Destiny Warlock (5e Class)
"Warlocks have long studied the Traveler, mastering some of its arcane energies. Its true purpose remains a great mystery, but discovering truth has always driven you into the unknown. Now, our enemies are the only thing that stands between you and the lost wonders of our Golden Age." — Class description
Life after Rebirth
Almost by definition, the life of a Guardian is an adventuring life. Unless other duties take him or her away from adventuring for a time, every guardian lives on the front lines of the cosmic struggle against darkness. Fighters are rare enough among the survivors of the collapse of the golden age, but even fewer people can claim the light of a traveller. When they do revive as a guardian, these warriors turn from their forgotten pasts and take up arms to fight the darkness.
The path of a guardian leads them into the service of the speaker and the vanguard of the tower as elite warriors, but even then their loyalty can falter.
Adventuring guardians take their work seriously. A scouting mission into a enemy infested zone or a hive crypt can be the difference between the survival or demise of the last bastion of humanity. The darkness lurks every where. In lost sectors or forests that reclaimed the formerly inhabited worlds of the golden age, and even the smallest victory can change the course of history.
Most have many theories on how guardians are chosen the most prevailing is the second chance theory in which creatures who have done many wrongs are granted a new lease on life, most guardians are left with amnesia after first awakening but there are some whom never forget what they have done.
Creating a Warlock[edit]
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- Quick Build
Build wis first then dex or str then take sage or soldier
Class Features
As a Warlock you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Warlock level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Warlock level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light armor, medium armor
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons, firearms
Tools: tinker tools
Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Athletics, History, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, and Religion
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) an automatic rifle and pistol or (b) a hunting rifle and pistol
- (a) a shotgun or (b) a sniper rifle
- (a) an explorers pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
- Chain mail
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 6d4 x 10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Melee Energy |
1st | +2 | Subclass, Ghost, Ghost Shells | 1d4 |
2nd | +2 | Melee energy, Jump, Rift | 1d4 |
3rd | +2 | Grenade energy, Subclass feature | 1d4 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d4 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 1d6 |
6th | +3 | Orbs of Light, Subclass feature | 1d6 |
7th | +3 | Shield | 1d6 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d6 |
9th | +4 | Super Energy | 1d6 |
10th | +4 | Subclass Feature | 1d8 |
11th | +4 | Weapon Crafting, Sub-Out, Extra attack | 1d8 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 |
13th | +5 | Improved Critical | 1d8 |
14th | +5 | Double Up | 1d8 |
15th | +5 | Subclass Feature | 1d10 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 |
17th | +6 | Superior Critical | 1d10 |
18th | +6 | Elemental Mastery | 1d10 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 |
20th | +6 | Become Legend | 1d12 |
Beginning at 1st level when you choose this class, you will choose one of 5 subclasses. You will choose between solar, arc, void, stasis, or strand. This will determine the damage type for your melee and grenade damage type as well as what super you use, the damage for void is force, the damage for arc is lightning, the damage for solar is radiant, the damage for stasis is cold and the damage for strand is psychic. This will also give you additional abilities at 3rd level, 6th level, 10th level, and 15th level.
The saving throw DC for class abilities is equal to 8 + wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus.
(Optional) Rebirth[edit]
Death does not apply to ones such as us, we are deathless. at 1st level when you are reduced to 0 hp you leave behind a small construct called a ghost which can revive you after 10 minutes if an ally approaches the ghost, they can choose to revive you instantly as a bonus action.
(Optional) Ghost Shells[edit]
Ghost shells are items that guardians can use to upgrade their abilities and works like a guardian's version of an arcane focus increasing the damage and dc's of their abilities. ghost shells comprise the housing unit of the ghost which means as long as the main piece the eye is not messed with then the shell can look like and be made of just about anything hell there are some shells comprised of chocolate.
Ghosts are companions to guardians they act as living supercomputers, assistants, and most importantly best friends to their guardians. they are tied to their guardian by forces even beyond their own understanding The ghost has an AC of 21 and an hp of 5 and can go intangible as a free action. Other features a ghost has includes turning into any kind of tool or toolkit and being a spare bag of holding.
Melee Energy[edit]
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to infuse your light into you melee attacks. When you make an unarmed melee attack, you deal 1d4 damage + your wisdom modifier. The damage dealt by your melee is decided by which subclass you have chosen. You unarmed melee attacks rolls go off of your wisdom modifier and also have a range of 10 feet. You can use your wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls for weapons instead Str or Dex. as a bonus action after making a successful attack you may make an unarmed attack, at 6th level you make two unarmed attacks. At 5th level your strikes count as magical when dealing with resistances and immunities
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to infuse your light into your movement. When you make any kind of jump, you can hover up to your movement speed. you also gain a glide speed equal to your movement speed. As a bonus action or reaction, you can teleport half your movement speed. At 5th level you are always considered to under effects of Feather Fall. At 7th level, you can now teleport your full movement speed as part of your movement. At 11th level, you gain a hover speed equal to your movement speed.
