Wendigo’s Curse

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