Weathered Wound (3.5e Flaw)

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Weathered Wound

The worse the weather gets, the more you hurt.
Effect: In addition to the environmental effects, skill check penalties, and ranged attack penalties of different forms of weather, you suffer special penalties to Armour Class and your Attack Bonuses.

During Abnormal weather, you suffer a -1 penalty to AC and ATK. During Inclement weather, you suffer a -2 penalty to AC and a -1 penalty to ATK. During Stormy weather, you suffer a -3 penalty to AC, and a -2 penalty to ATK. During Powerful Storms, you suffer a -5 penalty to AC, and a -3 penalty to ATK.

These effects take place even when you are sheltered from the elements inside of a standing structure, or underground.
Roleplaying Ideas: You know how old people can predict the weather with their aching knees? Well it's like that, but it hurts a lot worse.

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