Beginning at 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel your light into a healing rift on the ground for a short amount of time. For one minute every creature you choose within a 10 by 10-foot cylinder centered on you regains 1d6 times your wisdom modifier hit points at the end of their turn if they end their turn in the rift. Once the rift is placed, it cannot move from where it was placed. You may use this feature twice per short rest. The Rift heals 2d6 times your wisdom modifier at 6th level.
At 11th level, your rift starts becoming stronger grant additional benefits, choose one of the following once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Empowering Rift- Your rift no longer heals allies but gives them power, allies in your rift now deal additional damage equal to your rift's healing dice.
-Preserving Rift- Allies with maximum health in your rift gain temporary health equal to the rift's healing dice.
Grenade Energy[edit]
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to channel your light into a grenade like projectile that explodes on impact. As a bonus action, you choose a point within 30 ft. Every enemy within a 15ft radius of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. They take 1d8 damage on a fail or half as much on a success. The damage dealt by your grenade is decided by which subclass you have chosen. You have a number of grenade charges equal to wisdom modifier + your Warlock level, that fully recharge on a short rest or long rest. Also, every time a creature dies that you have damaged you gain 1 grenade charge. At higher levels your grenades do more damage, 2d8 at 7th level, 3d8 at 13th level, and 4d8 at 18 level.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one of your ability scores by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. As normal, you can't increase any ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn. You gain an additional attack at 11th level.
Orbs of Light[edit]
Beginning at 6th level, when you use a class ability or subclass feature you spawn your prof bonus orbs of light within 5ft of you. when an ally picks up an orb of light via walking into the square the orb occupies or using an object interaction action to pick it up, they heal a d6 + your lvl hitpoints and gain advantage on their next roll.
Beginning at 7th level you gain temporary hit points that act as a protective shield. You gain 5 x your level temporary hit points that regenerate every 1 minute. Your rift ability may also regenerate your shield if you are at full health.
Super Energy[edit]
Beginning at 9th level, you gain the ability to summon your light into an ultimate attack. Your super is decided by which subclass you have chosen. You may use this equal to half your proficiency bonus times per short rest.
-Void- Nova Bomb- You throw a massive ball of void energy at a point you choose within 120 ft. The explosion has a 20 ft radius and anyone in the radius must make a dexterity saving throw or take 8d6 force damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. The damage increases to 10d6 at 15th level and 12d6 at 20th level. Creatures caught in the blast become volatile and weakened.
-Solar- Sunslinger- You become encompassed in solar fire that bolsters your grenade usage. For 1 minute, at the end of your turn you gain one grenade charge. Also, if you still have your usage of this super when you die, you can resurrect yourself to 1 hit point and the super remains active as normal. You gain restoration.
-Arc- Stormcaller- You become engulfed in lightning shocking everything around you, you gain max ionic traces. For 1 minute you gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed and you can use your action to cause creatures in a 20 ft cone to make a dexterity saving throw dealing 3d12 lightning damage on a failed save and half as much on a success. The damage increases to 4d12 at 15th level and 5d12 at 20th level. Hostile creatures caught in the cone become jolted.
-Stasis- Winter's Wrath- You become entropy incarnate summon a cold staff that allows you to target a creature as part of an attack action and apply frozen to them, as a bonus action you can them shatter them dealing 5d8 cold damage to each frozen enemy this grows to 7d8 at 15th level and 10d8 at 20th level.
-Strand- Needle Storm- You summon a swarm of threadlings equal to your wisdom modifier + prof bonus which target any enemies within 120ft of you and suspends, unravels, and severs them for 1 minute. each left over threadling deals 1d12+ wisdom mod psychic damage to enemies. The damage increases to 2d12 at 15th level and 3d12 at 20th level.
(Optional) Weapon Crafting[edit]
Beginning at 11th level, your arsenal has been quite limited from swords and shields to basic battle rifles and shotguns you need truly exotic gear. You can sacrifice 5000 x your prof bonus gp and make a DC 25 tinkerers tools to create magic items up to legendary in one hour. (DM must approve item before you can make it)
Beginning at 11th level, you fully understand how to utilize your light. You are able to switch out your subclass for another, gaining all of its abilities. you can change out subclasses during a long rest.
Improved Critical[edit]
Beginning at 13th level, your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18 or 20.
Double Up[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, you may choose an additional option from your subclass features.
Superior Critical[edit]
Beginning at 17th level, your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 17 or 20.
Elemental Mastery[edit]
Beginning at 18th level, you've mastered the powers of your subclass and have access to powerful buffs.
Solar Mastery Your restoration increases by +10 and your scorch die turn to a d10. Allies gain health from all your damaging abilities equal to the damage dealt.
Void Mastery Your devour die grows to a d6. and devour lasts for 2 rounds more.
Arc Mastery Your Lightning damage ignores resistances and immunities.
Stasis Mastery when a creature becomes frozen or slowed hostile creatures within 15ft of them must make a strength save or become frozen and slowed
Strand Mastery Your strand darts now deal your unarmed strike damage, your strand abilities saves become intelligence saves.
Become Legend[edit]
Beginning at 20th level, you have slain the mightiest there is you have become a true legend. You have become stronger than any guardian before you. As a bonus action, you may switch out your subclass for another available to your class. Your wisdom score and constitution score maximum grows by 8.
