Watcher (D20 Modern Advanced Class)

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The Watcher[edit]


Watchers were first discovered by the German Third Reich at the height of World War II. However, due to our lack of knowledge on the inner-workings of the human brain, the Nazi regime was unable to fully utilize their Watchers' capabilities to turn the tide of the war. With the capture of Berlin, the Soviet Union and United States were able to obtain information on the existence of telepathic Watchers. During the Cold War, watchers were used to great effect as spies for both nations and their information gathering abilities prevented nuclear war on numerous occasions.

Modern day applications of Watchers can be easily related to intelligence agencies and third-party syndicates and are most commonly incorporated as spies.

In effect, Watchers are Telepaths who are born with a more in-tune acuteness to sense their surroundings, the environment, and the people around them.

The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Watcher, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Investigate 6 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks, Gather Information 6 ranks.

Feat: Wild Talent

Class Information[edit]

Hit Die: The Watcher gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character's Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points: The Watcher gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills[edit]

The Watcher's class skills are as follows.

Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (arcane lore, current events, popular culture, philosophy and theology) (Int), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Read/Write Language (none), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Table[edit]

Table: The Watcher
Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Defense Bonus Reputation Bonus
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Psionic skills, psionic powers +1 +2
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Trigger power, psionic powers +1 +2
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Bonus Feat, psionic powers +2 +2
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Psionic medallion, psionic powers +2 +3
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Trigger power, psionic powers +3 +3
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Bonus Feat, psionic powers +3 +3
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Combat manifestation, psionic powers +4 +4
8 +6 +6 +2 +6 Trigger power, psionic powers +4 +4
9 +6 +6 +3 +6 Bonus Feat, psionic powers +5 +4
10 +7 +7 +3 +7 Maximize power, psionic powers +5 +5

Class Features[edit]

The following features pertain to the Watcher advanced class.

Psionic Skills[edit]

A Watcher has access to the following psionic skills. These skills are considered class skills for the Watcher, and he can use his skill points to buy ranks in them, just like other skills in the game.

Autohypnosis (Wis)
Trained Only. You have trained your mind to resist certain injuries and threats while also gaining a few select benefits.
Task DC
Resist Fear 15
Memorize 15
Tolerate poison Poison's DC
Willpower 20

Resist Fear: In response to a fear effect, you can make an Autohypnosis check on your next action even if you’ve been overcome by fear. A successful check grants you another saving throw with a +4 morale bonus to resist the fear effect.

Memorize: You can attempt to memorize a long string of numbers, a long passage of verse, or other particularly difficult piece of information. Each successful check allows you to memorize up to 250 words or the equivalent of what could be comfortably contained on an 8 1/2-by-11-inch sheet of paper. You always retain this information; however, you can only recall it with a successful Autohypnosis check.

Tolerate Poision: In response to being poisoned, you can make an Autohypnosis check on your next action. A successful check grants you a +4 morale bonus on your saving throw to resist the poison’s secondary damage.

Willpower: If reduced to 0 hit points (disabled), you may make an Autohypnosis check. If successful, you can perform a strenuous action without taking 1 point of damage. A failed check carries no penalties—you can choose not to perform the strenuous action. If you do perform the strenuous action after failing the check, you take 1 point of damage, as normal.

Try Again?: For resist fear and memorize, you can make a check once per round. You can’t try again to tolerate poison. You can’t try again in the same round for willpower.

Special: You can take 10 on Autohypnosis checks, but you can’t take 20.

Most uses of Autohypnosis are attack actions. Willpower is a free action that can be attempted once per round.

Concentration (Con)
The normal Concentration skill expands to include psionic applications, as defined below.

Check: You must make a Concentration check whenever you may potentially be distracted while engaged in an activity, including manifesting a power or concentrating on an active power, that requires your full attention.

If the check succeeds, you may continue with the action as normal. If the check fails, the action automatically fails and is wasted. If you were in the process of manifesting a power, the power is lost. If you were concentrating on an active power, the power ends. The table in the Concentration skill description summarizes the various types of distractions. In situations where the distraction occurs while you are manifesting a power, you add the level of the power to the DC.

