Valinor Guard, Variant (5e Subclass)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Grossly overpowered. For one, subclasses should not increase ability scores by virtue of being picked. Second, Cunning Defense is like defensive duelist or shield spell, except this is stronger, and at 12th level gives you just +10 to AC. Paired with Retaliation, which on itself is too strong of a feature, this lets you attack horrendous amount of times in one round. Third, feats are optional for play, so no feature in class/subcalss description should ever even mention them. Fourth, add double your ability modifier for both attack and damage rolls never was, and never will be in realm of balanced game design. And fifth, other features are not so strong to the point of nerfing them, but paired with one another are too much. I suggest reading through Class Design Guide before making a subclass or attempting to balance this.

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600px-Ambox wikify.svg.png This page is not formatted correctly. Reason: Optional class feature should be on variant class feature page, not a subclass page. There is no reason why a subclass should have exclusive Optional Class Features only if you pick it, not to mention some of them are wayy overpowered

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Valinor Guard[edit]

Fighter Archetype

Valinor guards formed army of Valinor that was the great force that confronted the army of Morgoth at the end of the First Age. Moved by the words of Eärendil, the Valar agreed once again to act against Morgoth. They met an Eönwë led force that was to assume that all the Valar, the Maiar and Elves of Valinor except the Teleri, who agreed only to sail ships to the shores of Beleriand. The great army soon joined the Edain. They met the forces sent by Morgoth in Anfauglith and easily defeated, but strong gust of wind came up at the gates of Angband, were rejected by the great winged dragons led by Ancalagon The Black. Eärendil, came out, and was accompanied by the Eagles led by Thorondor; They enhanced the host of the Valar and defeated the forces of Morgoth. Ancalagon was killed himself. Finally, the host directs all wells remaining forces of Angband, and Morgoth captured, effectively ending his reign of evil in Middle-earth

Valinor guards are fierce fighters versatile to occupy the first line, focuses on melee combat and able to repel both physical and magical attacks. they are respected for their incredible ability to make multiple attacks some call them the swift sword, ready to protect their mates and to give his life for Valinor, show their potential with his sword, truly a fearsome opponent.

Restriction: Elves Only

Only the elvish people can adopt the Valinor Guard archetype. The Valinor Guard fills a particular niche in elven society and culture.

Your DM can lift this restriction to better suit the campaign. The restriction exists for the Middle Earth. It might not apply to your DM's setting or your DM's version of the Middle Earth.

Cunning Defense

Starting at 3rd level, while not wielding a shield, you can use your reaction to add double your Dexterity modifier to your AC against an enemy attack.

Gracious Defense

Also at 3rd level, while not wearing armor or shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.


You can react with great speed. At 3rd level, when you succeed in deflecting an attack using your Cunning Defense, you can make a weapon attack against the attacker, as part of the same reaction. In addition, you have advantage on this attack roll.

Immortal Guard

Starting at 7th level, you no longer age, and can't be magically aged.

Warrior's Embodiment

At 7th level, you become more familiarized with what is necessary for being a true warrior of Valinor. You gain the following benefits:

  • You make a critical hit on 18-20.
  • The weapons you wield become magical for the purpose of overcome resistance and immunities.
  • You may add double your ability modifier for damage rolls. (Depending on each Strength or Dexterity you use for your attacks)
Repeal Magic

Starting at 10th level, you have been well trained to repeal magic attacks with your sword forged on valinor forges. You gain the ability to dissipate magical effects hurled at you. You have advantage on all saving throws you make against magical effects and spells you can see, and spell attacks have disadvantage against you.


At 15th level, whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee weapon attack, you can make a 5 feet step and make a weapon attack against another creature within 5 feet, without using an action.

Master of Contention

At 18th level, your are a warrior of the most high caliber, being capable of hit multiple enemies with a single attack. When you take the Attack Action, you may turn one of your attacks into a special attack. This attack requires a single attack roll and targets every enemy within 20ft of you. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after finishing a long rest.

Optional Class Features[edit]

Below, are presented some variant class features, that replace the core fighter features with more suitable features, that match the theme and lore of this class.

Elven Technique

This 2nd-level feature replaces the Action Surge feature. You gain no benefit from the replaced feature and don't qualify for anything in the game that requires it.

You are a master in the combat arts of the elven people, and your skill with the blade is unmatched. You gain the Phantom Rend benefit below, and an additional benefit at 17th level.

Phantom Rend (2nd level)

You can simulate a sword strike, with such accuracy that the people you strike can feel a nonexistent blade cutting through them and feel it fresh in their mind. When you land a hit on a creature with a melee weapon attack you may make an additional attack on that enemy, dealing 3d8 slashing psychic damage. (The die increases to 4d8 at 11th level and to 6d8 at 18th level)

Sharp Eyes (17th level)

Your vision has reached perfection, even for the elven standards. You gain a truesight of 100ft, plus you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) rolls.

Elven Champion

This 9th-level feature replaces the Indomitable feature. You gain no benefit from the replaced feature and don't qualify for anything in the game that requires it.

You are a legendary elven warrior, with unparalleled agility and relentless endurance. You gain the Rend benefit below, and you gain an additional benefit when you reach 13th level and 17th level in this class.

Blade Defense (9th level)

When you are engaged in two-weapon fighting, or wielding a melee weapon and not wielding a shield, you add a bonus of +2 to your AC.

Legendary Agility (13th level)

Your Dexterity score increase in 2, up to a maximum of 22.

Last Glow (17th level)

Your fighting spirit can delay the grasp of death. If you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to delay falling unconscious, and you can immediately take an extra turn. While you have 0 hit points during that extra turn, taking damage causes death saving throw failures as normal, and three death saving throw failures can still kill you. When the extra turn ends, you fall unconscious if you still have 0 hit points.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Valar Blessing

Replaces 20th-level Extra Attack

At 20th level, your creature type change to Celestial. You are immune to the charmed, frightened, poisoned conditions and to exhaustion.

In addition, your Dexterity score increase in 2, up to a maximum of 24, while your Wisdom score increases in 2, up to a maximum of 22.

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