Here are the warlock subclasses.
Solar Subclass[edit]
The healing glow of warm sunny day, the flaming pain of a sunburn, and the endless resurrection of a fire. Solar warlocks are the supportive lynchpin of any good fire team able to keep others up and going while also being able to deal searing damage to enemies.
some of your abilities can apply two effects.
Scorch Enemies inflicted with scorch take an additional number of d4's of radiant/fire damage equal to half your prof bonus from you and ally attacks, scorch lasts until the end of their next turn.
Restoration regain hitpoints equal to your prof + your level + your wisdom mod.
Solar Accesories[edit]
At 1st level, you define how your solar energy courses through you, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose two of the three options to improve you, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Phoenix Snap- As an action you can summon a number of small phoenixes equal to your prof bonus. Each phoenix hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. A phoenix deals 1d6 + your wisdom mod radiant damage to its target. The phoenixes all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several. Enemies hit by this ability are inflicted with scorch.
-Heat Rises- As a bonus action you can imbue yourself with solar energy granting you a 120ft flight speed until the end of your next turn. This ability grants you restoration.
-Solar Flare- As an action you can shine a miniature solar flare, enemies within 30ft of you must make a wisdom save on fail be blinded for 3 rounds. Enemies hit by this ability are inflicted with scorch.
Solar Sword[edit]
At 2nd level, you can as a free action summon a flaming greatsword that deals 2d6 radiant damage or your unarmed damage and scorch. Choose two of the three options to improve your sword, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Pyro Blast- As part of an attack action with the solar sword you can make a ranged attack at a creature within 60ft. Enemies hit by this ability are inflicted with scorch.
-Icarus Dash- You can take the dash action as a bonus action or a reaction, when you dash you gain the benefits of the dodge action. This ability grants you restoration.
-Radiance- As an action you can slam down your sword, enemies within 15ft of you must make a dexterity save on fail they take 4d8 radiant damage half on success. Enemies hit by this ability are inflicted with scorch.
Solar Grenades[edit]
At 3rd level, you define how your solar energy courses through your grenades, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the two options to improve your grenades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Sticky Sun- when you throw your grenade you can choose a single target, they must make a Dex save on fail the grenade attaches to the target and will explode normally and will explode again at the start of the targets turn for 2 rounds, on success the grenade explodes normally.
-Solar Nade- When this grenade hits a creature or hard surface it leaves behind a 15ft sphere of solar energy. hostile creatures within 15ft of the sphere or in the sphere must make a con save or take 2d12 radiant damage half on success and become immolated. the sphere lasts for 3 rounds.
-Thermite Grenade- when this grenade explodes it launches a 20ft long 10ft wide wave of fire hostile creatures caught in the wave must make a dex save or take an additional 3d8 radiant damage on fail, on success take half and become immolated.
-Swarm Grenade- when this grenade detonates it leaves behind your prof bonus + your strength modifier swarm missiles that cover a 10x10 radius of where the grenade was thrown, when a hostile creature is within 15ft or passes through the swarm, the swarm launches your prof bonus missiles at them, each missile deals 1d10 damage and immolates the target. The swarm lasts for 3 rounds.
-Healing Nade- Allies caught in your grenade heal equal to the damage the grenade deals. This ability grants your allies a stack of restoration.
-Trip mine- this grenade does not explode but can attach to any surface hostile creatures who enter within must make a dex save or take the grenades damage x2 on success take half and become immolated. creatures can make a perception test DC (your stealth + constitution) to spot the trip mine on success they have advantage on the dex save on fail the automatically fail the save.
Solar Arms[edit]
At 6th level, you define how your solar energy courses through your hands, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your melee, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Glowing Touch- As part of an attack action you can heal an ally your unarmed melee damage. This ability grants your allies a stack of restoration.
-Pyre Blast- As part of an attack action you can spend 3 grenade energy to fire 3 bolts of solar energy, make an unarmed attack against a creature within 30ft of you on success that creature takes 3d8 fire damage enemies within 15ft of the target must make a con save or take half the damage. Enemies hit by this ability are inflicted with scorch.
-Solar Buddy- As a bonus action and 2 grenade energy you can consume your grenade to make a little ball of solar light that makes a number of ranged attacks equal to your prof bonus at the end of your turn. the attacks go off your melee energy attack. you can pass this buddy to allies as another bonus action, solar buddy lasts for a minute. Enemies hit by this ability are inflicted with scorch.
Burning Soul[edit]
At 10th level your connection to solar light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose two of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Well of Radiance- Your rifts become a 30x30 cylinder. allies in your rift now gain restoration at the end of their turn, if an allied creature has died within the last 10 minutes or become crippled in any way they immediately revive and regenerate at the end of their turn inside of the rift.
-Phoenix Drop- When you are at least 5ft in the air you can as an action or reaction dive toward the ground, when you hit the ground, you take no fall damage, you and allies within 30ft of you gain restoration whilst enemies must make a dexterity save on fail they take 4d8+your wis mod radiant damage and become scorched, half and become scorched on success.
