Well Over 100 Tavern Names (DnD Other)
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Adventurers often stop at a local Tavern to find out what is going on in town, get some work, or to simply kick back and relax. Having a good name and theme is the hallmark of a great atmosphere. Below are some ideas for the names of Taverns your players may visit.
Compiled List[edit]
- The Bard's Tale Tavern
- The Bard's Trousers
- The Black Barnacle
- The Black Flagon
- The Bloody Body
- The Bloody Tooth and Broken Bone Tavern
- The Bottomless Cauldron
- The Braze'n'Bold
- The Bucket of Blood
- The Busted Bottle
- The Busty Barmaid
- The Butterhouse Tavern
- The Cellar-Keg
- The Clay Platters
- The Coal Miners Daughter
- The Cob Web
- The Cockatryce Egg
- The Come on Inn
- The Cracked Hoof
- The Crooked Cane
- The Dancing Dryad
- The Dead Prince Tavern
- The Dirty Sack Flophouse
- River Stone
- The Dock Master's Tavern
- The Dragon's Slither
- Dragonwink's Pub
- The Drunken Dragon
- The Drunken Sailor
- The Drunk Duck
- The Dwarven Bombard
- Early Bird Inn
- Every Man's Wish Tavern
- The Fearless Flumph
- The Fireside Newt
- The Firewater Tavern
- The First and Last Tavern
- The Flaming Wand
- The Flask and Sword
- The Flying Flute Tavern
- The Footsore Wanderer
- The Fresh Flask
- The Fried Fingers Inn
- The Galleon-Hole
- The Gory Club Tavern
- The Gypsy's Gaze
- The Hag's Pot Inn
- The Happy Pedlar
- The Harpey's Kettle
- The Hearth and Road Inn
- Hearty Wines and Aged Soups Inn
- The Hare's Hair
- House of Pots
- The Inn and Out Inn
- Inn Harm's Way
- Inn way to Deep
- Insatiable Badger
- The Jasper Otter
- The King's Hall
- The Last Forgotten Wish Tavern
- The Last Stop
- The Magician's Monocle
- The Mead and Magic Inn
- The Merchant's Last Coin
- The Minstrel's Dance
- The Mixwater Tavern
- The Moldy Eye
- The Naughty Gnome
- The Naughty Nymph
- The Nymph's Node
- The Ogre-Door Tabernacle
- The Once-Proud Goose
- The Open Cauldron
- Oztrmo's Den
- The Patched Paw
- The Patched Robe
- The Peasant's Flask
- The Pewter Mug
- The Phoenix's Beak
- The Pocked Pocket Inn
- The Poisoned Meat
- The Poor Merchant's Inn
- The Port Crevice
- The Queen's Robes
- The Rather Blustery Day
- The Rat's Daggers
- The Red Homununch
- The Reveling Wench
- The Rich Peasant Inn and Tavern
- The Riverman's Nestledown
- The Rock Bunk Tavern
- The Rotten Bolas
- The Running King
- The Rusty Cog Inn
- The Salt Merchant Inn
- The Salty Tusk
- Scorfil's Ale & Fryes
- The Scrolls of Welcoming
- The Servant's Last Dance
- The Shaken Flagon
- The Shattered Cup Hall
- The Shield and Sheath Inn
- The Shitkicker
- The Silly Dryad
- The Silver Sword Inn
- Sleemy's Second Home
- The Slurred Speech Tavern
- The Spider's Fang
- The Spider's Nest
- The Steward's Hatch
- The Stowaway Inn
- The Swaggering Magus
- The Swordhole
- The Tall Tales Tavern
- The Tanger Serpent Tavern
- The Tangled Vine Tavern
- The Tassled Teapot
- The Tasty Timber
- The Traveler's Notch
- The Unfilled Mug
- The Unkempt Virgin
- The Vomit Repository
- The Wanderlust Tavern
- The Watering Hole
- Wayfinder's Rest
- The Weary Wyvern Tavern
- The Witch's Brew
- The Yawning Rabbit
- The Milk Maid's Duds
- 9 Horse Hitch
- 10 Bed Inn, The
- Aerie of the Eagles
- Adventurer’s Hall
- Alchemist’s Alembic
- Ales 'n Beds
- Alehouse of the Serpents, The
- Alicorn, The
- Amulet and Wineskin, The
- Antidote
- Arma Gedd Inn
- Atlastabeer!
