User talk:ZarHakkar/One with the Tribe (5e Feat)
I feel like the benefits of this feat are a bit too vague and open-ended. First, it could use rules for how you command your companion, because as it is it's not really defined. Here are some examples of how you can word it and what, in my opinion, complete rules for using a companion in creature look like.
Example 1 (this is how conjure elemental does it)
"It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don't issue any commands to the elemental, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions."
Example 2 (this is how the feat Animal Companion, from this wiki, does it)
"On each of your turns, you can use your bonus action to command the beast provided it can see or hear you. You decide what action the beast will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard or attack a target. If you issue no commands, the beast only defends itself against hostile creatures."
Another thing you need to specify is what happens to your companion when it dies. Can you spend another 1d4 hours searching the wilds again to get a new companion? We don't know because the feat doesn't say you can. Tighten up the wording and this can be a great feat. Quincy (talk) 10:12, 14 October 2018 (MDT)
A feat should not give away free animal companion with higher Challenge Rating than what is available for Beast Master ranger. The rules for animal companion is virtually nonexistent. Technically a Beast Master ranger can take only one level in either barbarian or fighter to take this feat, having two animal companions at the same time.
I also do not think the Strength prerequisite does not balance out the issues with this feat. Just because it's hard to obtain does not it justifies the feat's wonky terminology and questionable balance. --WeirdoWhoever (talk) 00:31, 25 October 2018 (MDT)
So far the following issues have brought up for this page:
- The rules concerning your animal companion is missing in the page. Beast Master ranger (both Player's Handbook and Unearthed Arcana versions) go on a detailed length how your animal companion should work. PHB Beast Master controls their companion at their own turn, like an extension of themselves; UA Beaster Master grants a separate inititative and action for their companion, yet the ranger has coordination on what the companion should do. Neither of them are present in this feat.
- The initial balance of the companion is overpowerful, and goes downhill rather quickly. You gain a CR 2 beast with this feature, as fast as 4th level (the first ASI you will gain) or even as fast as 1st level (with variant human; read as written, nothing stops a human with Uthegardt Tribe Member background from being "a race with a tribal aspect"). According to Xanathar's Guide to Everything, a CR 2 monster is roughly equivalent to a 5th-level adventurer. This makes a very powerful head-up at lower levels. The following problem is that your animal companion will not grow as your character does, meaning that at higher levels, it will fall behind everyone else in the party. This makes your feat obsolete, which is not a good sign.
- The prerequisite for the feat is unorthodox and does not act as a counterbalance for the issues presented above. A feat normally has an ability score prerequisite of 13, because is what is considered to be a general threshold for both multiclassing and taking a feat (see 5e Feat Design Guide for details). I have already pointed out how blurry the word "race with a tribal aspect" could be because, unless you are a very rare and solitary race, one distinctive trait of a humanoid creature is its tendency to form a community.
This is the last time I ever care for this page's revision. Please share your points of view, retort any points us D&D Wikians have missed, and make a good debate over this. It would be --WeirdoWhoever (talk) 03:15, 9 November 2018 (MST)