-Charged Burst- As a bonus action you can spend a grenade charge to replenish one use of healing rift. This ability grants you restoration.
Rift Mods[edit]
At 10th level your connection to solar light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your rift. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Well of Purity- when allies start or end their turn inside your rift, they may end one negative condition affecting them.
-Rift of Pain- when enemies start or end their turn inside your rift, they gain scorch and take your wisdom mod radiant damage.
-Rift of Power- when allies start or end their turn inside your rift, they gain resistance to damage as long as they stay in the rift.
Solar Aspects[edit]
At 14th level your connection to solar light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Aspect of Ember- When your allies gain restoration their attacks can apply scorch this lasts until the end of their next turn.
-Aspect of Charcoal- when enemies with scorch reach 0 hp they explode dealing 4d10+your wisdom mod radiant damage in a radius of 15ft enemies caught in the explosion become scorched.
-Aspect of Renewal- When your allies gain restoration they regain additional health points equal to your prof bonus+ your wisdom modifier+5.
Rising Phoenix[edit]
At 15th level, you've learned to weave your sunslinger to have extra abilities. Choose two of the three super upgrades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Solar Sail- You gain a 120ft flight speed.
-Solar Heal- When you activate Sunslinger you heal all allies within 120ft 12d12 + your wisdom mod + your prof bonus health points.
-Solar Burst- When you activate sunslinger after death you unleash a 30x30 sphere of radiant energy, enemies caught in the blast take 12d10+ wisdom mod radiant damage. Enemies hit by this ability take scorch.
Void Subclass[edit]
The festering entropy of the universe, the gnawing hunger of an empty soul, and the brutal truth of existence. a void warlock is an incredible weapon on the battlefield they can support themselves with constant sustain and downright brutal nova bombs.
Void Power[edit]
Your grasp over the void has given you some interesting effects.
Devour when you gain Devour you regain hitpoints equal to a number of d4's equal to your stacks of devour when you deal damage, allies and yourself can only have up to half your prof bonus of devour stacks and stacks last until the end of their next turn unless refreshed, devour refreshes when an enemy you damaged reaches 0 hitpoints or when you apply devour. When you have devour all your abilities apply devour.
Weaken enemies with weaken have their attacks deal half damage. weaken lasts until the end of their next turn.
Volatile when enemies become volatile, your and allied attacks against them are treated as them being vulnerable. volatile lasts until the end of their next turn.
Vestiges of the Void[edit]
At 1st level, you begin channeling the void and forming it to form around your fingertips and have found ways to aid you in your journey into the ways of the warlock, choose two of the following you may change this choice during a short rest.
-Void Blast- As part of an attack action you can launch a small ball of void energy at an enemy within 30ft of you, make an unarmed attack roll against them on hit you deal half your prof bonus d6 + your wisdom mod force damage, this attack applies volatile and weakened, enemies within 10ft of the target must make a con save or gain weakened and volatile.
-Mark of the void- When you hit a creature with your unarmed attack you can choose to mark that creature. When the marked creature reaches 0 hitpoints you gain hit points equal to half its max hp. You can only mark one creature at a time.
-Gravitational Inversion- As a bonus action you can give yourself a stack of devour.
Void Tendrils[edit]
At 2nd level, you can freely summon your prof bonus tendrils from your back that deals 1d6 or your unarmed damage die force damage. Choose two of the three options to improve your void abilities, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Flurry of Slaps- When you make an unarmed strike as a bonus action each of your tendrils will make an additional unarmed strike.
-"POP"- When you teleport you unleash a wave of void energy, hostile creatures within 15ft of you after you teleport must make a con save or become weakened on success you gain a stack of devour.
-Get Over Here!- As an action or reaction you can make an unarmed strike against a creature within 30ft of you on a successful attack roll instead of dealing damage your tendril pulls them right next to you and you gain a stack of devour.
Grenades of the Void[edit]
At 3rd level, you define how your void energy courses through your grenades, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your grenades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Suppressor Nades- Enemies hit by this grenade become suppressed which means they can no longer activate abilities and traits (ex, A dragon would not be able to use its breath attack, a troll wouldn't be able to regenerate, or spellcasters wouldn't be able to cast spells) for 1 minute, at the end of their turns they may make a wisdom save to remove the effect.
-Axion Bolt- instead of a burst of energy this grenade sends out seeking bolts that automatically hit their targets but only can hit up to your prof bonus of targets (ex, you throw an axion bolt at three goblins and your prof bonus is two it will only deal damage to two goblins even though it would hit all three if it was a regular grenade.) enemies hit by this ability gain weakened.
-Miniature Singularity- When enemies are hit by your grenade, they must a constitution save or be pulled to the center of the grenade's impact or closest space available. enemies hit by this ability gain volatile.
Hands of the Void[edit]
At 6th level, you define how your void energy courses through your hands, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your melee, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Reach of the Void- Your melee attack range increases by 15 ft. enemies hit by this ability gain volatile and weaken.
-Protection of the Void- When you hit with an unarmed melee attack, the temp hp granted by the Shield ability is restored instantly. enemies hit by this ability gain volatile.
