Basic Weapons
Martial Melee Weapons
Wakizashi |
6 sp |
1d4 slashing |
1 lb. |
Finesse, Light
A wakizashi is a single-edged sword, lighter than a katana and designed for one-handed use. It is a symbol of honor and prestige, offering speed and precision in combat.
Martial Melee Weapons
Katana |
15 sp |
1d8 slashing |
3 lb. |
Finesse, Versatile(1d10)
In some cultures this strong, single-edged sword is a symbol of honor and prestige. The katana is intended for two-handed use, but it's light enough to be wielded one-handed.
Martial Melee Weapons
Longsword |
15 sp |
1d8 slashing |
3 lb. |
The longsword is a versatile, double-edged blade designed for both one-handed and two-handed use. Balanced between speed and power, it excels in precise strikes and adaptive combat, making it a favored weapon for skilled warriors.
Martial Melee Weapons
Nodachi |
20 sp |
1d12 slashing |
6 lb. |
Heavy, two-handed and Reach
The nodachi is a long, single-edged sword, known for its strength and striking power. Designed for two-handed use, it excels in sweeping attacks and can deliver a powerful downward strike.
Martial Melee Weapons
Greatsword |
20 sp |
2d6 slashing |
6 lb. |
Heavy, two-handed
The greatsword is a massive, double-edged weapon renowned for its imposing size and devastating cutting ability. Crafted for two-handed wielding, it thrives in delivering powerful slashes and can cleave through multiple foes with ease, making it a favored choice for those who seek overwhelming force in battle.
Special Weapons
These weapons are part of a series, with each weapon falling under a specific category, such as the Blades of the Radiant Forge series. (these serieses come in all the basic weapon forms)
Blades of the Radiant Forge Series
The body is one of the most important things for a sorcerer, his strength, durability and speed can be improved here.
- Positive Edge (Common)
- Effect: Adds 1d4 radiant damage on a hit. Once per turn, reroll a damage die that rolled a 1.
- Radiant Arc (Uncommon)
- Effect: Deals 1d6 radiant damage on a hit. Retains Positive Edge's ability to reroll a damage die that rolled a 1.
- Luminous Blade (Rare)
- Effect: Deals 2d6 radiant damage and allows rerolling of a 1 or 2 damage die.
- Blade of Light (Very Rare)
- Effect: Deals 3d6 radiant damage, +1 to attack and damage rolls. Additionally enhances the re-roll ability to no longer be limited to once per turn.
- Dawnbringer (Legendary)
- Effect: Deals 4d6 radiant damage, +2 to attack and damage rolls, heals 3d8 on critical hits. Retains Blade of Light's enahanced reroll ability.
Emberforged Legacy Series
The body is one of the most important things for a sorcerer, his strength, durability and speed can be improved here.
- Inferno Blade (Common)
- Effect: Adds 1d4 fire damage to all attacks. On a critical hit, the target is set ablaze, taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute.
- Molten Edge (Uncommon)
- Effect: Deals 1d6 fire damage on hits. The weapon retains the Inferno Blade's critical hit effect and can melt metal objects (such as armor) on a successful hit. Burning damage from crit increased by d4.
- Flameheart Katana (Rare)
- Effect: Adds 2d6 fire damage on hit. The wielder can use a bonus action to unleash a wave of flame, forcing all creatures in a 15-ft cone to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage. This weapon retains the Molten Edge's ability to melt metal and the Inferno Blade's critical hit effect. Burning damage from crit increased by d4.
- Emberlord's Scimitar (Very Rare)
- Effect: Adds 3d6 fire damage. Can cast Fireball once per long rest without expending a spell slot. The weapon retains the Flameheart Katana's wave of flame and Molten Edge's melting effect, as well as the Inferno Blade's critical hit flame effect. Burning damage from crit increased by d4. Burning damage from crit increased by d4.
- Infernal Flameblade (Legendary)
- Effect: Deals 4d6 fire damage. On a hit, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage at the start of its next turn due to intense heat. Additionally, once per long rest, the wielder can unleash a burst of flame in a 15-foot cone, forcing all creatures in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 fire damage. The wielder gains resistance to fire damage while wielding the blade. The weapon retains all effects from the Emberlord's Scimitar, Flameheart Katana, Molten Edge, and Inferno Blade. Burning damage from crit increased by d4.
Frostbite Legacy Series
The body is one of the most important things for a sorcerer, his strength, durability and speed can be improved here.
- Frostshard Sword (Common)
- Effect: Adds 1d4 cold damage to all attacks. On a critical hit, the target's speed is reduced by 10 feet for 1 turn.
- Glacial Edge (Uncommon)
- Effect: Deals 1d6 cold damage on hits. Retains the Frostshard Sword's effect, and on a critical hit, the target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
- Iceflame Blade (Rare)
- Effect: Adds 2d6 cold damage on hit. Retains Glacial Edge's effects and grants the ability as a bonus action to create a 15-ft cone of frost (DC 14 Constitution saving throw, 2d6 cold damage on a failed save).
- Frozen Heart Sabre (Very Rare)
- Effect: Adds 3d6 cold damage on hit. Retains Iceflame Blade's effects, +1 to attack and damage rolls. On a critical hit, target takes an additional 1d8 cold damage.
- Blizzard’s Embrace (Legendary)
- Effect: Deals 4d6 cold damage. On a hit, the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage at the start of its next turn due to intense frostbite. The wielder can cast Cone of Cold once per long rest without expending a spell slot. Retains all previous effects.