- Axe and Compass, The
- Axehandle Ale
- Baalzepub
- Badger and Harp, The
- Badger Head
- Bag and Flagon, The
- Banjo and Zigzag, The
- Bar of Kings, The
- Barf Bag, The
- Bartie's Food and Brew
- Basque and Feijoa, The
- Battle Axe Inn
- Bed-And-Boarmeat
- Bedry, The
- Beast’s Head
- Beauty Man Garden (servers are well-built 19yr olds)
- Bed THIS
- Beefy Stu's Beefy Stews
- Beehive, The
- Beer Guzzler, The
- Behir and the Beholder, The
- Belching Boar
- Belle, The
- Belly Buster, The
- Bent Elbows, The
- Bibbo’s Pub
- Biers (undead related)
- Big Boy, The
- Big Red Dog, The
- Bill & Ted’s Excellent Alehouse
- Blabbering Kobold
- Black Barrels
- Black and Blue Unicorn
- Black Boar, The
- Black Hole, The
- Black Pearl, The (near the ocean)
- Black Swan, The (sounds like a posh joint on a calm pond to me)
- Black Wednesday
- Blind Basilisk, The
- Blind Eye, The (caters to thieves but claims neutrality)
- Blind Marksman
- Blood of the Vine (from Ravenloft I believe)
- Blue Bear, The
- Blue Bladesman, The
- Blue Duck, The
- Blue Lantern, The (Blue Light Special)
- Blue Parrot Inn
- Boar and Spear, The
- Boar's Bristles, The
- Boar's Chase, The
- Boar's Head Inn
- Boar's Rest
- Bob's Place
- Bog and Barrel, The
- Boil and Youth, The
- Booze-up
- Bottomless Keg
- Bowl's Rim, The
- Broken Arrow
- Broken Bow
- Broken Cane, The
- Broken Drum, The
- Broken Fist, The
- Broken Kender Arms, The (with good reason...)
- Bucket
- Buffalo's Beard, The
- Bull and Finch, The
- Bullet and Barrel, The
- Bullseye Tavern, The
- Bunch o' Grapes
- Bunk House, The
- Burly Beholder
- Burning Corpse
- Buxom Wench, The
- Cafe of Broken Dreams, The
- Candi Bar, The (yet another fine erotic entertainment center)
- Cardinal's Error, The
- Caritas (“Mercy”, owned by karaoke loving green dragon)
- Carl's Bad Tavern
- Cat and Fiddle, The
- Cat and Mouse, The
- Cat's Claw Inn, The
- Cavern
- Cesspit, The
- Chicken's Rest, The
- Chipped Chalice
- Citadel
- Clan of the White Wind
- Cloak and Dagger
- Cloven Hoof, The
- Clowns, Inn of
- Cock and Hen, The
- Colored Noun
- Come on Inn, The
- Cow's Horn, The
- Creative Marquee, The
- Creative Marquis, The
- Crippled Griffon
- Crazy Cleric
- Crazy Monk
- Crimson Chord
- Crooked Corner
- Crossed Daggers, The
- Crossed Swords, The
- Crow's Heart, The
- Crow's Nest, The
- Cup and Mug, The
- Dancing Elephant, The
- Dancing Giant
- Dancing Kobold
- Dancing Pig, The
- Darkroot
- Dave's Hideously Dangerous Animal Emporium
- Days End Inn
- Dead Elf
- Dead Eye Moon
- Dead Fish, The
- Dead Kings
- Dead Man's Bluff, The
- Dead Mime
- Dead Parrot Inn
- Deadly Minister's Hall, The
- Deepwater
- Demon and Hawk, The
- Derrin's Divine Brews
- Desert’s Jewel
- Devil and Deva, The
- Dew Drop Inn, The
- Dirty Dog, The
- Dirty Dwarf, The
- Dirty Laundry, The
- Divine Delights
- Doan Goe Inn, The
- Doctoris Inn, The
- Dog and Thrush, The
- Dog's Bollocks, The
- Donnybrook
- Dracolich, The (skeleton found in back yard)
- Dragon and Flagon, The
- Dragon Skulls, The (with a pair of same over the bar)
- Dragons's Bar, The
- Dragon's Breath, The
- Dragon's Claw, The
- Dragon's Codpiece, The
- Dragon's Hoarde, The
- Dragon’s Jaw
- Dragon's Lair
- Dragon's Spittoon
- Dreaming Dragon
- Dreaming Elf, The
- Driest Bone
- Drift On Inn
- Drinker
- Drinking Druid
- Drinking Ogre, The
- Dripping Man (fresh corpses hung above)
- Drowned Rat, The
- Drunken Boar, The
- Drunken Cow , The
- Drunken Demon
- Drunken Dog
- Drunken Dragon
- Drunken Dwarf
- Drunken Mephit
- Drunken Monkey
- Drunken Owlbear, The ("It's a hoot!")