-Consumption of the Void- When you deal unarmed melee damage you gain hp equal to half the damage dealt rounded up. enemies hit by this ability gain weaken.
Void Soul[edit]
At 10th level your connection to void light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose two of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Soul of Reaction- You can throw grenades at points within 60ft of you and creatures explode when they reach 0 hitpoints from your abilities like your unarmed attacks or grenades, when an enemy explodes, they deal half your grenade damage in a 15ft radius. enemies hit by this ability grant you devour.
-Soul of Aegis- Your shield ability now has 20 more temp hp. Your attacks now deal an additional d6 force damage and apply the weakened condition.
-Soul of Devouring- When you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints you regain health points equal to half the creature's maximum health points.
Rift Mods[edit]
At 10th level your connection to void light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your rift. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Void Soul- when you activate your rift you summon a void soul, this void soul can be attached to you or as a bonus action attached to an ally or be sent at a point within 30ft of you. When enemies enter within 15ft of the void sentry they begin taking half your prof bonus (round down) d4's of force damage at the end of their turn. enemies caught in the sentry's range become volatile. the sentry last for 3 rounds
-Rift of Entropy- when allies start or end their turn inside your rift, their attacks apply the weakened and volatile conditions.
-Rift of Volatility- when allies are inside your rift, Enemies they damage that reach 0 hitpoints will explode dealing half your prof bonus d6's of force damage in a 10ft radius of the enemy.
Void Aspects[edit]
At 14th level your connection to void light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Aspect of Entropy- your devour last for 3 rounds.
-Aspect of Doom- when allies reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints you are granted devour.
-Aspect of Hunger- When you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints you grant your allies devour.
Bending the Void[edit]
At 15th level, you've learned to weave your Nova Bomb to have extra abilities. Choose one of the four super upgrades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest. enemies hit by this ability grant you devour.
-Tracking Nova Bomb- After your Nova Bomb has exploded, 7 small orbs are created that do 1d8 force damage to creatures you choose within 60 ft of the center of the original Nova Bomb radius. enemies hit by this ability grant you devour.
-Writhing Nova Bomb- The radius of the original Nova Bomb leaves void residue that does 1d10 force damage to anyone that ends their turn in the radius. enemies hit by this ability grant you devour.
-Splitting Nova Bombs- The Nova Bomb splits into 3 separate Nova Bombs that you can place where you choose. These Nova Bombs do half damage of the original, and their radius is now 10ft. enemies hit by this ability grant you devour.
-Nova Warp- You invert the power of the nova bomb back into yourself channeling the void itself, for 1 minute you can as an action fire a number of miniature nova bombs equal to your proficiency bonus that deal 1d12 force + your wisdom modifier force damage at any number of creatures within 30ft of you. enemies hit by this ability become weakened and volatile.
Arc Subclass[edit]
The electrifying feel of the calm before the storm, the raging spark of said storm and the thunderous shock when the lighting strikes. An arc warlock is the damage dealer and buffer of the five types of warlocks any fire team is happy to have one aboard since they can provide shocking results.
Arc Subclass[edit]
some of your abilities can apply three effects.
Jolt Enemies inflicted with jolt whenever they take damage from a source, deal that damage as lighting damage to other creatures who are inflicted with jolt, the jolt condition lasts for until the end of their next turn. when you damage a creature with jolt you gain 1 ionic trace.
Amped Allies with Amped gain 10 x half your prof bonus (round down) to their movement speed and gain AC equal to half your prof bonus (round down), Amped lasts for 1 minute.
Ionic Traces when you have stacks of Ionic Traces you gain 10 x your stacks of Ionic Traces to your movement speed, you can only have up to your prof bonus of Ionic Traces stacks and stacks last for 1 minute.
Shocking Tools[edit]
At 1st level, you define how your arc energy courses through your body, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose two of the three options to improve you, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Live Wire- Your attacks now deal an additional d6 of lightning damage and jolt.
-High Voltage- you gain +10 movement speed, when you have stacks of ionic traces you no longer trigger attack of opportunity.
-AC/DC- As a bonus action you can give an ally Amped.
Arc Eel[edit]
At 2nd level, you can instantly summon an electric eel familiar that wraps itself around your body, after a successful attack you can as a bonus action have your eel spray a 15ft cone of electricity hostile creatures caught in the cone must make a Dex save on fail take 2d6 + wisdom mod thunder damage and become jolted on save take half become jolted. Choose two of the three options to improve your eel, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Electric Spit- As part of an attack action, you can make a ranged attack at a creature within 60ft. Enemies hit by this ability are inflicted with jolt.
-Slip'n'Slide- As a bonus action you can launch your eel at an ally granting them the effects of the dash action and granting them amped. your eel returns to you at the end of your ally's turn giving you 2 ionic traces.
-Slimy Friendship- As a reaction you can launch your eel at an ally and grant them the effects of the dodge action and 15 temp hp.
Static Grenades[edit]
At 3rd level, you define how your arc energy courses through your grenades, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your grenades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Lighting Bolt Grenade- A small thunderstorm erupts from the grenade, enemies caught in the grenade must make a wisdom save on fail they are stunned for 1 round. enemies hit by this ability become jolted.
