Vile fungi sprout in the dark annals of tunnels in the Underdark. They serve as natural hazards that dot the terrain. The shrieker type acts as an alarm of sorts when creatures come nearby, and they lure unknowing victims into their mushroom ring with their siren calling voice. The violet mushroom variety then senses this movement and releases puffs of venomous spores that incapacitate and kill the creature. The creature's corpse is then used as food by the mushrooms as it decays.
Shrieker Fungus Level 1 Lurker
Hazard 25 XP
Detect: No check is necessary to notice the fungus.
Immune poison, charm, sleep, stun
Triggered Actions
Attack ♦ Recharge  
Attack: Ranged 10; +3 vs. Will
Trigger: When a creature enters within 10 squares of the shrieker, it emits a high pitched siren song that lures prey closer.
Hit: The target is pulled 5 squares and is dazed (save ends).
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Violet Fungus Level 2 Lurker
Hazard 125 XP
Detect: No check is necessary to notice the fungus.
Immune poison, charm, sleep, stun
Triggered Actions
Attack(Poison) ♦ Daily
Attack: Close burst 1; +4 vs. Fortitude
Trigger: When a creature enters a square of the violet fungus, or kicks or pokes at it from an adjacent square, or attacks it in any way, the fungus releases a cloud of spores. A character in the initial burst or that begins its turn in a violet spore cloud is attacked by the poison.
Hit: 1d8 poison damage and ongoing 4 poison damage (save ends).
Effect: : The cloud provides concealment for creatures inside it. The cloud persists until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. Once a patch of violet fungi creates a cloud, it can’t create another one for 24 hours.
♦Avoid: A character can move into a square of violet fungi without triggering the cloud by making a DC 25 Dungeoneering check. The character’s move must end in the fungi's square.
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