- Drunken Sailor, The
- Drunken Stogg
- Dry Stout
- Duke's
- Dungeon and Dragon, The (so obvious I can't believe I've never used it myself)
- Duplicate Chant, The
- Durien's Dazzlin' Darlins
- Dustbin of Death, The
- Dwarf's Axe, The
- Dwarf's Keg, The
- Dwarven Egg
- Eagle
- Easing the Badger
- Eastern Delights, Inn of the
- Ebon Flow
- Effervescence
- Efreeti's Wish, The
- Eights and Aces
- Elegant Book, The
- Elegant Chant Hall, The
- Elegant Prayer Tavern, The
- Elf’s Ears
- Elf's Ultimatum, The
- Elswer's (from a book called "The World is Round" by Tony Rothman)
- Elven Nations
- Empty Pocket
- End of the Road
- End of the World, The
- Ent Tent, The
- Ergon’t Taps
- Erics Erotic Dancers
- Ever-full Jugs, The Tavern of
- Eye of the Beholder, The
- Eye of the Specter
- Fallen Man, The
- Farlanghn's Rest
- Fat Dragon Inn, The
- Fat Jack's Blues & Grub
- Fawning Orc, The
- Feetal's Gizzard
- Fermented Drunkard, The
- Fiery Clap, The
- Fig and Gristle, The
- Fire Mountain Brewery
- Fired Demon
- Fireplace
- Fisherman's Friend, The
- Flabby Troll
- Flame, The
- Flaming Snake, The
- Flaming Squirrel, The
- Flask and Sword, The
- Flying Fish
- Flying Monk Tavern
- Friends of the Queen
- Forester's
- Foresthome Rest
- Forsaken Souls, Inn of
- Fox and Hound, The
- Fox Hole, The
- Fox's Tail, The
- Frog and Duck
- Frog and Peach
- Frogleg Inn
- Frogs Eggs (built with treasure from giant frogs)
- Frost Bite
- Frosted Flagon
- Frosty Mug, The
- Frozen Axe, The
- Full Bottle Inn, The
- Full Moon Tavern, The
- Full Tankard, The
- Fumbling Ogre
- Furious Llama, The
- Gaff and Slasher, The
- Geezul's Place
- Gelded Ranger, The
- Giant's Nose, The
- Gina’s
- Glaring Goblin
- Gnoll's Belly, The
- Goat's Blood, The
- Goat's Head, The
- Gob's (old style inn run by old goblin named Gob)
- Goblins Armpit
- Golden Chain, The
- Golden Dragon Inn, The
- Golden Grain, The
- Golden Gryphon, The
- Golden Hammer
- Golden Lady, The
- Golden Perch
- Golden Schooner, The
- Golden Stool, The
- Good Night Inn, The
- Gory's Tavern
- Gray Wizard, The
- Great Black Axe, The
- Greasy Squeal, The
- Great Arm, The Inn of the
- Green Dragon, The (Tolkien)
- Green Griffon, The
- Green Man, The
- Greyhound
- Grig’s Fiddle
- Grik’s Bar and Billiards
- Grimy Cauldron, The
- Gritty McDuff's
- Grizzly Cave, The
- Grobo's Grotto
- Grog Barrel
- Grumbling Dwarf, The
- Guest's Dormitory, The (near the wizards academy)
- Guinea Pig
- Guts ‘n Glory
- Gutted Pig, The
- Halflings' Revenge
- Half-way Inn, The (between worlds)
- Hall of Narwhals, The
- Hammer and Anvil
- Hammer, Anvil, and Stirrup, The
- Hamster's Folly, The
- Hanging Cat
- Hanging Man
- Happy Dwarf
- Happy Harpy Tavern, The
- Happy Hooker, The
- Happy Lich
- Happy Orc (above three owned by female half-orc and blind dwarf)
- Happy Puppy
- Happy Saturday's
- Happyfeet (feet of indeterminate origin over the bar)
- Harlot’s Galleon
- Harpoon Louie's
- Harpy's Hideaway, The
- Harvester’s Gate
- Hatchet Jack's
- Haudhla's
- Head On Inn
- Hearthstone Arms
- Heart of Oak, The
- Heaves
- Helix, The
- Hen and Apple, The
- Herald’s Rest (within 5 min. sprint of the palace)
- Here's Sin in Your Eye