-Puddle pool Grenade- Slippery Water covers the ground in a 10-foot square centered on the point the grenade impacted on and turns it into difficult terrain for 1 minute. When the water appears, each enemy standing in its area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. An enemy that enters the area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. enemies with jolt automatically fail the saving throw. An ally that enters the area or ends their turn there, gain amped.
-Pulse Grenade- Enemies struck by this grenade are marked out to you and all allies for 1 minute, marked out enemies cannot benefit from the hide action nor can benefit from invisibility their location is always known as long as their marked. enemies hit by this ability become jolted.
Thunderous Grips[edit]
At 6th level, you define how your arc energy courses through your hands, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your melee, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Jacobs Ladder- Your melee attack chains to a number of enemies equal to your wisdom mod. enemies hit by this ability become jolted.
-Electrifying Touch- When you make a successful unarmed melee attack, allies gain amped and advantage on their next saving throw and attack roll until the end of their next turn.
-Call The Storm- As an action you can spend 4 grenade energy to call down a lightning strike on every single jolted creature dealing 1d10 + wisdom modifier. Creatures struck must make a constitution save or become stunned until the end of their next turn.
Arc Soul[edit]
At 10th level your connection to arc light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Lightning buddy- As a bonus action you can consume your grenade to make a little ball of Arc light that makes a number of ranged attacks equal to your prof bonus at the end of your turn. the attacks go off your melee energy attack. you can pass this buddy to allies as another bonus action, Lighting buddy lasts for a minute. enemies hit by this ability become jolted.
-Nimbus Cloak- Your shield ability now applies to up to your prof bonus allies. at the end of your turn allies gain amped.
-Chaos Reach- As an action you can consume a number of your grenade charges equaling X and launch a stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 15 feet wide blasts out from you, enemies caught in the line must make a Dex save on fail taking X + your prof bonus d6 lightning damage on success half. enemies hit by this ability become jolted.
Rift Mods[edit]
At 10th level your connection to arc light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your rift. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Shielding Rift- when allies start or end their turn inside your rift, they gain amped and 3/4 cover while inside your rift.
-Rift of Pain- when enemies start or end their turn inside your rift, they are jolted and take your wisdom mod lighting damage.
-Gathering Storm- when allies start or end their turn inside your rift, they gain a lightning buddy as described by arc soul and persists for 3 rounds unless they reenter the rift which resets the timer.
Arc Aspects[edit]
At 14th level your connection to Arc light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Aspect of Thunder- your allies gain the ability to deal an additional d12 lightning to their damage on attacks and damaging abilities. this also applies jolted.
-Aspect of Flash- when allies or you have stacks of amped or ionic traces, you generate a 15ft aura in which enemies who end their turn in this aura become jolted.
-Aspect of Ionization- Wasted Ionic traces surge toward the nearest enemy within 15ft dealing 1d10+wisdom mod lighting damage. enemies hit by this ability become jolted.
The Approaching Storm[edit]
At 15th level, you've learned to weave your Stormcaller to have extra abilities. Choose one of the three super upgrades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-El Niño- When you activate stormcaller you create a 60ft aura of constant lightning, creating difficult terrain and shocking enemies for your prof bonus d12 lightning damage every turn, allies remain unaffected by the effects of your aura. enemies hit by this ability gain jolt.
-Blessed Rains- When you activate stormcaller you create a 60ft aura of soothing rain, giving your allies temp hp equal to your prof bonus d12 and allies gain amped when the end their turn in your aura.
-Eye of the Storm- When you activate stormcaller you create a 60ft aura of hurricane force winds and rain, allies gain 3/4 cover while inside the aura while enemies inside the aura gain disadvantage on all rolls. enemies hit by this ability gain jolt.
Stasis Subclass[edit]
The frozen touch of the tundra, the unfeeling sting of frostbite, and the protective shell of an igloo. Stasis warlocks are a more sadistic branch of warlocks as their kit is geared more toward disabling and shaping the battlefield.
Stasis Subclass[edit]
some of your abilities can apply an effect.
Frozen Enemies inflicted with frozen become paralyzed and vulnerable to all damage for one round. when an enemy who is frozen is hit by an attack or is forced to make a damage save the condition ends immediately.
Slow An affected target’s speed is halved, it takes a −2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature’s abilities or magic items, it can’t make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn’t take effect until the creature’s next turn, and the creature must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it can’t, the spell is wasted. Slow lasts for 3 rounds.
Stasis Shards several abilities create stasis shards; stasis shards can be collected via walking into the space they occupy or by using an object interaction when within 5ft of one or more.
Vestiges of Stasis[edit]
At 1st level, you begin channeling Stasis and forming it to form around your fingertips and have found ways to aid you in your journey into the ways of the warlock, choose two of the following you may change this choice during a short rest.
-Stasis Turret-As a bonus action and one grenade energy you summon a stasis turret within 60ft of you. the stasis turret fires stasis darts at the closest hostile creature within 120ft, these darts go off your unarmed attack and damage, the turret makes as many attacks as possible equal to your prof bonus, darts inflict slow. the turret lasts for 3 rounds.
