User talk:Quincy/Assassin (5e Feat)

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Talk Points[edit]

So, unseen attackers already get advantage on attack rolls. This feat would force them to risk their stealth to "focus" for an attack on their next turn. I'd make the change to being a bonus action, and adding 1d6 damage to the attack (so sneak attack like a rogue) instead of advantage and a +2. I don't think there's another feature that gives advantage on damage (reroll 1s maybe). Also, the +2 on top of advantage or an extra die is unconventional. Bullet 3 is too much. I'd say mimic the sniper feat where you just get to roll another stealth skill, no advantage or disadvantage. Hopefully this helps with balancing, or maybe you share your thoughts about my ideas. BigShotFancyMan (talk) 08:59, 17 September 2017 (MDT)