Try Again?: You can try again, but doing so doesn’t cancel the effects of a previous failure. If you lost a power, the power is lost.

Special: By making a check (DC 15 + power level), you can use Concentration to manifest a power defensively, thus avoiding attacks of opportunity. If the check succeeds, you can attempt the action without incurring any attacks of opportunity.

Psicraft (Int)
Trained only. Use this skill to identify psionic powers as they manifest or psionic effects already in place.

Check: You can identify psionic powers and effects.

DC Task
15 + power level Identify a psionic power as it manifests (You must sense the power's display or see some visible effect to identify a power). You can't try again.
20 + power level Identify a power that's already in place and in effect. (You must be able to see or detect the effects of the power). You can't try again.
20 + power level Identify materials created or shaped by psionics. You can't try again.
30 or higher Understand a strange or unique psionic effect. You can't try again.

Try Again?: See above.

Time: Unless otherwise indicated, Psicraft is a move action.

Psionic Powers[edit]

The Watcher's main strength is her ability to manifest psionic powers (refer to the Watcher Power List below).

A psionic power is a one-time psionic effect. Psionic powers require power points to use. Unlike arcane spellcasters, Watchers don't have spellbooks and they don't prepare powers ahead of time. In addition, a Watcher can use psionics while wearing armor without risking failure of the power.

A Watcher's level limits the number of power points available for manifesting powers. In addition, a Watcher must have a key ability score equal to at least 10 + the power's level to manifest a particular power.

The Watcher's selection of powers is extremely limited, although she enjoys ultimate flexibility. At 1st level, a Watcher knows three 0-level powers of your choice and one 1st-level power. at each level, the Watcher discovers one or more previously latent powers, as indicated on the table below.

The DC for saving throws to resist a psionic power is 10 + the power's level + the Watcher's key ability modifier.

Watcher —— Powers Discovered by Level ——
Level Pts/Day 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 1 -- -- -- --
2 3 3 2 -- -- -- --
3 4 3 3 -- -- -- --
4 7 4 3 1 -- -- --
5 10 4 3 2 -- -- --
6 15 4 3 2 1 -- --
7 20 5 4 3 2 -- --
8 27 5 4 3 2 1 --
9 34 5 4 3 3 2 --
10 43 6 4 3 3 2 1

A Watcher can manifest a certain number of powers per day based on her available power points. (0-level powers have a special cost; see page 361 of the D20 Modern Corebook). She just pays the power point cost of a power to manifest it, no preparation necessary. The base number of power points available per day is shown on the table above. This number is improved by bonus determined by the Watcher's Wisdom score, as shown on the table below.

Wis Score Bonus Power Points per Day
12 - 13 1
14 - 15 3
16 - 17 5
18 - 19 7
20 - 21 9
22 - 23 11

Trigger Power[edit]

At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, the Watcher chooses one psionic power that she can attempt to manifest for no power point cost.

At each of these levels, you select one 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level power you can use. From that point on, you can attempt to trigger that power without paying its cost. To trigger a power, you must have enough power points to cover the normal cost of the power manifestation. Then, make an ability check appropriate to the power.

If you succeed at the ability check, the power manifests with no cost in power points. If the check fails, you pay the power point cost and the power manifests.

DCs for the ability check depend on the level of the power: 0-level, DC 11; 1st-level, DC 13; 2nd-level, DC 15; and 3rd-level, DC 17.

Bonus Feat[edit]

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Watcher gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Watcher must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.

Alertness, Attentive, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Creative, Educated, Focused, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Low Profile, Meticulous, Stealthy, Studious, Track, Trustworthy

Psionic Medallion[edit]

At 4th level, the Watcher gains access to a special medallion of their choosing which is specially attuned to her. The medallion is designed to store up to three days of a Watcher's memories. When a memory is stored in a medallion, it glows blue, growing brighter as more memories are stored until it is filled to capacity.

