Weapons (Aerenalia Setting)

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Weapon Properties[edit]


If you have 2 weapons with the Dual-Wield property, you can use one in each hand. The weapons don’t need to be the same type. If you attack with one, you can use a bonus action to attack with the other, but without adding a relevant ability modifier.


This property specifies how close you need to be to hit something with the weapon


If you have a weapon with the finesse property, you can add your strength or dexterity modifier to the attack rolls.


When using this weapon, you can choose to have a +1 to damage rolls against unarmored opponents, but -1 to attack rolls against all opponents


When using this weapon, you can choose to have a +1 to attack rolls against unarmored opponents, but -1 to damage rolls against all opponents


This weapon requires two hands to use.


When an arrow, bolt, or similar projectile enters a space within the reach of a weapon with this property, you may make a Dexterity (sleight of hand) check to slice the arrow out of the air. The DC is equal to 15 plus the archer’s dexterity modifier.


This property shows how much damage a creature or object takes when hit by this weapon and the damage type.


This property shows how much it costs to buy a weapon.

Multiattack (X)[edit]

When you take the Attack action with a weapon with this property, you can attack up to X times.

Versatile (XdY)[edit]

When using a weapon with this property you can hold it in two hands. This changes the damage dice to the dice shown with this property.


This weapon is a martial weapon.


This weapon is a simple weapon.


This weapon is an advanced weapon, and requires special proficiency.

Thrown (X, Y)[edit]

A weapon with the thrown property can be thrown up to Y feet, but has disadvantage on the attack roll after X feet.



A rapier is an ornate thrusting sword. Properties: Reach 5 ft, Dual Wield, Finesse, Thrusting, Slicing, 1d8 piercing or 1d6 slashing damage, cost 25 GP, Martial


A longsword is what most people think of when they think of a sword. Properties: Reach 7.5 ft, 2-Handed, Slashing, Slicing, 1d10 piercing or slashing damage, cost 20 GP, Martial


A shortsword is a sword with a length between a dagger and a hand and a half sword. Properties: Reach 5 ft, Dual-Wield, Finesse, Slashing, Slicing, 1d6 slashing or 1d4 piercing damage, cost 10 GP, Martial


A twinblade is a handle with two blades, one on each end. The ends are generally long and pointy. Properties: Reach 7.5 feet, Dual Wield, Multiattack (2), Versatile (1d12), Slashing, Piercing, Slicing, cost 75 GP, Advanced


A spear is a generic polearm. Properties: Reach 10 ft, Versatile (1d8), Piercing, Thrown, Simple, Cost 3 GP, 1d6 piercing damage


A greatspear is a large, two-handed spear. Properties: Reach 10 ft, Piercing, Martial, Cost 30 GP, 2d6 piercing damage


Warhammer Quarterstaff Dagger Club Greatclub Handaxe Javelin Mace Sickle Battleaxe Flail Glaive Greataxe Greatsword Halberd Lance Maul Morningstar Pike Scimitar Trident War Pick Whip Gladius Khopesh Katana Broadsword Scythe Estoc Falchion Parrying Dagger Brass Knuckles Boomerang Spiked Boomerang Spatha Zwëihander Garrote Lasso Wakizashi Twinflail Spiked Whip Hornsword Cutlass Hand and a Half Sword Grappling Chain Nunchaku

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