User talk:Quincy/Anansi-Salticidae Arachnomorpha-Greater (5e Race)

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Transcription of the Original Maintenance Templates[edit]


The ability score increase is the incredibly vague "1d4 points to add to various stats." Does that mean I add 1d4 to whatever I want? Considering it says "stats" and not "abilities", does that mean I can apply those points as a bonus to my HP maximum? My rages per long rest? My speed? My height? There are lots of stats on a chracater sheet! If you meant abilities, does that mean I can't use any method of chargen besides point-buy? If it's 1d4 and only happens once on chargen, does that mean that certain characters are just arbitrarily stronger than others for absolutely no justifiable reason? Wouldn't that be the definition of unbalanced? Their speed is 50 MILES PER FREAKING HOUR. I will let you figure out what's wrong with that. (I'll give you a hint, go to your DMG p.242, read "Special Travel Pace". Do some math and check what that is in feet per turn.) Primordial Resurgance is absolutely outside of the anticipated ability score increase rate of player characters, and mathematically unbalanced. Keen senses is a ball of problems. Their darkvision does not specify their range of "dim equals bright" light and "dark equals dim" light. At level 5, their dark vision somehow completely and absolutely ignores the effects of a fundamental character skill and two powerful magical effects, but not magical darkness. It then goes on to describe what should be a new trait- "Tremmor Sense" which gives the flavor text for a neat trait to have, but doesn't give any explanation for how it is actually done in-play. They can sense trace remains of poisons and diseases, which is a wonderful exploration trait, but then it specifies that these must be from their "prey" and fails to explain who their prey is, or why they can't sense such things in general. Finally, this trait allows you to arbitrarily cast all spells one level higher. Which is absolutely bonkers just how broken that really is. "Shape Change" allows characters of this race to spend a standard action, (normally just called an action in 5e) to indefinitely take the form of any spider they have captured, (but not necessarily eaten) and change their size to be as much as "a few sizes larger than the original specimen." Considering spiders are tiny creatures, that means they can choose to take the form of a spider that is anywhere from tiny to large. That is crazy, you're basically giving them the ability to become whatever size suits them best as they wish as frequently as they want. You gave them a mechanical trait that arbitrarily gives them a ROLEPLAYING REWARD for saying "I choose to spend a day of downtime sparring". There are no such thing as crafts or craft checks in 5th edition. Crafting is a downtime activity, and there is no check involved. Divine/Arcana either gives them 1 free cantrip and spell, which operate under the same principals as their chosen spellcasting class, (but fails to explain how they work if you are a non-caster) OR it gives them an unspecified number of extra spell slots of an unspecified spell level based on something unspecific and incomprehensible about spell levels.


Alchemy does not exist in the core rules of 5th edition. If you are going to reference a piece of unofficial content, you need to specify what that content is and where to find it. There are several entries on Alchemy on the Dungeon Master's Guild. There is an incomplete Rule Variant on the subject here on the 5e section of the wiki. What, specifically, are you talking about?


"This acts and depends on from what" WTF is THAT supposed to mean??


This race contains a second copy of the racial traits template with the same header but different (and even MORE broken) details, but no explanation of what that is supposed to mean. What is the second version of the race for? Just in case you aren't killing everything fast enough? The most Based and Redpilled admin of D&D Wiki (talk) 16:35, 19 February 2019 (MST)