Anything stored in a psionic medallion is accessible only by the person to which the medallion is attuned to, and therefore is a strong safe against any foreign intrusion. Once a medallion is full, it cannot receive any more memories until it is cleared. However, when a medallion is cleared, everything contained inside is completely erased, only then can it receive more input.

Combat Manifestation[edit]

At 7th level, a Watcher becomes adept at manifesting psionic powers in combat. See gets a +4 bonus on Concentration checks to manifest a power while on the defensive.

Maximize Power[edit]

At 10th level, a Watcher learns to manifest psionic powers to maximum effect. All variable, numeric effects of a maximized power automatically achieve their maximum values. A maximized power deals the most possible points of damage, affects the maximum number of targets, and so forth, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed checks are not affected. Powers without random variables are not affected.

A maximized power costs a number of power points equal to its normal cost +6.

Watcher Powers[edit]

The Watcher chooses her psionic powers from the following list.

0-Level Watcher Powers[edit]

Burst (Dex): Speed improves by 10 feet for 1 round.

  • Display: Audible
  • Manifestation Time: See text
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: One living creature
  • Duration: 1 round
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: The target recieves a burst of speed, increasing her base speed by +10 feet on her next turn. You can manifest this power instantly on yourself, gaining the benefit of speed increase in the same round. Manifesting the power is a free action. If manifested on another creature, the manifestation time is an attack action.

Daze (Cha): Target loses next action.

  • Display: Mental, Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: One person
  • Duration: 1 round
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: This power clouds the mind of a medium size or smaller target so that he takes no actions. Creatures of 5 or more HD or levels are not affected. The dazed subject is not stunned (so attacakers get no special advantage against him), but he can't move, use psionic powers, cast spells, and so on.

Detect Psionics (Wis): You detect the presence of psionic activity.

  • Display: Visual, Audible
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Target: Quarter-circle emanating from you to the extreme of the range
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute per level (D)
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: You detect psionic auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular are or subject. 1st round: Presence or absence of psionic auras. 2nd Round: Number of different psionic auras and the strength of the strongest aura. 3rd round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Psicraft checks to determine the discipline involved in each. (Make on check per aura; DC 15 + power level, or 15 + manifester level for a non-power effect). Psionic areas, multiple disciplines, or strong local psionic emanations may confuse or conceal weaker auras. (Refer to the D20 Modern Corebook for more detailed information).

Distract (Cha): Target's mind wanders, imparting a -1 penalty on certain actions.

  • Display: Audible
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: One living creature
  • Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute per level (D)
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: You cause your target's mind to wander, distracting her. Subjects of Distract make all Listen, Spot, Search, and Sense Motive checks at a -1 penalty.

Far Hand (Con): Minor telekinesis.

  • Display: Visual
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: An unattended object weighing up to 5 pounds
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: You can lift and move an object at will from a distance. After manifestation, as a move action you can move the object up to 15 feet in any direction. The power ends if the distance between you and the object ever exceeds the power's range.

Mental Transfer (Wis): Send a single minor memory to a target.

  • Display: Mental
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: One ally character.
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 2
  • Brief Description: A Watcher's affinity to their surroundings allows them to be able to remember minor things in extreme detail. The Mental Transfer power allows a Watcher to send a full-detailed minor memory (up to 5 minutes in length) to an ally character. This ability can only be manifested once per day + the Watcher's character level.

Mental Record (Wis): Record every detail of your surroundings.

  • Display: Mental
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: N/A
  • Duration: Concentration, 5 minutes + 1 minute per level
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 2
  • Brief Description: You use your psionic powers to record and store the events of your surroundings for a short period of time, with a maximum of up to 15 minutes at level 10.

Missive (Cha): Send a one-way telepathic message.

  • Display: Visual
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: One living creature
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: You send a telepathic message of up to tend words to any living creature within range. This is strictly a one-way exchange from you to the target. You must share a common language for the communication to be meaningful.

1-Level Watcher Powers[edit]

Control Object (Con): Telekinetically animate a small object.