-Shatter Burst- once per round your first melee attack inflicts frozen. When you attack a frozen creature, they spawn three darts of stasis energy these darts target the nearest hostile creature within 30ft, creatures struck by a dart must make a Strength save or become frozen.
-Cryoclast- you become immune to difficult terrain. as a bonus action you can freeze objects and bodies of water.
Stasis Staff[edit]
At 2nd level, you can as a free action summon a frost scepter that deals 2d6 necrotic damage. Choose two of the three options to improve your sword, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Flash Freeze- As a bonus action you can unleash a 15ft cone of frost from your palm hostile creatures caught in the cone must make a strength save or become frozen. the are caught in the cone becomes difficult terrain as the ground freeze into a thin sheet of ice.
-Ice Crown- as a reaction you can grant allies immunity to difficult terrain and advantage against frozen creatures until the end of their next turn.
-Penumbral Blast- As an action you can target a creature within 60ft make an unarmed attack on successful roll the target becomes frozen and slowed. when a creature becomes frozen, they spawn 3 stasis shards.
Stasis Grenades[edit]
At 3rd level, you define how your stasis energy courses through your grenades, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your grenades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
- Duskfield Grenade
You throw this grenade at a hard surface within range and a 15ft sphere forms, everything within that sphere or that moves through that sphere must make a Strength save or be slowed. This area counts as difficult terrain for everyone apart from you. the sphere lasts for 3 rounds.
- Coldsnap Grenade
You throw this grenade at a hard surface within range a bolt of cold energy will track towards the closest hostile creatures within 10ft of impact must make a Strength save or become frozen, on a successful save the target is slowed until the end of their turn.
- Glacier Grenade
You throw this grenade at a hard surface within range a wall of ice 10ft tall, 15ft wide and 5ft thick forms, this acts as full cover if used as such, hostile creatures caught by this grenade must make a Strength save or become frozen, on a successful save the target is slowed until the end of their turn. this wall counts as being made of frost pillars and follows the same rulings when it comes to being broken.
Chilling Touch[edit]
At 5th level, you define how your stasis energy courses through your hands, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your melee, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Glacial Harvest- when you or your allies collect stasis shards you gain 15 temp hp per shard, when you make an unarmed attack, you spawn a stasis shard within 5ft of you
-Blizzard Blast- As an action and 3 grenade charges you can blast out a 30ft cone snowstorm from your palm hostile creatures caught in the cone must make a Dex save or take your prof bonus d10's of cold damage and become frozen, on success take half and become slowed, the area caught in the cone becomes difficult terrain as frost covers the area and water becomes solid ice.
-Frost Pillar- As a bonus action you can summon a 15ft tall 5ft thick frozen pillar in a 5ft square onto the field anywhere within your sight. It counts as 3/4 cover and has 15 ac and 10 x your prof bonus hp. When the pillar is destroyed it creates 3 stasis shards within 5ft where the pillar was. when you or an ally collects a stasis shard, they gain damage reduction equal to the number of stasis shards they have picked up this damage reduction lasts until the end of their or your next turn.
Frozen Soul[edit]
At 10th level your connection to stasis has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Cold Burst- Enemies hit by your grenade spawn 3 stasis shards within 5ft of them. Your allies become immune to difficult terrain you create.
-Frost Bite- When hostile creatures enter or start/end their turn in difficult terrain you created they take d12 of cold damage and spawn 3 stasis crystals within 5ft of them.
-Wall of Ice- You may summon up to your prof bonus ice pillars instead one at a time. when an ice pillar is reduced to 0 hp it releases a 10ft burst of frost enemies caught in the blast must make a Dex save or become frozen.
Rift Mods[edit]
At 10th level your connection to solar light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your rift. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Fro-Zone- when you put down your rift it sends out a wave of cold energy in a 30ft radius hostile creatures caught in the radius must make a Con save or become frozen on success become slowed.
-Glacial Rise- when you activate your rift you spawn 10 stasis shards.
-Chill Out- when allies start or end their turn inside your rift, they gain damage reduction equal to your prof bonus as long as they stay in the rift.
No Chill[edit]
At 15th level, you've learned to weave your Winter's wrath to have extra abilities. Choose one of the three super upgrades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Sub-Zero Temp- When a creature becomes frozen, they take an extra 2d12 of cold damage.
-Shatter Star- When a frozen creature reaches 0hp they shatter causing 15ft bursts hostile creatures caught in the burst become frozen, slowed, and spawn 6 stasis shards.
-Glacial Power - As an action you may cast a 9th level Wall of ice
Thread Weaver[edit]
The strand represents the emotional connections that bind people, places, and objects together it's all around us and constantly being cut and added to. Strand warlocks are of the most empathetic warlocks as their kit is geared more toward disabling enemies and protecting allies.
Strand Subclass[edit]
some of your abilities can apply an effect.
Suspend Creatures inflicted with suspend are restrained for 3 rounds.
