Viper’s Kiss (novel)

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Viper’s Kiss (novel)
Viper's Kiss PB.jpg
Abbreviation: N/A
Author: Lisa Smedman
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Item Code: 176780000
Release Date: March 2005
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Page Count: 320
ISBN-10: 0-7869-3616-9
Price: $6.99 ; C$9.99
Product Blurb:

A mind-mage of growing power sets off on a secret journey to the barony of


A human realm crawling with yuan-ti, where he encounters


A yuan-ti half-blood who in turn has her serpent's eyes set on


Scion of the powerful Extaminos family who is said to hold the fabled Circled Serpent

An ancient artifact of such immense power, it could well destroy the world.

Viper’s Kiss is the second title in a new trilogy exploring the political intrigues of the yuan-ti race, the details of which have been little explored in previous Forgotten Realms products.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.
House of Serpents
  1. Venom's Taste
  2. Viper’s Kiss
  3. Vanity's Brood

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