- Hide Away
- Highlighted Eye, Inn of the
- Hillshire Farm
- Hilltop Hideaway
- Hobbit's Armpit, The
- Hobgoblin's Fist, The
- Hole in the Wall
- Honest Barrister, The
- Hops Skip & Jump
- Horn and Haunch, The
- Horn and Hounds, The
- Horny Halfling, The
- Horse and Hound, The
- Horwrath's Haven
- House of Cards
- Hungry Tree, The
- I Can't Believe It's Not Stolen
- Icarus Descending
- Ice Dragon House
- Imps Intestine, The
- Indigo Incubus
- Inn, The
- Inn of Clowns
- Inn of the Eagles, The
- Inn of the Welcome Wench
- Inter-planetary House of Spam
- Iron Fist, The
- Ivy Bush
- Jade Terrorist, The
- Jane & Tonnig’s (gin & tonic)
- Joe's
- Joker's Maniacal Frogleg and Nosewart Cafe, The
- Just Ale (opposite courthouse; statue of blindfolded woman holding a mug and plate)
- Karnov's Bar and Grill
- Kettles Inn
- Khaki Garter, The
- Kibbles n' Bits' Inn
- King's Coin, The
- King's Rest, The
- King's Spellbook, The
- King's Throne, The
- Klatchian's Head, The
- Knife in the Back, The
- Knight's Tournament, The
- Knotted Beard
- Knyte Lyfe (owners name is Knyte)
- Kraken, The
- Kraken’s Throat
- Kraun's
- Krazy Kobold
- Labyrinth, The
- L’auberge du cochon siffleur (“Inn of the Whistling Pig”)
- Lancer's Tilt, The
- Lascivious Fairy, The
- Last Book (libarary tavern)
- Last Call (at end of 2k long pier)
- Last Chance Inn
- Last Port Tavern
- Laughing Cat, The
- Laughing Cow, The
- Laughing Dragon
- Laughing Earl, The
- Laughing Fox, The
- Laughing Judge, The
- Laughing Minotaur, The
- Laurence's Mug-house
- Lazy Lamprey, The
- Lazy Oak
- Leaping Lizardman
- Lecherous Virgin, The
- Liar’s Lye
- Library ("I've been at the Library")
- Lich’s Tomb (run by lich)
- Lion and Lantern
- Lion's Den, The
- Lonely Haystack, The
- Lonely Unicorn
- Lonely Wanderer, The Inn of the
- Looter's (with barmaids that are thieves)
- Lost Wayfarer, The
- Lotus, The
- Lunar Night
- Mad Fiddler, The (namesake bard stays there between adventures and during winter)
- Maggot's Rest
- Malenthiyas Hearth
- Mangy Dog, The
- Manicured Mouse, The
- Marbled Lady, The (with armless statue in bar)
- Marty’s Tavern
- Master and Aubergine, The
- Mead Market
- Mended Drum, The
- Mermaid’s Flagon (mermaid figurehead with flagon at the door)
- Mermaid's Smile, The
- Merry Wizard, The
- Millway’s
- Momma's
- Monk and Eggplant, The
- Mountain Home Inn, The
- Mousehole, The
- Mug o' Ale, The
- Mulled Apple, The
- Murdered Priest, The
- Musty Moldan's Mighty Morsels
- Nag's Head, The
- Nanny's Arms, The
- Naughty Damsel
- New Cup, The
- New Sword Hall, The
- Nicked Bits, The (with marble, female statue arms over bar)
- Night Candle Inn
- Nomadic Revery
- Nonnovyer Buisiness
- Noisy Bed Inn, The
- Northern Road, Inn of the
- Nothing's Free House
- Nymph’s Grove Tavern
- Oarhouse, The
- Octopus Club, The
- Oiled Spleen
- Ol' Bacon and Eggs, The
- Old Flying Penguin
- Old Lantern, The
- Old Man and the Smee, The
- Old Rubin's
- Olde Fox Decieved, The
- One-eyed Jack’s
- One-legged Man, The
- Only Bar in the Multiverse Without a Convenient Back Door, The
- Only Port in a Storm Inn, The
- Open Book, The (caters to sages, students, etc.)
