Vulodin (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Chaotic Good
Domains. Light, Nature
Divine Rank. Titan

Vulodin is a Titan with dominion over canines, and as such he has the ability to transform into a giant form of any dog or other canine. In his Titan-form, he resembles a 27 foot tall humanoid with hair that covers his head, back, chest, forearms and legs in long blonde manes. He can change into a canine and back three times every day and when he does, he gains all traits and abilities of that canine, while keeping his titanic strength, speech and intellect.

Traits and Abilities[edit]

Vulodin possesses the strength that characterizes all Titans and is able to combine this with the agility and dexterity of the many canines he is associated with. Once he befriends someone, he will stay true to them, as long as they stay on a path he considers to be righteous and honest.

Once Vulodin has a quarrel with someone, he is less likely than most Titans to forgive and he tends to go to great lengths to avenge those he cares about. He has an otherworldly ability to track down a specific creature over immense distances and even across plains.

Like most Titans, he speaks all six main dialects of Giant and can often be found in the company of Storm Giants, which he holds in high regard and with whom he shares a fondness for storms in general. Thunder reminds him of a barking dog and the winds remind him of howling wolves.


Vulodin mostly resides on the Eronia Layer of the Blessed Fields of Elysium, although he is known to wander through the cities and towns of the Amoria Layer. He often uses one of his canine forms when visiting the Material Plane as a messenger, servant or warrior of one of the Greater Deities.

Unlike many other divine entities, Vulodin does not have his own residence and is most at home wandering through both savage and civilized lands.


True to his kin, Vulodin can be considered a Chaotic Good entity, who also displays several highly Lawful characteristics. He will never break his word, considers oaths to be sacred beyond all else and will always stay true to his duties as a supreme power, only surpassed in those powers by the gods.

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