Vermana (3.5e Deity)

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Greater Deity
Symbol: A scale with a skull on each side
Home Plane: The Gate
Alignment: Unknown, generally considered Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Death, Judging the dead, watching over the dead
Clergy Alignments: N/A
Domains: While she has no clerics her domains are: Balance (SpC), Death, Deathbound (SpC), Law_Domain,
Favored Weapon: N/A
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Vermana like Dadlemom, doesn't have clerics and isn't known to give divine powers to anyone. This was agreed upon the gods so that upon a mortal's death, Vermana can act a non-partial judge of a persons life. She rules over all 6 Domains of Death, but she is most commonly found in the Gate, a domain where souls are given judgement of which after life they are sent to from most desirable to least they are: the Hero's Slumber, Righteous's Rest, the Realm of Wanderers, the Pit of Emptiness, and the Pit of Despiar.

It should be noted that only intelligent beings (ones with intelligence of 3 or greater) are under Vermana's watch upon their. Soul of land based creatures of low-intelligence (such as a dog or a cat) are sent to Turelzo's plane (The Eternal Forest) upon their death, and Souls of water based creatures of low-intelligence (such as fish) are sent to Verastol's realm (The Endless Ocean) upon.


Vermana doesn't communicate with mortal's directly, Arcane Magic, Divine Magic and Psionic's don't allow one to enter or through any of her domains, and Angels and Demons try to get rid of mortals who get there through so other methods, and when someone is resurrected they lose all memory of the afterlife. As such her exact judgement of how she decides which afterlife, and how long they stay in that afterlives to send people is somewhat unclear, so each god tell's a different story, only agreeing on thing: All gods agree on is that infants are always sent to the Realm of Wanderers. However on every other account they all tell a different story.


Turelezo tell his clergy that Vermana judges based off of generosity, how much you give to others and not hurting others including nature. Turelezo also say's that the Good and afterlives (Hero's Slumber and Righteous's Rest) along with the Realm of Wanderers are eternal once you are assigned there you remain there forever, and that the bad afterlives (Pit of Emptiness and Pit of Despair) are temporary, after serving your sentence in those realms you are sent to the Realm of Wanderers.


Jestus tells her clergy Vermana judges based off of: purity, being free of crime, guilt and lust, loyalty, being loyal to your community and how much effort you put towrds doing the rule it assigns you. She also says that the Hero's Slumber and Righteous's Rest are temporary that after a certain amount years of reward you are eventually sent to the Realm of Wonder's, but the Pit of Despair, Pit of Empitness, along with the Realm of Wanderers is eternal.


Perezina tells her clergy Vermana judges based off of optimism, the ability to remain happy and cheerful even in the darkest of situations. She also states that the afterlives are completely dynamic a change of attitude even after death changes which afterlife can send you to a different afterlife.


Codicallo tells his clergy Vermana judges based off of success, how successful are in your goals, regardless of methods used to get there. He also states that all of the afterlives are eternal.


Sabrindo tells his clergy Vermana judges based solely off of loyalty; being loyal to your community and how much effort you put towards doing the rule assigned to you. He also states that all of the afterlives are eternal.


Intellgra tells her clergy (and anyone else who asks) that Vermana is allowed to assign however she likes but she generally judges based off a combination of passion; how much effort you put towards thing you tried, compassion; how much your actions were intended to help or hurt others, also the actual effects your actions effected everyone as a whole. She also says that Vermana generally makes the Hero's Slumber and Righteous's Rest along with the Realm of Wanderers permanent, she sometimes gives someone a few years in the Righteous's Rest before sending them to the Realm of Wanderers, or gives someones a few years in the Hero's Slumber before sending them to Righteous's Rest. Intellgra also says that Vermana has so far always made sentences to the Pit of Emptiness or Pit of Despair, and that while she is technically allowed make the permanent, the closest Vermana has ever come is to someone an incredibly long sentence in the Pit of Despair (2 million years is the longest Intellgra claims to know). Intellgra does say that Vermana would probably sent someone who actively tried to ruin or destroy the world (such as trying to open a gate the realm of True Order or True Chaos).


Pendella tells her clergy that Vermana judges based off Independence, how much you rely on your self rather than others. She also says placement is permanent


Verastol tells his clergy that Vermana judges based off how many skills and talents you aquired through live. He also says that the Hero's Slumber, Righteous's Rest, Pit of Emptiness and Pit of Despair are all temporary, that eventually everyone ends up in the Realm of Wanderers

Clergy and Temples[edit]

Vermana has no Clergy and or Temples worshipping her, as there is no benefit in doing so, for their is no record of her granting any mortal divine powers of any kind, and the agreed consensus among the gods that Vermana shows no favor to those who try to worship. When asked why she doesn't grant divine powers almost all gods simply say that the Agreement of the God's prevent her doing so, as mortals would simply worship her for the guarantee of a peaceful afterlife. The only exception to this is Intellgra who states that while Vermana doesn't grant divine power for worshipping her as a part of Agreement of the Gods, does The Agreement of the Gods grant allow to grant divine powers to those who prove themselves passionate and compassionate, in the form of healers, however the other deities credit healers either to themselves or Dadlemom.


While Vermana is part of the Vermadad Pantheon, she doesn't take an active role due the nature of managing the dead, of the gods of the pantheon, often times in casual conversation she is excluded from it.

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