- Old Grant's Ale-house
- Orange Ogre, The
- Orc's Armpit
- Orc's Head Inn
- Orc's Toenail, The (a real dive)
- Orc’s Pride
- Organ and Poinsettia, The
- Over the Wall (just outside the city wall)
- Paladin and Angel, The
- Pay Up Front
- Peacock Alley
- Peddler and Cleric, The
- Perfumed 'Possum, The
- Pig and Pie
- Pig and Whistle, The (Dragonlance)
- Pink Dragon, The
- Pink Lady Inn
- Pipe and Tobacco, The
- Pistol & Whip
- Plaid Chameleon
- Plastered Imbecile, The
- Playful Party Place, The
- Pleasure Palace, The
- Port in a Storm, The
- Pot Belly, The
- Prancing Pony, The (Tolkien of course)
- Pub-Pub
- Puke Bucket
- Priest and Horse, The
- Puking Unicorn, The
- Punchin’ Pete’s Palace
- Purple Bucket, The
- Purple Penguin Pub
- Puzzle and Egg, The
- Queens Head (reputed to once have real queens head over bar)
- Quene's Hed, The
- Quincy's
- Raging Dire Cow
- Raging Flea, The
- Rain Cloud, The
- Rain Song, The
- Rampaging Rabbit, The
- Rampant Dragon, The
- Ram’s Horn
- Ram's Lord's Tavern
- Randy Stoat, The
- Ranger's Lookout, The
- Rasvi & Vijay's Stop and Eat
- Rats Nest, The
- Razorback Inn, The
- Realm’s Tavern
- Red Barrel Brewery
- Red Crow
- Red Dragon
- Red Dwarf, The
- Red Lantern, The
- Red Rogue
- Red Sky Inn, The
- Refuge from the Storm, The
- Rick’s
- Rifle and Whip
- Ripped Kitty
- Road Kill Café
- Road to Araby
- Roadwarden’s Rest
- Roamer's Pillow, The
- Robber's Inn, The
- Rock Rock Rock (name is dwarvish and loses its meaning in translation to common – Pratchett?)
- Rolling Meadows, The
- Rooster and Spheres, The
- Rose and Crown, The
- Rose Gem, Inn of the
- Rotgut Room, The
- Rouge Rogue (red rogue)
- Royal Pockets
- Ruby Blade, The
- Ruby Lips, The
- Rusty Blade, The
- Rusty Grog (rust monster pet)
- Rusty Justicar, The
- Rusty Nail
- Rusty Vampire
- Safe Haven, The
- Safe House, The (went there in Milwaukee during GenCon 2000)
- Sahuagen and Lady, The
- Sailor's Delight, The
- Salty Dog, The
- Saltsail’s
- Satyr and Stiletto, The
- Sauce Bucket, The
- Scheister's Casino, Inn, and Mortuary (all in one)
- Sea Barrel
- Sea Dog, The
- Seabreeze Inn
- Seatin' 'N Eatin'
- Seven Priests
- Severed Arms
- Sexist Pig, The
- Screaming Demon
- Shallow Swamp, The
- Shining Gem, The
- Ship's Wheel, The
- Shipyard, The
- Short Neck Clam Town Inn and Tavern
- Shot in the Dark, The
- Sign of the Cringing Eunuch, The
- Sign of the Golden Orange, The
- Sign of the Jester, The
- Sign of the Northward Gull
- Sign of the Sign (the sign out front has a recursive painting of a sign on a sign on a sign...)