  • Display: Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per level)
  • Target: One unattended object weighing up to 100 pounds
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round per level
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: You telekinetically animate an inanimate object, making it mover under your control. The controlled object moves like a puppet, with jerky and clumsy movements. The object can move at a speed of 10 feet. A controlled object can make a slam attack with an attack bonus of +0, dealing 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage.

Lesser Body Adjustment (Str): Heal 1d8 hp, or gain +1 bonus on the next Fortitude save to resist poison or disease, or heal 1 point of ability damage.

  • Display: Audible, Material
  • Manifestation Time: Full-round action
  • Range: Personal
  • Target: You
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: You recover 1d8 hit points, or gain a +1 bonus on your next Fortitude save against poison or disease, or heal 1 point of temporary ability damage. You choose one benefit for a single manifestation.

Lesser Mindlink (Wis): Forge a limited mental bond with an ally character.

  • Display: Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: You and one ally character no more than 30 feet away
  • Duration: 10 minutes per level
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: You forge a telepathic bond with an ally character. The bond allows you and your ally to communicate telepathically, even if you do not share a common language. No special power of influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance.

Object Reading (Wis): Reveal an object's past.

  • Display: Audible, Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Touch
  • Target: One object
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes per level
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 1
  • Brief Description: Objects accumulate psychic impressions left by their previous owners, which can be read by use of this power. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular subject. 1st Round: Last owner's gender. 2nd Round: Last owner's age. 3rd Round: Last owner's appearance. 4th Round: Last owner's primary allegiance (if any). 5th Round: How last owner gained and lost the object. 6th+ Round: Previous-to-last owner's gender, and so on. An object without any previous owners reveals no information. You can continue to run down the list of previous owners and learn details about them as long as the power's duration lasts. If you read the same object again, you don't pick up where you left off in the list of previous owners.

Working on two more powers

2-Level Watcher Powers[edit]

Brain Lock (Cha): Target can't move or take any mental actions.

  • Display: Visual, Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per level)
  • Target: One creature of medium size or smaller
  • Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 3
  • Brief Description: The target's higher mind is locked away. He stands mentally paralyzed, unable to take any actions. The brain-locked subject is not stunned (so attackers get no special advantage). He can defend himself against physical attacks (Dexterity bonus to Defense still applies), but otherwise can't move and can't use psionic powers. A brain-locked flyer can't flap it's wings and falls. A swimmer can't swim and may drown.

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Wis): Hear or see at a distance.

  • Display: Visual, Audible
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: See text
  • Target: N/A
  • Duration: 1 minute per level (D)
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 3
  • Brief Description: This power enables you to concentrate on some locale and hear or see (your choice) almost as if you were there. Distance is not a factor, but the locale must be known -- either a place familiar to you or an obvious place (such as behind a door or around a corner).

Detect Thoughts (Cha): Detect target's surface thoughts.

  • Display: Visual, Mental
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Target: Quarter-circle emanating from you to the extreme of the range
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute per level (D)
  • Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 3
  • Brief Description: You detect surface thoughts. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject. 1st Round: Presence or absence of thoughts (from conscious creatures with Intelligence scores of 1 or higher). 2nd Round: Number of thinking minds and the mental strength of each. 3rd Round: Surface thoughts of any mind in the area. A target's Will save prevents you from reading its thoughts, and you must manifest Detect Thoughts again to have another chance. Creatures of animal intelligence have simple, instinctual thoughts that you can pick up. Each round you can turn to detect thoughts in a new area. The power can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Levitate (Dex): Target moves up or down at your direction.

  • Display: Olfactory
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Personal or close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: You or one willing creature or one object (total weight up to 100 lbs per level)
  • Duration: 10 minutes per level (D)
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 3
  • Brief Description: Levitate allows you to move yourself, another creature, or an object up and down as you wish. A creature must be willing to be levitated, and an object must be unattended or possessed by a willing creature. You can mentally direct the recipient to move up or down up to 20 feet each round; doing so is a move action. You can't move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base speed). A levitating creature who attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds himself increasingly unstable; the first attack has an attack roll penalty of -1, the second -2, and so on, up to a maximum penalty of -5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at -1.

Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions (Wis): Reveal an area's past.