Unravel Creatures inflicted with Unravel fire three strand darts at the closest non unraveled creatures within 15ft they must make an Constitution save or become unraveled if there are no creatures without unravel the darts strike the nearest unraveled creature for 1d6+ your wisdom mod psychic damage, unravel lasts for 3 rounds.
Sever creatures with sever deal half damage for 3 rounds.
Woven Mail when you have woven mail you gain resistance to all damage until the end of your next turn.
Tangles when a creature who is either suspended, unraveled, or severed reaches 0 hit points they leave behind a slightly larger basketball sized ball called a tangle on their body, the tangle has 0 ac and 5 hit points if destroyed it releases a wave of psychic energy in a 20ft sphere hostile creatures caught in the sphere must make an intelligence save on fail take 4d8 + your wisdom mod psychic damage and become suspended, on success take half and become severed. your or your allies can as an object interaction or bonus action grab a tangle and as an action throw it at a target location or creature within 60ft at which point it will be destroyed read previous sentence for effects.
Threadlings threadlings are created from certain abilities you can have a maximum of 5 threadlings on you at any time, when you make a successful attack roll you can launch a threadling at the target it deals 1d6 psychic damage and the target must make a wisdom saving throw or become either suspended or unraveled your choice.
Vestiges of strand[edit]
At 1st level, you begin channeling strand and forming it to form around your fingertips and have found ways to aid you in your journey into the ways of the warlock, choose two of the following you may change this choice during a short rest.
-Weave walk- As a reaction or bonus action you gain woven mail and 5 threadlings.
-Grapple- As a bonus action or reaction you target a location, creature, or object within 60ft and throw a strand grappling hook at it, at which point you can swing freely in a 60ft sphere centered around the grapple point at the end of your turn, you will move 15ft closer to the grapple point, once per round you can as an action break your grapple and attack a creature, make an unarmed strike attack you deal an additional 3d8 psychic damage and the target must make an intelligence save or become suspended. the grappling hook cannot be physically broken, nor can a target being grappled remove the grapple; you can dismiss the grapple as a free action.
-Ball o Bees- when a tangle is destroyed it releases your prof bonus of threadlings they will target the nearest hostile creature within 15ft of them if there is none they will return to you or disappear if you have max threadlings.
Strand Darts[edit]
At 2nd level, you can as a free action summon 3 Darts of strand energy, as part of an attack action you can make an unarmed attack at a creature within 60ft they take 1d8+ your wisdom mod psychic damage and make a Constitution save on fail become unraveled. Choose two of the three options to improve your darts, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Spider Dart- When you make a successful attack with your dart you gain one threadling.
-Defensive Dart- as a bonus action or reaction you can fire one of your darts at an ally granting them woven mail.
-Marker Dart- allies have advantage on their next attack against a creature you've hit with a dart.
Strand Grenades[edit]
At 3rd level, you define how your strand energy courses through your grenades, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your grenades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
- Shackle Grenade
hostile creatures caught in your grenade must make a Dexterity save on fail become suspended.
- Threadling Grenade
this grenade will release 4 threadlings they will target the nearest hostile creature within 15ft of them if there is none, they will return to you or disappear if you have max threadlings.
The Strings of Fate[edit]
At 6th level, you define how your strand energy courses through your hands, what it does to you, and what it does to others. Choose one of the three options to improve your melee, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Daddy Long Legs- you can now target your allies with your threadlings when you do they gain woven mail and 1d8+ your wisdom mod health points.
-High Strung- When a creature becomes unraveled their move speed becomes zero. when a creature becomes suspended, they can no longer take actions only bonus actions. when a creature becomes severed, they have disadvantage on all saving throws.
-Point Guard- when you or an ally are carrying a tangle you gain woven mail and gain 2d6 health points at the start of your turn. you can pass the tangle to another ally as a bonus action.
String'em Up[edit]
At 10th level your connection to strand has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your natural abilities. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Momma's little Hellions- Your threadlings deal an additional die of damage and hostile creatures who pass their save against a threadling have disadvantage on their next saving throw.
-Hanging Around- When you use your grapple on a creature, they must make an intelligence save or become severed. you can now grapple as a free action.
-Three Pointer- Your tangles gain double the range it can be thrown and the radius of the sphere and add 2 extra damage die.
Rift Mods[edit]
At 10th level your connection to solar light has grown such that you receive some kind of buff to your rift. Choose one of the three perks, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Swarm Rift- when you put down your rift it creates 3 trheadlings they will target the nearest hostile creature within 15ft of them if there is none, they will return to you or disappear if you have max threadlings.
-Knights of the rift- when you or an ally enter your rift you gain woven mail.
-Ballin- when you activate your rift you spawn 3 tangles.
Spider Man[edit]
At 15th level, you've learned to weave your Needle Storm to have extra abilities. Choose one of the three super upgrades, once you choose you can switch out options as part of a short rest.
-Go my Minions- You double the amount of threadlings you can hold and the amount you summon when activate your super.
-Caught in the Spider's Web- When a creature becomes severed, suspended, or unraveled they take an extra 2d12 psychic damage and fail their next saving throw.
-From DOWNTOWN!- Your threadlings turn into tangles and deal an additional 3 extra damage die and allies gain woven mail.
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