- Sign of the Talon, The
- Silver Axe, The
- Silver Cypher, The (base of operations for a band of demon-hunting werebears)
- Silver Oak Inn, The
- Silver Snail, The
- Singing Boar, The
- Site of the Harvest
- Six Flags over Mead
- Skull-Dragon Inn, The (dragon skull on wall over bar)
- Slade's
- Slap and Tickle
- Slaughtered Cabbage
- Slaughtered Lamb, The (American Werewolf in London)
- Sleep Here
- Sleeping Demon, The
- Sleepy Halfling, The
- Slippery Eel, The
- Sloppy Salamander, The
- Slugfest, The
- Slumbering Serpent, The
- Smiling Orc, The
- Smithy's Armpit, The
- Snake Pit, The
- Snake's Foot, The
- Snoring Troll
- Solar Night, The
- Song Bird, The
- Sottish Gnome
- Spend the Knight Inn
- Spit and the Fire
- Splintered Ego Tavern
- Spread-eagled Bugbear, The
- Squalid Claw, The
- Stalin’s Mother
- Sterling Hook, The
- Step Right Inn, The
- Stinking Cow, The
- Stinking Boar Inn, The
- Stinky Tuna, The
- Stowaway
- Strange Brew
- Strangled Cat, The
- Strong Drink
- Student's Hideaway (opposite the Guest Dorms and charges by the hour)
- Stumble on Inn, The
- Stump
- Stumpy Bob's House of Beer
- Succubus, The
- Sundown, The
- Supply in the Sky (flying merchant's guild/bar/inn)
- Surly Goat
- Svirfneblin's Ear, The
- Swagger and Swivel, The
- Swashbuckler's Luck
- Sword's Sleep
- Tattered Crown
- Tavern
- Tavern of the Blushing Barmaids
- Tavern of Ever-full Jugs, The
- Tavern on the Edge (of something…)
- Ted’s Beer and Bathhouse
- Temple of Gruumsh, The
- Thank God It’s Open
- Thiefs Knot, The
- Thirsty Vampire
- Thirsty Whale, The
- This Ain't Your Daddy's Bar
- Three Eye Tavern
- Three Gables, The
- Three Happy Mice
- Three Lions
- Three Sheets
- Three Swords
- Thug and Succubus, The
- Thunderbird Club, The
- Thurston's Brass Tankard
- Time’s Grave
- Tipsy McStagger’s
- Tipsy Tarrasque, The
- Tipsy Troll Tavern
- Tired Dog, The
- Tired Traveller, The
- Toad & Turtle
- Toss-It-Back, The (patrons throw mugs back at bartenders, who have gloves of missile catching)
- Tower Tavern, The
- Townhouse, The
- Treadwell’s Beer and Sausage
- Tree With Antlers, The
- Trog Scent Tavern
- Troll Breath Repository
- Troll Slayer Tavern
- Troll’s Head Inn
- Trough, The (serves BIG drinks)
- Turkey Cove Sleep and Eat
- Twin Left Feet
- Twisted Boot
- Two-Fingered Troll, The
- Two Halfling's Inn, The
- Two Steeple Inn (between two temples)
- Ulcer, The
- Valabar's
- Van Smack's Tavern and Inn
- Victorious Egret, The
- Vincent's Gin-Palace
- Violet Vein, The
- Violent Dog, The
- Violent Priestess Hall, The
- Virgin and Nightmare, The
- Voluptuous Elf, The
- Vulgar Unicorn
- Wagonhouse, The
- Wagon Wheel, The
- Wand and the Stein, The
- Wandering Mistrel, The
- Wandering Serpent Inn, The
- Wanton Wench, The
- Warm Socks
- Watchman's Light, The
- Way Out Inn, The
- Wayfarer's Home, The
- Wayfarer's Lay, The
- Weary Wanderer, The
- Weasels Warble, The
- Weigh Inn, The
- Well Worn Wench, The Inn of the
- We're Not Hostel
- Wet Dog
- Whirling Dervish
- Whisper and Boil, The
- Whistling Oyster
- Whistling Pig, The
- White Hand, The
- White Hart
- White Roc Inn, The
- White Spear
- White Tree, The
- Whiteblade’s Winery
- Whompers (sign hanging from large cudgel)
- Widowers Den, The
- Wig and Thistle, The
- Wild Chessman, The
- Wild Side, The
- Wiley Winnint, The
- Willowbee's Brewery
- Willow, The
- Wine of Heaven, The
- Wistful Wyvern, The
- Wizard's Tower, The
- Wobblin’ Will’s Wide World of Whiskey
- Wobbling Goblin
- Wobbly Boot
- Wolfhound, The
- Wolf's Den, The
- Wooden Pillow, The
- Woolystonecrafters Inn, The
- World of Wines
- World's End Inn
- Worn Cudgel
- Wrong Bar, The
- Yawning Dog, The
- Yawing Portal, The (Waterdeep entrance to Undermountain)
- Ye Granny’s Ale
- Yellow Necromancer, The
- Zoo, The
Totally Random[edit]
This series of randomization tables can make 522,400 different bar names. Simply roll for a name structure, then roll to fill in the blanks on the appropriate sub-tables.