  • Display: Audible, Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: Area within a 25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels-radius spread, centered on you
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes per level (D)
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 2
  • Brief Description: You gain historical vision in a given location. Rooms, streets, tunnels, and other discrete locations accumulate psychic impressions left by powerful emotions experienced in a given area. These impressions offer you a picture of the locations past. The types of events most likely to leave psychic impressions are those that elicited strong emotions: battles, and betrayals, marriages and murders, births and great pain, or any other event where one emotion dominates. Everyday occurrences leave no residue for you to detect. The vision of the event is dreamlike and shadowy. You do not gain special knowledge of those involved in the vision, though you might be able to read large banners or other writing if they are in your language. You can sense one distinct event per round of concentration, if any exist at all. Your sensitivity extends into the past a number of years equal to 100 x your level.

Working on three more powers

3-Level Watcher Powers[edit]

False Sensory Input (Cha): Falsify one of the target's senses.

  • Display: Mental
  • Manifestation Time: Full-round action
  • Range: Long (400 feet + 40 feet per level)
  • Target: One living creature
  • Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute per level (D)
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 5
  • Brief Description: You have a limited ability to falsify one of the target's senses. The subject thinks she sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels something other than what her senses actually report. You can't fabricate a sensation where none exists, nor make the target completely oblivious to sensation, but you can falsify the specifics of one sensation for different specifics. For instance, you could make one human look like another specific human, a closed door look like it is open, a vat of acid smell like rose water, a parrot look like a bookend, stale food taste like fresh fruit, a light pat feel like a bullet wound, etc. You can switch between senses you falsify round by round. You can't alter a sensation's "intensity" by more than 50%. While you might be able to make acid fumes smell nice, you can't get acid to taste like candy. If this power is used to distract an enemy psionic character who is attempting to manifest a power, the enemy must make a Concentration check as if against a non-damaging power (the DC equals the distracting power's save DC + 3 in this case).

Forward Scout (Wis): Create a mental projection of yourself to explore up to 15 feet.

  • Display: Mental
  • Manifestation Time: 1 round
  • Range: Up to 15 feet
  • Target: N/A
  • Duration: Concentration, 5 minutes + 1 minute per level
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 3
  • Brief Description: Using your psionic powers, you can manifest a clone of yourself using your mental energy. This leaves you completely vulnerable, but allows you to invisibly scout an are up to 15 feet away in your allotted time. You may disengage from your mental clone at any time, and any damage taken will also draw you back into your normal body.

Mind Blast (Con): Three nearest hostile targets stunned for 2d4 rounds.

  • Display: Visual
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: 40 feet
  • Target: Up to three living creatures
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: No
  • Power Point Cost: 3
  • Brief Description: You deliver a telepathic blast that stuns the three nearest hostile targets for 2d4 rounds.

Mindlink (Wis): Forge a mental bond with an ally character.

  • Display: Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: One ally per level, no two of which are initially more than 30 feet apart
  • Duration: 10 minutes per level
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 5
  • Brief Description: As Lesser Mindlink, except you can link more than just yourself and one other creature.

Negate Psionics (Con): Cancels psionic powers and effects.

  • Display: Visual
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per level)
  • Target: One psionic character or creature, or one object; or 30-foot radius burst
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 5
  • Brief Description: You can use Negate Psionics to end ongoing powers that are manifest on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the psionic abilities of a psionic item, or to end an ongoing power (or at least their effects) within an area. A negated power ends as if its duration expired. Negate Psionics can negate (but not counter) the ongoing effects of supernatural abilities as well as psionic powers. Negate Psionics affects spwll-like abilities just as it affects powers (and spells). (Refer to the D20 Modern Corebook for more detailed information).

4-Level Watcher Powers[edit]

Forced Mindlink (Cha): Subject obeys your will.

  • Display: Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: You and one ally character no more than 30 feet away
  • Duration: 10 minutes per level
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 7
  • Brief Description: As Lesser Mindlink, except you can attempt to create a telepathic bond with an enemy target. Even if you create a bonf, it can still decide not to "speak" with you through the telepathic bond.