- Adjective Noun
- Adjective Noun Title
- The Adjective Noun
- The Adjective Noun Title
- Noun & Noun
- Noun & Noun Title
- The Noun & Noun
- The Noun & Noun Title
- Adjective Title
- The Adjective Title
- Dog
- Wolf
- Fox
- Pul
- Cat
- Lion
- Tiger
- Kitten
- Ox
- Cow
- Sow
- Bull
- Calf
- Horse
- Stallion
- Mare
- Foal
- Owl
- Eagle
- Falcon
- Hawk
- Raven
- Crow
- Gull
- Fish
- Whale
- Shark
- Octopus
- Squid
- Goat
- Sheep
- Ewe
- Fly
- Butterfly
- Dragonfly
- Beetle
- Ant
- Wasp
- Termite
- Louse
- Worm
- Lizard
- Frog
- Toad
- Snake
- Chameleon
- Unicorn
- Gryphon
- Dragon
- Wyvern
- Roc
- Clam
- Oyster
- Starfish
- Slug
- Snail
- Mouse
- Rat
- Beaver
- Marten
- Mink
- Otter
- Seal
- Manatee
- Chipmunk
- Squirrel
- Gopher
- Tower
- Castle
- Dagger
- Sword
- Bow
- Arrow
- Hat
- Boot
- Trophy
- Goose
- Duck
- Boat
- Ship
- River
- Falls
- Forest
- Mountain
- Vampire
- Skeleton
- Witch
- Wench
- Lady
- Lord
- Knight
- Page
- Drunk
- Shield
- Wand
- Helm
- Flask
- Flagon
- Pint
- Shot
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Purple
- Sanguine
- Sepia
- Ochre
- Puce
- Navy
- Maroon
- Pink
- Peach
- Cyan
- Violet
- Brown
- Black
- Gray
- White
- Silver
- Gold
- Jumping
- Sleeping
- Running
- Rolling
- Laughing
- Singing
- Flying
- Burning
- Swimming
- Crying
- Roaring
- Screaming
- Silent
- Petrified
- Hiding
- Hidden
- Lost
- Forgotten
- Shiny
- Drowning
- Giant
- Tiny
- Fat
- Skinny
- Humorous
- Lonely
- Drunken
- Slimy
- Undead
- Dark
- Bright
- Magical
- Enchanted
- Poor
- Wealthy
- Lucky
- Unfortunate
- Angry
- Happy
- Sad
- Thieving
- Desperate
- Divine
- Arcane
- Profane
- Discrete
- Buried
- False
- Foolish
- Flatulent
- Hypnotic
- Haunted
- Special
- Fun
- Drab
- Daring
- Stubborn
- Sober
- Talking
- Naked
- Suffering
- Cheap
- Smelly
- Easy
- Heroic
- Hovering
- Married
- Pious
- Pompous
- Illegal
- Sacred
- Defiled
- Spoilt
- Wooden
- Bloody
- Yawning
- Sleepy
- Hungry
- Bar
- Brew/Beer/Mead/Ale House
- Speakeasy
- Pub
- Lounge
- Brewery
- Loft
- Club (House)
- Inn
- Tavern
- Den
- Lodge
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