Scout Area (Wis): Discover and sense the environment (buildings, people, creatures) around you up to 30 feet.

  • Display: Mental
  • Manifestation Time: 1 round
  • Range: 30-foot radius centered on you
  • Target: N/A
  • Duration: 10 minutes per level
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 7
  • Brief Description: As you have developed your control over your psionic powers, you have gained the ability to sense your surroundings. This power only reveals locations, and does not ascertain what any person/creature is carrying or whether or not they are hostile.

Tailor Memory (Cha): Plant false memory in target.

  • Display: Audible
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per level)
  • Target: One target of medium size or smaller
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 7
  • Brief Description: You insert a memory of your own choosing in the target's mind. You can insert a memory of up to 1 round duration per four manifester levels. Thus, at 8th level you could insert a false memory up to 12 seconds in length. You choose when the fake event occurred any time within the last week. You can't read the target's memory with this power, so unless you have specific knowledge of his activities in the last week, it is best to keep the inserted memory general. Tailoring a memory is tricky, because if it is not done right the target's mind recognizes it as false. Dissonance occurs if you insert a memory that is out of context with the target's past experience. For instance, you create a memory of the target seeing you emerge from a specific bar in a specific city three days ago, but in reality, the target was not in the city at the time. He gains a bonus of +1 to +4 for his saving throw, depending on the magnitude of dissonance you create by specifying an out-of-context memory, as determined by the GM. In the above example, the target would gain a +1 bonus on his Will save if he had been to the city sometime last week (just not three days ago) but would get a +4 bonus if he had never been to that city. Likewise, inserting a memory of the target taking an action against his nature grants a +1 to +4 bonus, depending on the type of memory inserted. Inserting a memory that couldn't possibly be true causes the power to fail automatically. For example, a target's memory of committing suicide is obviously false.

Telekinesis (Con): Lift or move 25 pounds per level at long range.

  • Display: Visual
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Long (400 feet + 40 feet per level)
  • Target: See text
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round per level or instantaneous (see text)
  • Saving Throw: Will negates (object) (see text)
  • Power Resistance: Yes (object) (see text)
  • Power Point Cost: 7
  • Brief Description: You move objects or creatures by concentrating on them. The power can provide either gentle, sustained force or a single short, violent thrust (manifester's choice). (Refer to the D20 Modern Corebook for more detailed information).

5-Level Watcher Powers[edit]

Mindprobe (Cha): Discover a target's secret thoughts.

  • Display: Visual, Material, Audible
  • Manifestation Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
  • Target: One living creature
  • Duration: 1 minute per level
  • Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 9
  • Brief Description: All the target's memories and knowledge are accessible to you, from memories deep below the surface to those still easily called to mind. You can learn the answer to one question per round, to the best of the target's knowledge. YOu can also probe a sleeping target, though the target may make a Will save against the DC of the Mind Probe to wake after each question. Targets who do not wish to be probed can attempt to move beyond the power's range, unless somehow hindered. You pose the questions telepathically, and the answers to those questions are imparted directly on to your mind. You and the target do net need to speak the same language, though less intelligent creatures may yield up only appropriate visual images in answer to your questions.

Power Resistance (Wis): Target gains power resistance 12.

  • Display: Visual, Material
  • Manifestation Time: Attack action
  • Range: Touch
  • Target: Creature touched
  • Duration: 1 minute per level
  • Saving Throw: Will negates
  • Power Resistance: Yes
  • Power Point Cost: 9
  • Brief Description: You grant the target power resistance equal to 12 + your Watcher level.

Sending (Dex): Deliver a short message anywhere instantly.

  • Display: Mental
  • Manifestation Time: Full-round action
  • Range: See text
  • Target: One creature
  • Duration: 1 round
  • Saving Throw: N/A
  • Power Resistance: N/A
  • Power Point Cost: 9
  • Brief Description: You contact a particular individual with whom you are familiar and send a short message of twenty-five words or less. The target recognizes you if it knows you. It can answer in like manner immediately. The target is not obliged to act on the message in any way.

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